Guest: great Job Hope the last chapter will be eexciting

I hope you enjoy! -SMF

Chapter Twenty-Seven:
The Flu (Epilogue)

...Two Years Later...

"Thanks so much for watching her this weekend, mom." Serena said sadly from her spot on her large bed.

"That's alright sweetie. You need to get your strength back. I know Darien had work all weekend. The last thing you need when you're sick is to take care of a rambunctious eight year old."

"I just wish this darn stomach bug would go away already. I'm sick of throwing up everything I eat."

Ilene sat next to her daughter on the bed. "I know. But soon you'll be back to fighting strength and back on your feet."

"I know. Just ready to get out of this house. At least I'm starting to feel slightly better. I think this will pass in another day or two."

"Good, Selena misses playing with her mom." A voice said from the door.

"Since Darien's home, I'll be on my way then. If you need anything, do not hesitate to call."

"For sure mom. Thanks for your help."

"Don't thank me. Just get better. Bye Darien."

"Bye Ilene." He said as she walked out of the bedroom. Darien walked over and took the seat Ilene vacated and stretched out as Serena cuddled into his side.

"You're home early."

"I knew your mom had to drop Sele off early, so I was able to cut my day short. I also wanted to see how you're holding up."

"I'm so tired of being sick." She sighed. "I haven't gotten to see Sele in a week."

"Nonsense. You see her every day."

"But I mean really see her. Tuck her in. Give her kisses. Give her hugs. Play with her."

"I know. But the last thing we want is her to get sick. And you said you're feeling better though, so hopefully soon." He smiled.

Serena nodded into his side.

"Want me to make you some soup?"

"Oh God. Not more soup!" She cried. "I'll go find something. I have to get out of this bed."

"You can get out of bed, but I'm making you food. Even if you're feeling slightly better, doesn't mean you need to exert all your energy making food."

"You'd think I was five!"

Darien laughed. "How about grilled cheese?"

"That sounds good. I'll grab a shower."

"Serena, what is wrong with you?" Mina asked as she walked into her best friend's bathroom.

Serena sat with her back against the wall. "I have no clue! I don't feel crappy anymore, just can't stop throwing up."

"Three weeks is way too long to be just a flu Serena. Have you thought it could be something else? Maybe something seriously wrong?"

"If it were something serious, why would I get a fever, have diarrhea, and can't stop puking, then a week later, the first two symptoms go away, but to this hour, I'm still throwing up. I'd think symptoms would get worse, not better." Serena sighed as she reached under her sink for a spare towel. She then spotted a box and stopped all her movements. "Oh God." She said breathlessly.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

Serena grabbed the box and stood up.

Mina just stared at her best friend holding a box of tampons. She gasped. "You really think that's it?"

"It makes sense. I haven't had a period in almost two months."

"Two months!?"

"Well the next one I was expecting was around when I got the flu. I was more focused on that and kinda forgot about it." She shrugged. "What will Darien say?"

"What do you mean what will he say? You're in shock girl. He'll be ecstatic!"

"You're right." She said, a smile appearing on her face and her hand placed over her flat stomach. "I can't believe it."

"Do you want to go to the doctor to confirm first?"

"He wanted me to go to a doctor tonight to find out why I'm still throwing up. There's no harm in telling him even if it turns out not to be the case though, you know?"

Mina nodded. "I'm so potentially happy for you." She said with excitement.

"Me too." She smiled as she hugged her cousin tightly.

"Serena? Where are you?" Darien called as he walked into the house.

"I'm in the kitchen."

"Where's Sele?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen and pecked her lips.



"I just figured we wouldn't have to rush at the doctors tonight. That way she wouldn't get too bored or something, you know?"


"Darien, we should talk before we go."

Darien looked at her with a worried look on his face.

Serena smiled. "No need to be worried. Let's go sit on the couch."

"Are you okay?"

Serena nodded as the two sat down. She turned her body towards Darien and grabbed both his hands in her own. "I think I know what's wrong with me."


"I think I'm pregnant."

"What?" He asked in shock.

"Well since we've been married, we haven't exactly been good at using condoms…" She trailed off. She looked to his face and saw no emotion. "You mad?" She asked sadly from his lack of excitement.

Darien pulled her in a close hug, a smile appearing on his face. "I'm nowhere near mad. I'm so happy Serena."


He released her from the hug and held her at arm's length. "Of course!"

Serena's face developed a wide grin. "Me too." She said before hugging him again.

"It all makes sense then. You had the flu, that went away, but you're still just experiencing morning sickness."

Serena nodded. "It's been two months since my last period. And right before I got sick we did have unprotected sex. It just makes sense. It was just masked at first by the flu."

"Wow Sere, I just can't get over this feeling."

"What feeling?"

"Having the perfect woman in my arms, potentially going to become a father for the second time to a beautiful baby, already having an amazing, smart young daughter, all of this. I couldn't be a happier man!"

Serena smiled before leaning in and pecking his lips. "Me too. I'm so happy you came into my life. I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's go! I wanna see if we're going to have a baby or not already!" Darien said eagerly as he pulled his wife up from the couch.

"But Darien, I have one request."

"What's that love?"

"If we're pregnant, can we please look at a bigger house? I love how cozy this place is, but I can't imagine raising a baby in a two bedroom. Nor can I picture Selena willingly sharing a room with an infant."

"Tell you what, no matter what the results are, we can spend the weekend looking at houses."


Darien nodded. "Sure. I've felt the same. This place is pretty small. I was gonna suggest it in the next couple weeks anyways."

"I'm so excited!" She smiled again as she kissed Darien's lips.

"Me too. Now let's go!"

"Daddy, why are we moving? I like my room."

"Because sweetie, don't you think the house seems a little crowded with all three of us there all the time?" Darien asked.


"So we figured we'd move into a new house that is bigger."

"Oh." She said as the car pulled to a stop. Darien and Selena got out, Darien grabbing two boxes while Selena grabbed her backpack with some blankets in it. They walked in the door and were greeted with the scent of food.

"Mmmmm. Smells delish."

"You guys are back quickly." Serena said appearing from the new kitchen.

"That's because they had some amazing help." A voice said from behind Darien.

"Awe, hey Andy. Good thing I made too much as normal. Where are Mina and my handsome nephew?"


"Both of them?"

Andrew nodded. "Yah. Drew is really wearing us out. She said she might come by after they wake up." He hugged the blonde.

"Sele, will you take those to your new room and come get some more of your stuff from the car." Darien asked.

"Sure daddy." She said before running up the steps.

"How far along are you now?"

"Five months." She smiled as she rubbed her enlarged stomach.

"Know what you're having yet?"

"We want to keep it a surprise."

"Have you told Sele?"

"Not yet. We were going to soon though. I'm surprised she hasn't asked being how I'm much bigger than normal."

"Well come on, let's get these boxes in before it gets too dark."

"Make it snappy boys. Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes. I'm going to text Mina and see if she's up yet."

"Mommy, why are you getting fat?" Selena asked as she took a bite of her food.

"Selena, that isn't very nice to say to anyone, especially your mother." Darien said.

"Sorry mommy."

"It's okay sweetie. You know it's not nice to call someone 'fat' though."

"I know."

"So try asking again."

"Okay. Why is your belly getting bigger?"

"That's good. Remember how your little cousin Drew came out of Aunt Mina's belly?"

Selena nodded. "She had a baby that was growing in her belly."

"Right. Well mommy has a little baby growing in her belly."

"Really?" She asked with excitement.

Serena nodded. "You're going to be a big sister."

"Is it a baby boy or a baby girl?"

"Not sure yet. We won't know until the baby is born."

"When will that be?"

"Not for a couple months yet."

"I'm really excited. I want to play with my new brother or sister."

"Soon enough sweetie."

"Well Serena, Darien, congratulations on your new house, but we should really get going." Mina said as she hugged her best friend. "Thanks for dinner."

"Thanks for all the help."

"Why are you thanking her? She didn't do anything!"

"Hey mister! I helped unpack some boxes and whatnot!"

"While the men did the heavy lifting!"

"Sorry that I can't do any heavy lifting for the time being."

"And I was doing heavy lifting! Have you picked up our son lately!?" Mina asked as Darien laughed.

"Thank you guys though, seriously."

"No problem at all. Just give me a shout when you have more to move." Andrew offered.

"For sure. See you guys later."

"Bye." Everyone said as Mina and Andrew walked out carrying the small baby.

A/N: t-thats what do I do with my life? Hmmmm anyways. I hope you guys liked the story. It was fun to write. This is the epilogue! I would really love thoughts on the story as a whole! You guys have been awesome reviewers and I definitely appreciate it!

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