Chapter 9
Austin's favorite part of being an artist would most likely be the concerts. He fed off the energy from his fans. He never felt more alive then when he was on stage performing.
" Alright, alright. You guys are in for a special treat tonight. My latest song writer just finished a song, and I have got to give credit where credit is due. Allyson Dawson is fantastic at what she does. This song was inspired by her father who recently passed. He was a good friend of my mother's and he helped teach me how to play all these instruments. Lester Alan Dawson, you'll be forever missed and never forgotten. This song is called Hero," Austin finished, grabbing the neck of his favorite guitar from one of the stage hands. He knew Ally was probably freaking out right now. He knew she was most likely hyperventilating at the moment. However he needed to do this, he needed to help her in the only way he could. They had come so far in the two months they had been working together.
Austin could even say they were best friends. However one night about a week ago he remembered something Lester had said to him the week he was fighting with his only daughter.
" Austin, have you ever been in love?" They were up in Ally's practice room while the short Latina ran the store front. Austin glanced up from the guitar he was currently tuning, pulling a face as he met the older man's honest eyes.
" No, I don't think I have been. Why do you ask?" Lester was quirky, something Austin had come to appreciate over the years. He was honest with him, he challenged him when no one else would.
" Dallas, my daughter's boy friend. Ally has always been a smart girl. I've never questioned her judgment because I've always trusted her. However I don't like this boy. He is deceiving. He isn't going anywhere in life. Ally he does is criticize Ally's job. She's a song writer, and she is damn good at what she does," Lester was ranting. Austin sat across from him on the piano bench, knowing better than to interrupt.
" The boy actually asked why I hated him. Do you know what I told him?" they were reaching the point of Lester's question. He shook his head, deciding to shrug his shoulders for good measure.
" He wasn't Austin Moon. Dallas Jones doesn't care for my daughter. You've never even met her and I know you care more about her than he does because she is my daughter. I have a favor I need to ask you," Lester spoke, watching the boy across from him. Austin set the guitar down, giving the man his full attention.
" Anything, you know that. As long as it's in my power to give this to you, you know I will Lest," Austin informed the man who had been like a second father to him over the years.
" If anything happens to me Austin, take care of my little Princess. She deserves the world, and I want to make sure she gets it," Lester informed him.
He played the opening chords, his eyes closing for a brief moment before the lyrics left his lips. He knew Ally was in the crowd, he knew she was watching him as he sang her song, the song she had written for her father. He was dancing across the stage, feeling the energy his fans were offering. He was addicted to the adrenaline rush performing offered him. He finished the song, offering a bow to the crowd before disappearing back stage. He would see Ally later tonight when he arrived at her apartment to celebrate with Dez and Trish. Jimmy was waiting for him, a wide grin on his face.
" I think…" Jimmy trailed off for a moment, watching the inquisitive look on Austin's features.
" We should sing Miss Dawson as your permanent song writer. Everyone else clashed with you, she's perfect," Jimmy stated, watching Austin nod in agreement.
" I think you're a genius, Jimmy," Austin commented, listening as the owner of his record label chuckled.
He showered and changed into something comfortable before heading over to Ally's apartment where he would offer her the good news, in a way only he could do. Trish answered the door before he could even knock a wide grin on her lips.
" That song was amazing. I know Ally was the one that wrote it, but you put so much emotion behind the words. She was in tears, Austin, in tears. She was so touched," Trish rambled, oblivious to the smirk on Austin's lips as he followed the short Latina into the apartment.
" So she liked the performance?" he questioned, smug. Trish laughed, rolling her toffee colored eyes skyward before answering him.
" She loved it. You have no idea how much it meant to her for you to end with that song. She was babbling about you the entire way home," Trish informed him, watching the smug smirk on his lips. Ally was in the kitchenette with Dez, fixing their snacks as the music director recorded her, asking questions that she had promised to answer truthfully.
" Where do you find your inspiration for your songs?" Austin and Trish stopped in the entry way, watching the petite song writer as she brushed her long curls over her shoulder.
" I used to find the inspiration in this goose a the mall pond. I named him Pickles. He was always so carefree and I wanted to be like that. Than as I got older my songs held more meaning and my father would be my inspiration. Now I guess it's a mixture. I mean Austin is so carefree, he minds me of Pickles, but at the same time he has a lot more layers than most people would realize so he's like my hero now," she wouldn't look into the camera, no matter how much Dez begged her.
" How would you describe your and Austin's relationship?" the lanky red head was eager for more answers, answers his friend would never give him. She shrugged her shoulders as she poured another glass of iced tea.
" Best friends? I've come to rely on him a lot, and we've only known each other for a couple of months. He was the first person besides his mother to understand what exactly I was going through. He was the first person to treat me like any body else, to offer me normalcy when it felt as if my world was crashing around my shoulders. He's become the rock I rely on when no one else knows what to say. Trish, she's my best friend, has been since kindergarten. However she can be rash, loud, impatient, and no offense, Trish, but a wild card. Those are great when I need a laugh. However when I don't have it in me to laugh? I need someone who is understanding, laid back, who understands that silence is the loudest thing I need. Austin gets that for the most part," Austin's eyes had widen, obviously she wasn't aware that he and Trish were both standing in the entry way as Dez did this improtu interview on her.
" Thanks Ally. This is great footage. I hope you don't mind if I put it on Austin's web page," Dez spoke in a rush, watching her eyes widen before she released a sigh.
" Sure Dez, just… I don't know," she shook her head as she grabbed her tray of snack as turned to find Trish and Austin with their jaws dropped open. Austin was the first to snap out of his daze as he strode forward. He took the tray from Ally's hands before passing it off to Trish.
" Why don't you take that to the living room. I need to talk to Ally about something," Austin's voice left no room for argument, so Trish took the tray, knowing Dez would follow the food. He released a breath as he turned to face the petite brunette standing in front of him.
" I'm exactly sure how to start, but I have a few things I need to tell you," he began, running his fingers through his shaggy platinum blonde hair. Ally leaned back against her granite counter top, waiting for him to get his thoughts in order.
" Ally, you're probably the best song writer any artist could ever ask for. Not only do you put up with my moods, and I know I have a lot, but you took your time to actually get to know me. I thought it would be easy to keep my distance from you. I mean Lester talked about you all the time. You would always be his little Princess. He wanted you to have the world and he knew no one was good enough for you. You were the apple of his eye. I already knew so much about you, I figured it wouldn't be an issue to stay away from you. I was wrong. You took your time and made sure the songs were just right. No other song writer ever did that. Hell, even Jimmy saw it. So I have a proposal to make. Allyson Marie Dawson, in these two months that I have come to know you, that we have worked together, Jimmy Starr would like to make you an offer. He wants to sign you to my contract, he wants to make you a permanent song writer, only writing for me," Austin paused, watching as her eyes widened fractionally from shock. He rushed to continue, wanting to make sure she agreed.
" Ally, you're more than just a song writer, you've become my best friend. However we're more than that. We've been partners since you walked into the studio. We've helped each other with so much, and you've come so far. Please, just consider…" he was cut off as a pair of soft lips pressed against his own.
" For a popstar who can't write his own songs, you sure do talk a lot," she whispered against his lips. Austin couldn't stop the chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his lips firmly to hers. Austin was on cloud nine as he lifted her up allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist.
" Thank you for being my rock, Austin Monica Moon," she whispered against his lips as he spun her around. " Thank you for being my hero Allyson Marie Dawson," was his reply before he placed her on her own feet. They needed to join their friends before they started looking for them. Austin had finally found someone who understood him, someone who didn't mind his moods and who understood them. He found someone solid, a hero. Ally found her rock, her Prince, her hero in the form of a boy her father praised yet she never knew.
A/N: I'm afraid that's the end of Hero. However I will be working on another project soon. It will be Austin and Ally, and it will be different from the plots I've been using. I'm sorry for it ending so soon, however I thought it was good. The rest can be left open for interpretation. I will be back soon, enjoy.