Chapter 12. The loving Couple.

"I-itachi…What the heck are you doing here?" Sasuke's heart made a strange twist around its orbit turning the switch from 'pissed' to 'happy', but his face formed a pout anyway, (as it was pretty hard to express one's true feelings to the person who had just witnessed one of those very embarrassing moments in your life).

Itachi let go of Sasuke's shirt and (without any complications!) he took a chair and sat down, still observing his younger brother. Half a smirk was playing on his lips. He ignored Sasuke's question as answer to it was pretty obvious, at least for sober ones. Itachi reached for the jug that Sasuke had been fighting with for hours due to the object's jelly-ness and constant wobbliness in his hands. Surprisingly but Itachi didn't seem to be suffering of it in a slightest, with which he puzzled and confused Sasuke's brain even more.

"Drinking, huh? I see." Itachi took out the glass cork and sniffed the liquid inside. He frowned at the smell and with the expression of utter disgust pushed the jug away from himself.

"Bleh, Sasuke. How can you drink that?!" Itachi smirked even more looking at his guilty sibling. From the second attempt Sasuke managed to get up and (even!) succeeded in placing his ass …back on the floor.

"Don't like. Don't drink! " said Sasuke, and then for some reason he added

"Don't drink and drive!" Then he thought it over and smiled to Itachi, who was 'flapping' from side to side in his vision.

"No, drink and drive!" Then he thought again, as Itachi's brows arched and crept even higher up

"Okay. You win. Don't drink and don't drive! Just pour one for me."

Itachi smiled and put his arms on the table in front of himself and stared at them, as if studying his long fingers. His face became serious and sad at the same time.

"You know Sasuke, all we have been through, all I have put you through. You deserve better in life."

The percentage of alcohol in Sasuke's blood if not evaporated, then decreased rapidly at this Itachi's statement.

He somehow managed to get up, shaking in all directions and gripping at the table desk with both hands for stability, Sasuke stared at Itachi.

"Itachi. How dare you say so? How the fuck you dare? The fuck." he was both hurt and indignant. And very inappropriately for his tone and general pissed-off look, Sasuke accidentally hiccupped.

Itachi looked at his brother, his wobbly scary stout, drunken black eyes glaring with love and hatred at the same time. Itachi gripped Sasuke's hand and stood up, bringing Sasuke's body as close to himself as he could.


"Itachi, I'm drunk", he said when Itachi took Sasuke's face in his palms and softly kissed him on the lips.

"I know" smiled Itachi "And you don't smell of roses, brother".

Sasuke lowered his gaze, slightly ashamed.

Itachi brushed his fingers over the precious face, his soft milky cheek, touched his open lips, down his chin, his neck. Sasuke closed his eyes and wobbled a bit, leaning against the table. Itachis' hand wandered lower and his breath sounded heavier.

He was so beautiful his beloved brother. He adored every feature, every curve of his lean strong body. He loved everything about him. Even the disgusting vodka-smell from his breath.

Itachi frowned his nose and kissed Sasuke on the lips, tipping him onto the table. Sasuke choked out when his head and back met the wooden desk.



Sasuke's head was spinning. He was not sure it was due to the alcohol or to what Itachi was doing to him. Itachi unbuttoned his shirt, slid his hand under his t-shirt and helped Sasuke out of it, constantly kissing and stroking his body.

When Sasuke's trousers and underwear were off, Itachi's lips wandered lower and lower down Sasuke's abs, holding his soft part in his hands. Itachi pulled his little brother a bit lower so that his bottom was just on the edge of the table, and Itachi was in between his legs. He gently touched Sasuke's hardening member with one hand and tasted it with the tip of his tongue. Sasuke moaned.

"O, Itachi." He arched his back on the wooden table, pressing the head into it and gripping Itachi's hair, making him swallow his length deeper.

Itachi smiled and parted from Sasuke, still working his hand over his member slowly. Licking it all the way up...and down. Itachi was very close himself. Watching his lover in such ecstasy was more than enough for him.

"Itachi...Oh Itachi. Please." Sasuke moaned turning his head violently from side to side and jerking his hips.

Sasuke though he had never felt that way. Why? It must have been due to the alcohol or the idea of losing Itachi forever that made him realize how precious this bond was for him. Itachi was the only one. He would never be able to love anyone else. He would never be able to feel anything even close to this.

Itachi swirled his tongue around his brother's length again.

"Please, Itachi. I can't anymore", Sasuke growled louder, feeling he was about to come.

Itachi didn't make him suffer more. He grasped him tighter and with fast frequent moves of his hand and lips made him release.

"Itachi. Itachi. I love you. Itachi" Sasuke was panting heavily, convulsing and shaking, while his brother drank the last drops, tenderly, stroking his brother's relaxing flesh.

Then Itachi neared Sasuke's face, stroke his cheek and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

"I love you too, otouto" he said, still panting.

Sasuke sat up. Fuck that was a one strong table to keep Sasuke's weight on it.

Itachi standing in between his legs and Sasuke embraced him with them.

"Hey, you gonna make my trousers dirty" Said Itachi, watching his brother's member leaking a bit as he was grinding against bulge in Itachi's pants.

"Looks like you need some help here, brother" Sasuke smirked, teasingly stroking the 'special place'.

Itachi threw his head backwards and moaned, running his fingers through Sasuke's hair.

"Yeah, you definitely need some help here." Stated Sasuke to himself, smiling happily and helping Itachi out of his tight jeans.


"So what are they going to do now?" asked Ayano when Ki retold her his conversation with Itachi. They were sitting on the sofa in Ayano's room.

Ki shook his head

"I don't know. It looks like his wife left him anyway and it will be divorce. But Sasuke will have to live separately. At least until all the papers are ready and Sasuke is eighteen. We don't want Itachi to go to prison, if something comes out".

Ayano frowned.

"You think she would go for it? Like report Itachi for pedophilia?"

The whole situation was just weird. If someone had told Ayano a month ago she would be covering for a guy who was having incestual relationship with his younger underage brother, she would have never believed it. But this was different.

If Ki had made up his mind in helping these two it meant it was worth a try. Ki was a good judge of character, and he would never go so far for anybody. As far as to break the law by not reporting it further.

Ayano shook her head, chasing the worrying thought away. In the meantime Ki said

"I don't know if she would do it. It seems like Itachi-san promised to her that he would keep away from Sasuke. But I'm not that sure he could keep that promise".

"No. I'm not sure of that either. " Ayano replied and after a pause she continued

"Well, it's not a big deal, as such, right? Like Sasuke is almost eighteen, it's just several months away. But it would be hard for them if they decided to play open afterwards. Their shinobi- society would never understand"

Ki nodded. Indeed, they would never understand. What would this mean? Disgrace, arrest, banning from town/village and living in exile.

"You are right, Ayano. And I really don't know what we can help them with. I believe the best we can do is let them come up to the solution themselves. It's their choice to make, their life to live. We can't really interfere much more than we have already done."

Agreed on that one.


"Sasuke…?-" Itachi was stroking Sasuke hair, trying to lift his dozing off brother's head from his chest, he pressed a gentle kiss in his forehead.

"Un", Sasuke didn't open his eyes and just hugged Itachi tighter. They were laying naked on Sasuke's small and, as they had discovered, a very uncomfortable for some certain purposes bed.

Itachi smiled and shook his brother shoulder a little, trying to wake him up

"Hey, Sasuke. I have to go. Sasuke."

Sasuke crack opened eyes and moved his head a little to look at Itachi.

"Where to?" he frowned.

"I have to go home and prepare. I have a mission."

Sasuke sat on the bed. Mission. Fuck. He had totally forgotten about the missions.

"You are going on a mission" Sasuke repeated after him, staring at the wall.

Itachi reached for his elbow and pulled him back, brought his head back on his chest.

"Yes, Sasuke, I have a mission. You should go back and start with that too, if Tsunade doesn't castrate you, of course for all your unreasonable behavior recently."

Sasuke frowned even more. How the fuck could Itachi think of missions and such when all Sasuke had done was drinking and feeling sorry for himself?

"Yeah, right. Castration. You would love that, won't you?" he smirked, bitterly.

Itachi lifted his chin and kissed him on the lips gently.

"No, I wouldn't", he smiled back. "But we should start putting our lives back on track, Sasuke."

"Yeah. Right. Tch. Itachi. Who are you to speak?" Sasuke put his arm around Itachi's torso and kissed his chest, placing his head back on it.

"When are you coming back?" he asked again

Itachi was stroking is brother's arm.

"I don't know. Someday soon. Will you miss me?"

"Of course I will. You know that, you bastard." Sasuke kissed Itachi's chest, closing his eyes and relaxing, ready to doze off again. Itachi kissed his little brother's hair

"I love you, Sasuke."

"I love you too, brother. Are we back together then?" Sasuke asked half-asleep.

"We have never been apart, otouto. And we'll never be. "


N/A: that's it. The end. Thank you all guys who have been with me all the way and helped me to develop my story into something worthy. I am in debt to you, Guys!Thank you,all my reviewers. You have been great inspiration and support. I would have never finished it without you! Hope we'll meet again when I start with something new. Love. Mainki.