Buford's POV
Buford came back form a long day of work, exhausted and famished. He grabbed a bag of potato chips and a beer, and plopped down on the couch. Might as well check my email. He thought, and proceeded to walk over to the computer.
Five new messages
He opened each one, read them, and discarded them in the trash…Except for the last one. The last one intrigued him. It contained an audio clip. Buford chewed a mouthful of chips thoughtfully, and took a swig of beer. He clicked play.
" Hello, Buford."
Buford almost choked. It…it was HIM. Just as he was when he was alive. Buford's mind screamed for him to stop the clip, but his fingers would not comply.
"It's me, Ferb...but of course, you probably know that by now. By the time you have listened to this, I will be long gone. Why have I gone through all this trouble just to send you this? Well, why don't you sit back and relax. It's going to be a long story."
"I am here to tell you what impact you've had on my life, and how you've contributed to my untimely death."
Buford swallowed. He knew what was coming.
" Let's start at the beginning. You were my friend-a very good one in fact. I never thought my FRIEND would cause the harm like you did. Now, I'll spell this out for you. You…killed…Perry."
He remembered it all…he was going to tell Phineas and Ferb! Honestly! But he…he couldn't. He was a coward. Buford IS a coward.
" You were backing out of the driveway. You weren't looking in the rearview mirror. I was across the street, taking a walk. My first thought was "what is Perry doing so far from home?" and then the full weight of the situation crashed down on me. I tried to stop you, to shout out, but I couldn't. I was frozen in place. I heard a dull thump, and then a whimper. You got out of your van to check what had happened, and then that was when you saw Perry, lying there, his body broken. You picked him up, I remember well, and frantically rushed him inside your house. You tried, Buford, and I thank you for that, but it wasn't enough. Nothing would be enough."
Buford shivered as he remembered all of this, as vividly as if he was watching a movie in his head.
" I thought you would come and tell us. I thought you would come with Perry's body in a box, and apologize…I thought wrong. I believed you were better than that, Buford, than to crush us like you did."
" You told us. You told us that you found Perry lying on the road, dying. You said that you tried as best as you could, but it was too late. Then you showed us Perry's body. Phineas and I wept for our lost family member, but inside, inside I felt a hatred so strong that even time could not curb it."
" The van-it was a Honda, wasn't it-do you still have it? Do you still drive it every morning to work? Do you see Perry's blood on the front? Remember this, Buford."
A click, and the audio clip ended. Buford held his head in his hands, the events all coming back to haunt him.
Liked it? Stay tuned for Baljeet's, Isabella's, Phineas', and Vanessa's POVs! They will be posted ASAP!