Richie died some time in the middle of the night after I left. The doctor said something about internal bleeding. From the description of the scene, Richie had struggled for breath until he passed out. I felt as if he knew his time was up, just as our momma had, and in a true Richie fashion tried to protect the memories I would have left of him.

The night of his passing was also the night Forrest and I had conceived our son. A life taken, for life to be given. I was overwhelmed that Forrest suggested we name him after my brother. He said something about Richie probably getting a kick out of hearing Bondurant at the end of his given name.

It took my family a while to adjust to the loss of a very prominent figure in our lives. His precense, his voice... His death drove people into the comfort of others.

Eli and Maggie were married a few weeks after. None of us knew the severity of how they felt about one another, until they spoke aloud their vows. Eli wasn't much of a talker, so when he said that Maggie was his forever we just knew how very true that was. They've talked about kids but that's a gift I think god is holding back a little while longer from them.

Howard and Angie... Well, there was no doubt that they had feelings for one another. They walked a very fine line between love and hate. At one moment they could be cordial, but then one word gets taken the wrong way and its a war of words. I guess that's kind of their thing. Howard knows how to get under Angie's skin- so I think he does it for fun... And the benefits of the making up, of course.

Bertha Minnix, the pastor's daughter. She had left her daddy's farm and went straight into the arms of Jack Bondurant. She moved into Blackwater station a few days after Richie was laid to rest. Jack announcing that he would be marrying her very soon.

Aunt Gillian had a slow recovery, but she never distance herself from us the way I had after my assault. She fell right back into the swing of things, almost as if nothing happened. If it bothered her she never showed it. I guess she found a way to keep her mind off of what happened to her by trying to keep her family together and happy. She also hasseled Angie, about giving her grandbabies- so she could know the love that my popped had for his grandkids.

My pop never spoke about his feelings. I never saw him grieve for Richie. I know that it must've killed him inside to know one more member of his family was taken abruptly. Arrilyn and little Richie made sure to take up most of his time. He never complained. I think he preferred it that way. They kept him happy. They made him smile and laugh at the faces and cute little noises they made. He loves them unconditionally and they love him just as much.

There are many events in my life that I wish I could change, but I'd never not want to ever have met Forrest. From the moment I saw him at the station I couldn't get him out of my head. I had found strength in myself because of him. I had found comfort and love because of him. He made me a mother to two children- and because of them I know now what its like to love the way that my momma loved her children.

I learned the hard way that life- as precious as it was- was never a garentee. You could be as young as my little brother Charlie or as old as your grandparents, death does not discriminate. I don't know how long I have left of my life, but I do know that I want to spend the rest of my days loving Forrest and watching my family grow.