Author's Note: This is pretty much just a glorified filler chapter. I was hoping that updates were going to be back to normal, but that plan had quickly backfired. Maybe one day it will finally have a regular schedule. But for now, please enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 19: Reality vs. Illusion

Daniel POV

My head lolled to the side, dirt caking on my cheek.

This had to be a dream. None of this was real. Keith's under the powerful influence of Kristine, and he's only here to turn me in and kill my friends. This dream - no nightmare - was only trying to trick my mind and give me the false sense of security.

Yeah. That was it.

All of this is a lie.

Keith isn't here to rescue me.

I wanted to believe my dark, convincing jumble of thoughts, but a voice within told me otherwise.

This is the real Keith; uncontrolled by some evil force and intact.


I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. My mouth felt as dry as the Arusian desert, and a huge lump was forming in the base of my throat. Even if I could talk I doubt I'd be able to form any coherent words.

A small hand patted the side of my face gently yet firmly. The soft flesh against my skin was strangely soothing despite the constant tapping of the hand.

My eyes closed as I gave in to the comfort of the dirt. Aches and pain could be felt all over, but exhaustion replaced the discomfort. Blood trailed down various parts and mixed in with the soil beneath. Sleep called my name, and I wanted to invite it in. I felt my muscles start to relax, and I took a calming breath.

Just one minute.

A sharp pain erupted all across my face, and I jolted with a start. My eyes flew open, then squinted at the sudden impact of light. Lily hovered over me shaking her hand as if she had hit something hard. And there beside her was Keith; a possible figment of my now corrupted imagination.

I groaned. The throbbing of my head sent a barrage of tiny needles to my skull.

"Kid? Are you okay?" Keith's voice was strained and full of concern. The man's eyes glistened with strength, but there was a hint of vulnerability hidden in the corners. His face remained in its stoic state, but miniature details gave away a show of distress. The way his eyes were slightly wider than normal, the eyebrow raise, and stress lines on his forehead revealed the Black lion pilot's true emotions.

Perhaps this really was the real Keith.

"I ... I'm fine", I croaked. I was surprised at how hoarse and weak my voice sounded. I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Maybe not one hundred percent but I'll live."

"Thant's a relief." Keith sighed. "For a moment I thought you were in a state of shock."

"I kind of was", I admitted as I tried to stand. I didn't even make it half way up, for my legs gave away from under me. My legs felt like jelly, and my feet couldn't support any weight.

I was grateful when Keith's strong arms caught me and prevented my near face- plant to the ground. The fall just would have been an extra thing to add to my injury list.

"Thanks", I gasped out, as he supported my weight on him. We were both standing, but it was Keith who held the full load. It was proof that he was here to help and not attack. "But how did you break from Kristine's influence? It couldn't have been easy to fight the mind control and the rest of the Voltron Force. Surely you had some complications."

"I did." Keith got a stronger hold on me. "But now's not the time to explain how I freed myself. We have to find Larmina and Vince and save the others."

"Well. I solved one of those problems", Lily said.

We both turned and saw her pointing at two silhouettes emerging from the trees in the distance. As soon as the sunlight hit at the right angle, we could all confirm that it was indeed the two cadets.

"We're over here",Lily called waving them over!

. . . . . .

About five minutes later we were all reunited and safe. Well, not technically safe but all of us are alive. None of us went unscathed, though, for everyone had some form of scar, bruise, burn, cut, and scrape. This epidemic has pretty much pushed everybody to their limits.

"And that's how we escaped Pidge", concluded Vince.

He had given us a brief summary of how he and Larmina were thrown to the other side of the wasteland by the explosion. The Green Lion pilot had been hot on their tails and had immediately attacked them. The only way they had survived was when Vince had created a distraction, and Larmina had knocked Pidge out with her staff. Fortunately, the two hadn't ran into any Demanousons.

"You were lucky", Keith commented. His free hand clenched into a fist. "These creatures are nothing like we've ever faced before. And this woman, Kristine I think her name is, must be very powerful. Whoever she is."

"You don't remember?" Larmina leaned forward.

Keith shook his head. "No. I don't."

Silence fell between us.

Kristine must have done a number on his mind, I thought. Why couldn't Keith, my mentor, recollect who had put a brainwashing spell on him? Is this some type of side effect? Was Keith truly unbound by Her control?

All of these questions provided nothing but pain for my headache.

"I could bring that memory back if you want me to", Lily spoke.

My head snapped in her direction. "You can do that?"

She shrugged. "I honestly don't know, but I have this feeling. A feeling that I can."

I took a moment to process this. Yes, my little sister had the ability to read the minds of others, but this is another level. To revive the lost memories of others.

"Do you want her to do that", I asked Keith?

"No." He shifted our weight. "It's not that important, for I will find out soon enough. There's no need to unearth something that will just be dug out for you."

I nodded.

"So what do we do in the mean time", said Larmina? "Wait here on this bulls eye until we're attacked again?"

"Yes." It was Keith who said this. His tone held authority. "We do."

"Umm... No offence or anything chief", began Vince, "but that's insane. We don't stand a chance out here in the open."

"As if you did sheltered by the forest", Keith shot him down. "No. There's no more running. We fight these monsters head on. Even the Force. If all we do is run, then we are destined to meet our demise. We have to stand together and fight, and there's a good chance that we can save our friends. If I can over come the mind control, then so can they."

Keith's words sunk deep into our souls. I could feel a renewed purpose filling in my chest. His speech had not only motivated each of us, but had replenished our confidence.

"Keith is right", I replied. "There isn't anything else we can do, other than face our fears."

"But what about you?" Larmina gestured to my well being. "How will you protect yourself?"

"We'll protect him", Lily said with a smile.

"We got his back no matter what", added Vince.

"And we're right beside you." Keith gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Larmina rolled her eyes, as she crossed her arms. "You people are crazy." She shook her head.

"And that's why you love us." I winked.

The princess scowled. "You are so lucky that I do."

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