Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author notes: Please R/R. I got the inspiration and the idea to write this one from a dream that I had one night. (It's amazing how some things just cure your writer's block) I really have a thing for a real Harry/Hermione SHIP to happen in the real books. (Come on Harry! I know you love Hermione somewhere in that heart of yours!!!) I would like to hear all of your opinions!!!
Another thing for your minds to ponder…
"Hermione" was a character in Greek mythology who was loved by two men. She was the daughter of Helen of Troy and Menelaus. These men (Orestes 2 and Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles) fought terribly for the love of the beautiful Hermione (Harry and Ron?). Orestes 2 was killed by a snake. Could this mean that either Ron or Harry will die at the hands of Lord Voldemort (whose symbol is a snake?). Hmmm…
Chapter 1 - Talking With Hermione
It was Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger's 6th year at Hogwarts and from the hype that was going around, it seemed that more and more couples were forming. Some of them were normal, like the couple of Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown. Others were weird, like the couple of Neville Longbottom and Parvati Patil. Some were just wrong, like Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley. But nonetheless, talking about who was with who was more important than anything else that was going on in school.
Harry sat across from Hermione one night in the common room, watching her slyly as she eyed the book she was reading. It would be the 2nd year in a row that he failed to tell Hermione how he felt. It seemed that everyone at Hogwarts, except Hermione, knew that Harry had liked her. It was very difficult for Harry. Going through the school day with someone you love is not an easy task. He found himself daydreaming in most classes about Hermione (which cost him a significant amount of house points for Gryffindor), he couldn't help but to keep staring at her, and he found it harder and harder to have a straight conversation with her as well.
Harry kept looking at her, feeling dazed, as the fire lit up her appearance. Why did he fall for the notorious Hermione? I mean, it was just…Hermione, complete with her bushy brown hair, his best female friend of 6 years. Why he liked her, he couldn't explain.
"Hermione?" Harry called.
"Yes Harry?" she answered looking up from her book, although not looking to pleased.
"Do you know where Ron is?"
"Probably out with Lavender somewhere in Hogsmead. That would be about the 5th time you asked me that Harry. What's wrong?"
"N-nothing," he answered.
"And how do you expect to pass Transfiguration exams if you keep reading that book like that? Backwards I suppose?" she said in her "Hermione" tone.
Harry realized that his book was upside down. Surely he hadn't had the book that way the WHOLE time?
"Oh right," he answered looking very stupid, turning the book right side up.
"You know Harry," said Hermione, "you've been acting very strange lately. Is something bothering you?"
"Well," started Harry. For some reason, he was ready to tell her everything but found that it would be better to save it until another time. "No."
"Are you sure Harry?" asked Hermione. "You can tell me. Maybe there's something I can do to help."
"Trust me Hermione, this is something that I have to do on my own."
"HA! So there is something wrong with you!" she said triumphantly.
Harry blushed. "Ok maybe there is, but it doesn't really matter right now."
Hermione stared at Harry. "Ok Harry, whatever you say." She went back to reading her book. Harry tried to do the same but it was even more difficult to concentrate.
"Maybe I'll tell her at Valentines Day. That's it! Valentines Day! It's the perfect mood, and if the feeling aren't mutual, I can use it as a cover up!" Harry said to himself, feeling very proud.
"Well, I need to get to bed Hermione," said Harry, standing up. "I promised Ron that I would let him use my Firebolt tomorrow. Aren't you going to also?"
"After I finish 5 more chapters Harry, then I'll go to bed," she answered casually. "And you and your promises, Harry James Potter. It amazes me. If you promise you're going to do something, you always end up doing it." Harry smiled.
"Thanks Hermione," he said. "Don't stay up too late now."
"I won't Harry. Goodnight."
"Night Hermione," said Harry and walked up the steps to the boys' dormitories.
Harry changed rather quickly before plopping into bed. He stared at the ceiling and said to himself, "Harry, I hope you don't back out on telling Hermione how you feel. Who knows? Maybe she feels the same way you do. Don't get your hopes up though. You do realize that you're risking your friendship of 6 years for this right?"
Harry nodded and didn't even bother taking off his glasses before falling asleep, thinking about a certain bushy haired girl…