BOO-YEAH! I'm pretty damn proud of how fast I'm updating! I finished exams and have tomorrow and Thursday off! I did my french exam today and I never need to take that dreaded coarse EVER AGAIN! MWAHAHA!*hem hem, sorry...awkward moment...* Its not that I don't like french, actually I love speaking it! It's the coarse and the work we did that I don't like so, yeah. I'm not venturing into a career that involves languages in this life time.

Disclaimer: I in no way own FMA or it characters.

*I just realized how sad I am while I type the disclaimer*

Chapter 6

Riza Hawkeye.

Mustang and I both surge forward as we see Ed's body collapse. Neither of us catch him, both missing him by mere millimetres! The frustration that comes with that fact is sickening.

Edward's head hits the ground with a sickening crack. Roy shoots me a desperate glance an in seconds we're both at his side, checking his vitals. The boy has a pulse and is breathing. Barely.

"Idiot," Mustang hisses. "What the hell did you think you were doing, Fullmetal!"

The unconscious boy doesn't reply or make any sign that he heard his superiors outburst.

"He got us a way out Sir," I say quietly.

I meet my superiors eyes across Edward's body and I see the worry that lays deep in their depths. The dark, midnight blue swirling with anger, annoyance and fear. Yes fear. Fear for the fifteen year old's life.

"Pick him up," I command him.

"Yes ma'a-wait! What?"

I look at the Colonel like he's grown a third head. "Ed's given us a way out, we're taking it." And with that, I turn on my heel, pull open the door Edward created and march through. I don't look back to see it the Colonel is following and carrying Ed. He is. If he wants me to stay on his team, he'll be carrying that boy and following about a foot and a half behind me.

Ed knew what he was doing when he created our exit. Beyond the door there is little rubble in our path and the exit isn't far away. Maybe that boy really is a prodigy...

I approach the exit quickly and finally turn around to see Roy Mustang gently cradling Edward in his arms as if he were a porcelain doll. Mustang catches me watching, "Not a word," he hisses.

I roll my eyes, a silent promise not to ruin his manhood by commenting. When Roy reaches me I turn to the door and pull it I regret my actions.

Early morning sunlight blinds both of us. "First Lieutenant?" A voice gasps.

"Colonel," another inquires.

"Yeah I think it's them..."

"Who's the Colonel carrying?"

"I don't know..."

"Oh my gawd...Is that the Fullmetal Alchemist?!"

"BROTHER," a voice calls above the whispers and gasps of the other officers. "Colonel! Lieutenant! Brother!"

The seven foot armor appears in front of and gazes down at the limp boy in Mustang's arms. "Oh brother..." Alphonse whispers.

"Alphonse, we need to get your brother to the hospital. Are ambulances still hanging around," I ask, taking charge of the situation.

"Yes ma'am," the boy politely replies.

I nod, "Good, tell them to prep, Edward needs medical attention as fast as possible."

Al bows and runs off to the ambulances, the loud clank of his hallow armor echoing behind him. "Come'on Sir, let's get Ed over there as quickly as you can move."

"Is that a jab at my physical abilities, Lieutenant," Roy teases.

"Never, Sir. It's Edward's job to insult you, not mine."

Roy recoils slightly at my remark. "Wh-what are you insinuating! That I'm not capable of running while carrying somebody?! Because I assure you that I am!"

We're out of hearing distances of the majority of soldiers now. "Calm your temper, Sir. I think Edward's beginning to rub off on you..."

"Wh-what are you getting at Hawkeye!"

"Nothing Sir, just that you are more like Fullmetal than you'd like to admit," I state calmly.

He moves to put Ed on the gurney and I hear him murmur, "Like hell I am..."

"Sir, are you his legal guardian," a paramedic asks Mustang.

"Yes I am," he replies as I come to his side and stand beside him.

"We'd like you to come in the back with him."

Roy nods and begins to climb in. "Meet me there with Alphonse, alright?"

I salute in reply and he smirks at me as the paramedic slams the door close.

Roy Mustang

They immediately move Edward into OR and I am taken to a desk where I'm giving a lovely stack of paper work... yay...

I settle myself in a chair and start signing and filling out the forms. I barely acknowledge Riza and Alphonse when the sit in the chairs beside me, just grunting a hello.

A doctor appears about two hours later look tired and in grave need of a nap.

"Edward Elric?"

Alphonse, Riza and I stand up and go to the doctor. "He'll be okay, his systems beginning to fight off the infection as we speak. He'll need a week of rest and will be needed to be monitored for a week or two after." He pulls out a sheet of paper and hands it to us. "I had my assistant write this out quickly, it's a list of his injuries and medications that he's on."

I quickly scan the list of the doctors handed me and roll my eyes, leave it to Edward to need some pretty strong meds. "You're lucky you brought him in when you did, much longer and things would've been a lot harrier and uncertain."

"Thank you," we say in unison.

The doctor smiles at us, "No problem, it's my job to help people. You can go in and see him, his rooms 023."

We mumble thanks and hurry off towards the room the doctor directed us to.

We open the door quietly and file into the room. Al sits down beside his brother's bed and holds his flesh hand. Ed mumbles incoherently in his sleep as we all watch his sleeping form.

I doze off for a while in my chair, which is much comfier than the ones in the waiting room. I awake to being hit in the head with a pillow.

"Huh? Wha?" I ask sleepily.

"YOU MORON! I TOLD YOU WE NEEDED TO GET OUT OF THERE!" says a fuming, blonde teenager.

"Ed...? When'd ya wake up?"

"About ten minutes ago, bastard," he spits. "By the way, you're welcome!"

It takes me an embarrassingly long time to process what he's said with my sleep addled mind. "You're welcome? For what!? Passing out on us!?"

"Ungrateful idiot bastard..."

I stand up, straightening my clothing. "Glad to see you're feeling better Edward, I expect you in my office the day after you're released from here. I'm going home to get some much needed rest, tell Hawkeye for me when she wakes up."

I stride purposely out of the room and leave the two Elric brothers staring after me.


Authors Note:

AND THATS A RAP! I tried to end it fairly uncheesily and I think I did fairly well...maybe... Anyway, I said I'd reply to some reviews to I'll do that and put a bit more of a message at the bottom! I'm answering some reviews from a long time ago soo...

Cartoon Cow: Yeah I purposely made it so that the only fully coherent words where insults towards Mustang. It seemed appropriate that Edward retained his insulting ability. If I was in the same situation I'd like to retain my sarcasm (I'm a very sarcastic person...) And thanks, I'm glad you think it's well written, I don't think I've ever been told my writing is good until this year when my English teacher said I had a very well developed writing ability. It makes me happy to know that more than one person think so.

Dashita Tichou: awe thank you... I feel evilness and cruelness go hand in hand in this situation so I'm taking it as a compliment. Please don't pull out all your hair, I really don't want to be the blame if you end up bald...

Victorious-Mind: thanks, you've kinda been a motivator for my writing. I've read all your FMA fanfics and after reading them I was like "I have motivation to write!" and whenever I've been stuck and updated you're story I've been like, "Okay! I gotta write now before my inspiration escapes me!"

Trubeque: yeah so have I... Roy's awkwardly trying to raise Edward... I don't see Roy being a very graceful father...

gaap237: yeah I'm not really sure if Ed's trying to mess with Mustang or not... I just wrote what came to mind and that's what happened. I'll make a mental note to carefully consider what my brain tells me to write before writing it next time. AND YEAH! I've watched both animes and read some of the manga and realized that everybody doesn't really consider the pain that automail brings Ed besides Alphonse and Winry! So I decided to integrate some of it into this.

Okie dokie, reviews done! So I was fiddling around on fanfiction before writing this and realized how many views this had gotten! WOW! You people are ridiculous! (I love you for it though, you will never understand how happy I was!) And then with more fiddling I realized that this story had been added to a community and that just filled me with pride! I never expected this story to really go anywhere. Writing's just a pass time I've had since I was little (honestly, I have story's in my desk that I wrote when I was three...although one of them involves Santa and a parrot having a drinking contest...probably didn't mean for it to sound like an alcoholic drinking contest but that's the way I read it now...)

Anyway, that fact that people from around the world have actually read my writing makes my so happy! I never expecting my stories to make it out of my family and yet they have!

Thanks for the support and we'll see what other fanfics my warped mind come up with in the future!
