She was sitting on the edge of the lake. Her bare feet were soaking in the water. Her blue eyes were dead of any of the emotions she would have on when her friends were around. The long hair that was usually held up in a unique style was now free of that style and the ends were soaking in the water as well. Don't misunderstand, she loved her friends and her boyfriend very much. She was always happy and brave and very courageous, but the life of excitement and of saving the world isn't what she wanted to do, I mean she wanted to do it, but if it meant giving up the future she had planned out she didn't want it.
She was seventeen going on eighteen very soon and she desperately wanted to be a psycologyst. She had the natural talent of being one all she needs to do is run with the idea, but that's not the life planned out for her. She is to be a queen, queen of a place called Crystal Tokyo. Even if she wanted to achieve that dream she'd only end up giving it up for Crystal Tokyo. She then noticed a red haired girl no older than thirteen sit on the ground next to her.
"You look like you've lost your world too." The girl said sadly.
"Lost my world. I guess you could say that.. only I've lost my future more than anything."
"You pregnant??" The girl asked making her jump in shock.
"No!! no.."
"Sorry.. I mean you said you lost your future and from the war there are more and more prostitutes and… not to offend you I guess."
"So young.." She murmured. "No what I meant by losing my future I had found out that my life was preplanned. I know it sounds weird but but it was. Fate has dealt me hand that was sure to come out a certain way, and no matter what I do I can't change it." She said and the girl began to laugh.
"I'm sorry, but I don't believe in fate. I mean, I had lost my father in the war not too long ago. He was killed by a Gundam Pilot."
"Oh.. Sorry to hear that."
"Don't be." She siad. "It was going to happen I mean because he had strange beliefs. Ones that the others who were fighting in the war didn't believe in it was becaue of that disagreement he was placed in a position that would increase his chances of dying." She said and She saw that was why the girl was sad. "But back to your Pre-planned life my father taught me one thing before he died; Destiny is only what you lead it to be, if you truly believe it's supposed to be a certain way and live life like it's supposed to be that way, it will happen. But change things to your liking and what you wish things to be not only do you sever the chains of fate that bind you, but you'll be much happier that way as well."
"Your father sounds like he was wise-man."
"He was." The young girl said and began to walk away, but paused. "I don't compliment silly minded people like you but, smile.. you'll look much prettier that way." She said and then was gone. A rustle in the bushes behind her caught the blonde's attention.
"Serena…. I was uhmm.. listening yeah." She saw a girl that looked so much like herself only with shorter hair and a bow.
"She's right though, Mina.." Serena said looking back into the water. Then an Idea clicked in her mind. "Mina!!" She was suddenly excited.
"Hmm?? Mina had sat down next to her.
"When was the last time we visited our favorite cousin??" She asked with a wink. Mina stared at her half sister slightly puzzled but noticed the wink and grinned.
"Do you mean our favorite favorite, cute as hell, wish he weren't my cousin so I could date him cousin??" Mina asked.
"Yeah!!" Serena nodded her head.
"God, it has got to be since before the war." Mina said.
"Exactly.. now is a perfect time to visit!!" Serena said.
"We don't know where he is!!" Mina said and Serena reached into her subspace pocket and pulled out a letter. I got it a few months back.. he's staying with his friends from the war."
"And you didn't tell me?!?!"
"We were too busy dying in battles I forgot!!" Serena said. "Come on!! Let's go call him and tell him we're coming over."
"Don't you mean ask him??" Mina said.
"No I said right.. Tell him… you'll know he'll deny us because last time we visiteds we put honey, egg, water and flour in his room making it all covering him from head to toe."
"And he had to cut his hair because some of it wouldn't come out!! He hated that hair cut so much!!!" Mina giggled with her half sister. "Wanna pull the phone Switch on him when we call??"
"Sure.. but let's call him tomorrow. I have to do something first and it won't be pretty." Serena said taking off in the direction to Darien's house. On the way she passed a playground from where she used to play at as a kid. She stopped running then. Even now she could see her and her all time best friend and her on the little merry go round talking and laughing. She even remembered the promise they made as a kid.. they were about eight
"Oh Come on Trei-chan promise me!!" A mini Serena sat on a guy in what would be compromising if they weren't so young.
"No!!" The reddish-brown haired guy said.
"Don't make me punch you again, Treize Khushrenada!!!" She raised her fist at the boy who was maybe three years older than her.
"I said no!!!" he said struggling under her hold on him.. but he was trapped by her tiny legs. She brought her fist down but stopped just in front of his face. He opened his eyes to see that.
"I can't do that.. I don't have a promise ring to give you so that promise is kept." He said making her crack a smile and she kissed his nose.
"I don't need one Trei-chan. Not now at least.. for now we can just promise!!" She got off of him.
"Fine.. I promise to marry you if niether one of us is married by time you're 25." He said and she spit in her hand and he followed suit. They both shook hands sealing the deal.
She couldn't help but glance at her hand where a silver band was now on her finger on her right hand. One could only imagine her surprise when he had given it to her on her 13th birthday. That ring meant so much to her and it still does. Sure that promise they made was childish and very wishful but its how she thought things woud be right now, she'd be living happily ever after with some prince charming she chose or even her best friend, not some guy Destiny decided would be best for her. She glanced at the band again and remembered the day as if it happened today.
"Trieze??" She looked at her friend who was a lot more mature and more gentleman like now. He looked as if something had been bothering him.
"Are you ok?? You've been very quiet."
"Nothing.." He said and glanced around him.
"You're lying."
"Serena.. I'm leaving."
"what are you talking about, silly?"
"I'm leaving. Father just got a new job promotion Colony L4."
"but can't you stay??"
"No…" He said. "It's only fair I go as well. He tells me I'll be going to a school better than the ones here."
"Oh.." She downcast her eyes. He lifted her chin so she was looking at him. He gave her a box and she opened it. Inside was a silver band. "It's beautiful."
"I knew you'd like it." He said. "It's the promise ring I wanted to give you five years ago. When we made that promise…" He said and slipped it on her finger.
"But it was a childish promise.."
"That I intend on holding true to unless either of us gets married." He said.
"But why?? We were only kids.."
"Because we're friends…" He said. "And I would never disappoint you like that." He kissed her cheek. Then he was gone.
"Serena…" A voice killed the moment she set herself in.
"Darien.." She gasped.
"What are you doing out here??" He said and glanced at his watch. "I thought you'd be with one of the girls or something."
"I canceled." She said and sympathy struck in her eyes. "Darien we need to talk." She said pulling him to the swings.
"About what??"
"Darien.. are you happy??"
"Of course I'm happy." He said.
"No I mean with our situation." She said. "As much as I'd hate to say it.. I'm not comfortable with my life being chosen for me."
"Oh.." He said.
"I've been thinking.. and I met a girl whose name I forgot to get, but she told me something interesting and I'd like to try it." She said and he gave her a peplexed look.
"What did this girl tell you?"
"She said, in verbatim, 'Destiny is only what you lead it to be, if you truly believe it's supposed to be a certain way and live life like it's supposed to be that way, it will happen. But change things to your liking and what you wish things to be not only do you sever the chains of fate that bind you, but you'll be much happier that way as well…" She waited for him to say something. He just sat there and a small smiled graced his handsome face.
"You want to try life outside of our planned out life and see if things will change to our liking??" He asked and she nodded. "I wouldn't mind." He said. "I wouldn't want to feel cheated in the end."
"I know and if we do have to come back to each other then so be it!!" She smiled at him.
"Right!!" he said. "I've been thinking the same lines and well couldn't tell you." He grabbed her hands.
"We'll spend a year apart from each other… with constant updates and see how it works." She said.
"Perfect!!" He said kissing her very passionately.. but not enough to let things travel too far. She kissed him back with same passion seeing how that might be the last kiss they'll ever share if things do change. "See you later Darien." She said.
"Bye, Serena." He grinned a bit, now he didn't have to feel so guilty about the secret feeings he held for his best friend of all time.. Andrew.