And because I did it for TW i HAD to do a story following the VD FB game... why cuz i'm a little nuts and really shouldn't be starting more stories... i know.. wtf? but i started a few days ago and am already 40,000 words in... I'm a glutton for punishment... so, this is the prologue, a little teaser so to speak, so enjoy!
disclaimer: I don't own anything but the OC...
summary: So the missing founding family has returned to Mystic Falls. Or at least everyone is so sure of it but Kenzie has her doubts, it's just a little too coincidental to her, even if she does have a family ring that has caught the attention of quite a few people in town. It's time to discover where her family is really from, if she could possibly have ancestors of the vampire persuasion and what this all means for her. Truthfully, she'd rather just move back to California because everyone is too nice, far too nice and Kenzie doesn't do nice so even though she can't stand Damon Salvatore, he seems to be the only one who gets her and he finds her and the fact that she doesn't fear death, intriguing. So it's up to him to learn her story, right?
Starts the end of Season 1and the beginning of the facebook game for anyone playing that, hence the OC.
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It was foggy, so foggy she could barely see more than a few feet around her but what bugged her the most was she couldn't remember how she had gotten there in the first place. Last she remembered, she had gone to sleep in her own bed but now she was in some forest, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
"Excuse me?"
She gasped and spun around to see another girl there about her age, tall, slim, long dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black and blue tank top dress and didn't seem at all weirded out about them being in the middle of a fog filled forest.
"Sorry to bother you but I think I lost my ring around here, can you help me find it please?" The girl continued.
She opened her mouth to demand to know what was going on but instead found herself agreeing to help instead. Silently the two girls worked side by side until her hand finally grasped a small circular metal object and she held it up for the other girl to see.
"Thank you so much." The girl cried. "My name is Elena Gilbert, are you new here?"
She nodded. "Yes, I just moved here with my father. But what are we-" she stopped hearing a noise behind her and she glanced back, seeing nothing there. She turned back to Elena, only to find the other girl gone and she frowned, turning in circles as she tried to figure out a way out of there. Elena had left her alone and had forgotten her ring.
"Why did you come here alone? Don't you know this can be a very scary place?"
She jumped and spun around once more her eyes wide as she stared at the new mysterious stranger who had crept up on her. He was impeccably dressed, his black hair framing his face and light blue eyes perfectly. She frowned, wondering when he had appeared.
"I had no choice, my dad wanted to move here."
"People always have a choice."
She raised an eyebrow. "Not if you're a minor and have to go where your father moves to. What's your name?"
He smirked at here. "How rude of me. Name's Damon Salvatore, pleasure's all yours I'm sure. I'll be on my way but may I suggest sticking to better lit parts of town?"
"Like I want to be here?" She snapped.
His smirk grew. "You know, you are making it very hard to be nice to you."
"I never asked you to." She turned away with a scowl, letting out a small eep of surprise to see him standing in front of her. "How did you…?"
"You should learn to be nicer."
His eyes and voice chilled her to the bone and she backed away before turning and running to get away from this mysterious man. Her foot hit a root and she stumbled, throwing her hands out to catch her fall. She closed her eyes, letting out a loud oof as she hit the ground.
When she opened her eyes, she was on the floor of her bedroom and she took a few deep breaths to calm herself before she pushed herself into a sitting position. She frowned, noticing something in her hand and unclenched her fist finding a silver ring in her hand with a blue stone in the middle. It was her ring, the one her dad had given her two years ago for her 16th birthday, claiming it was a family heirloom. She very rarely wore it, in fact she was positive she had lost it over a year ago and now here it was in the palm of her hand and how it gotten there, she had no clue.
First night in her new house and she was already having weird dreams and weird things happen to her.
She hated this place.
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