Chapter on the kitchen floor / Yaoi, Itasasu, Uchihacest, incest, Lemon, light rape

disclaimers: I don't own Naruto characters

from mainki: this story is part2 of Brotherly Love from A to Z. It's gonna be dirtier and more violent than the first part. Thank you guys for paying attention to my works, I'm still an amature but I hope to get better with your help and support. Please comment and that I know what to improve and whether I should keep on writing.

Special thanks to my beta! I love you!

Kitchen scene. Itachi is sipping on green tea. Sasuke tries to attack him, breaks the cup, burns himself which forces him to take off his shirt. Itachi is mocking him and makes a shocking proposal about playing a 'little game', where the prize is either Sasuke (if Itachi wins) or any of Sasukes' wishes (if he wins). Sasuke is glaring at his brother taking off the clothes and he concludes what type of game this would be. Sasuke pretends to fall for the trick while in the meanwhile planning the attack. Itachi is one step ahead and leaves him with no choice but to play by his rules. He calls off the game, referring to the business he's got to attend (which in fact is an excuse Itachi uses for taking a break from using the sharingan while fighting his brother). Sasuke performs an attack with chidori, that Itachi does not guard against, taking it on his shoulder which results to a deep open gashing wound, with bone visible to Sasukes' eyes. In the meantime Sasuke is being torn between rage and regret, where the latter prevails. He feels sorry for the older brother, and stops the chidori, switching his attention to attending the caused damage to Itachis' body. Itachi stabs his little brother in the back, millimeters from penetrating the right lung. Sasuke is harmless. One move will cause puncturing the lung which will lead to death. Itachi uses the gained advantage in order to disarm the brother fully, by tying his arms behind the back.

The world was crushing down. No. This couldn't be happening. This just couldn't be happening. It was not possible. Sasuke felt his brother cutting off the pieces from his clothing, undressing him. He couldn't scream, every breath was echoing with sharp pain in his lungs. His mouth was bubbling foam of saliva and blood instead of words.

"Itachi. No. Please. No.". Sasuke moved his lips and he saw Itachi read them. But he didn't answer. He didn't make any sign that he acknowledged his brothers' silent scream.

"Please. No. I'm begging you." . Sasuke was desperately trying to bring forward any memory, any technique that would help him out of this nightmare. He suddenly called out to that morning, when him and Itachi were kissing on the bed in his room. He remembered the sensation towards his brother. It was so different from what he felt now. That morning he could read endless love in his eyes, deep passion which he couldn't resist and begged for more. More? What more was he begging about? For Itachi to touch him, there? Or to get allowed to palm Itachis' enormous member? He felt the passion trying to get out of Itachis' tight ANBU wear. Passion towards him, his Sasuke. Sasuke sighed heavily. What is it, this feeling? Is it so, that he is still madly in love with his own brother, after all? No, it couldn't be. Itachi was not good. He was evil. He was a traitor, a user. But why? Why did Itachi want him so badly if he fell down to the level of stabbing his brother in the back with a kunai; just so he could take advantage of him?

Itachis' hands were working Sasukes' clothing off. Soon he will get it all off.

Sasuke thought that it was so stupid, this game. If he, Itachi, had just let him know how he'd felt, If he had just tried to express his love,- Sasuke would have given him his all. Yes, he would have. The thought was so unexpected but pleasuring and calming. Sasuke felt Itachis blood dripping onto his back from the hurt shoulder. It was sticky, warm, so …tempting.

Itachis bare torso slid upwards hardly touching Sasukes skin. He felt Itachis' tongue tickling him in the back of his neck. The hairs on his back and arms rose on end.

If only Itachi had talked to him. He remembered Itachis' strong "No!", when Sasukes' hand reached to the forbidden area. Why did he do that? "Not yet",-he said. But when? Why not? He remembered Itachis' heavy breathing "It's too early". He knew Itachi wanted him, badly, madly. That very moment he didn't desire anyone else but him, Sasuke. Why did he stop? Why did Itachi stop him?

Itachis' kisses became greedier, he was sucking in big mouthfuls of Sasukes neck skin, nibbling them, ripping them with teeth then licking around them tenderly. He was choking with pleasure. Sasuke could feel it with every fiber of his tensed body. Every fiber that was screaming out for more.

The voice inside Sasukes' head reminded him that it was beyond normal, beyond wrong. His older brother was raping him on the kitchen floor and he liked it. He loved it. So badly, he couldn't even feel the pain in the lung.

Oh, please,more.

Itachis fingers were running down Sasukes back, tenderly, electrically, making all his body arch and bow. The hands approached lower tender parts, itachi was sliding his tongue down his little brothers' spine.

Now, do it now. Oh, Itachi…

Itachi approached the very place and slowly spread Sasukes legs with care. He placed both hands on Sasukes soft but strong legs and opened them apart. Sasuke could feel his breath tickling the skin there, right there. Itachis' tongue was wet and soft. It was persistently going deeper in spite of Sasukes' body trying to reject it.

Oh, Itachi…don't stop. Please don't stop.

And Itachi didn't. He half-stood behind, placing Sasukes thighs on his laps and entered. Slowly, carefully, making his way broader with every move. Pain covered Sasuke like a tsunami wave, blinding and making him deaf, pulsing and echoing in every cell of his body. He was screaming his lungs out like he never screamed before in his entire life.

Please, Itachi. Don't.! Yamete! Onegai!

But Itachi couldn't stop. It was too late to stop. He felt his brother tear and scream of pain. He felt the blood running out of his body with every thrash. But he couldn't stop. He would give everything in life to take back this moment…or for it to never end.


Sasuke was crying bitterly as a child. Soon the movements stopped. Itachis' body shook convulsively and Sasuke felt hot sticky liquid pumping into him. He vaguely wondered if it was his own blood, running down his thighs, down the legs, on the floor. Itachi fell beside him, hardly breathing, heart beating in his throat. Was Itachi alive? He couldn't look.

We have to clean the floor. Pieces of clay (glass?). Scattered. Stinging the knees. Have to buy new kettle. I broke one today. It's a strange name, Itachi.

"Itachi, you have a strange name", said Sasukes' voice from somewhere below.

"I know", answered Itachis'.

The silence was loud. Ringing.

"Itachi?", asked Sasukes voice again.

Why doesn't it shut up, thought Sasuke to himself irritated.


Suddenly Sasukes eyes started crying. "Do you love me?"

Silence. Again this ringing silence. Why isn't he answering? Maybe he didn't hear?

"Do you...?"- "Yes".

Thank God. Sasuke looks Itachi in the eyes. Itachi is sad.

"Are you crying, aniki?"

No answer again. But Sasuke sees, Itachi is crying. He is sad, his aniki.

"Why?" this annoying voice again.

Because he's just raped you, you fucking idiot. Because he loves you more than anything in this world, more than the life itself . Because his life is a pure nightmare and now he can't even look you in the eyes.

"Why?" oh, I could kill it, rip its' throat to shreds, so that it never makes a single sound again. So that it never asks his stupid why's!

Itachi does not reply. Sasuke sees him crouching on the floor- Itachi never crouches on the floor! He covered his face with his hands. He is crying. His aniki.

Itachi gets up. Sasuke keeps lying on the floor wondering if he was dead or alive. He had lost a lot of blood and breathing is getting painful. He's slowly losing the grip of reality. When he opens his eyes again, the kunai is gone, Itachi has attended the wound and there is a taste of herbs and strong drugs in his mouth. The pain is gone. Together with everything else. Sasuke watches the ceiling spinning in a spiral trajectory as he passes out. Itachi carries him in his hands to the bathroom and wipes his body carefully with a warm cloth. He is crying silent tears. He brings the unconscious brother to his room, lays him on the bed. Sasuke is shivering. Cold- sweating.

Sasuke feels like he's falling. He looks around- there are endless rainbows of shapes and forms passing next to him. He tries to grasp any of them, but they slip through his fingers like bodiless clouds. He just keeps falling. Suddenly he hears the voice of his brother calling out to him.


It's so strange, Itachi's voice. Almost as if he is crying. Wait. He is crying. Why would Itachi cry?

Sasuke makes a move and tries to open his eyes. They do not open. He is calling Itachis' name. But the lips remain still. Nothing is happening. Next moment Sasuke feels pain in the hand- it's Itachi sqeezing it with his, in despair. Sasuke feels him lifting it up to his lips and covering it in kisses, sobbing, crying out his name. Itachis' head drops on Sasukes chest.

"I-i-itai-i!" screams Sasuke, regaining control over his own body.

Suddenly the lights are bright, hurting the eyes. Itachi's red with tears face lifts up, in shock and disbelief.

"Sasuke!", he kisses him hard on the lips, on the cheeks, on the hands.

"Itachi, what are you..?" he is not finishing his sentence. A bunch of people in medical robes are rushing into the room, pushing Itachi out of the door.

Sasuke watches him disappear. But he is not worried. He will be back. His aniki.

People in medical robes are buzzing around like flies by the honey pot. Their faces look worried but eyes are smiling. Itachi is not amongst them. It continues like this for some time and Sasuke passes out repeatedly, coming back every time feeling more and more of physical pain. He is given an endless amount of multicolored pills and stinging injections, which cast him into deep sleep.

When he opens his eyes, he sees Itachi sleeping in the chair by his bed. He looks tired and pale, and smells unfresh.

"When did you wash last?" askes Sasuke wrinkling his nose. Itachi wakes up directly, a broad smile is splitting his face.

"The doctors said, you shouldn't talk too much". Itachis sits himself on the bed and takes Sasukes hand into his.

"Go home. Why are you here?". Itachi has got new deep wrinkles around his eyes, his hair has a bunch of new white strands of hair amongst the ones in crow black on top of his head. He just keeps staring at Sasuke, eyes glittering damp.

"You look old". Itachi ignores the comment again. He cannot hide his emotions. Does it matter now that he looks old? What on earth does anything matter if his brother has awoken after a months' coma, close to death state. And it was all his, Itachis, fault.

Look, what you have done , Itachi. Look well at what you have done! You said you loved him, look what you have done to him?! You swore not to hurt him ever again, you promised to protect him with all your life. Look what you have done!

Itachis' eyes fill with tears.

"How long have I been here?", asks Sasuke.

It's getting ridiculous. Stop Whining, Itachi! I'm alive. Stop it!

"Over a month, otouto".

Haha, a shock! Over a month in a hospital! What a lame shinobi! What was it last I remember?

Itachi looks sad and serious.

"Will you ever forgive me, Sasuke?" the voice trembled, slightly.

Sasuke looks at him almost angrily.

What is it with you, itachi? Why are you so…so…unmanly! Almost gay…haha…

"Why are you smiling?"

Answer him, why you are smirking, you jerk! He loves you, you see it! Look at him- why are you smiling? He looks like a beaten up wet dog, pity him. He loves you.

"I'm thirsty. Please Itachi, bring me some water. I need to drink."

Bastard! Look at him. Look at your aniki! Why are you doing this to him?! Do you have any idea how many nights and days he spent here by your bed? Do you have any idea what he has been through because of you and your animalistic desires?! You wanted it yourself! You asked for it! You begged for it! Remember , you piece of shit! Look at him, at his shivering hands. Look what you have done to your beloved aniki!

"Here". Itachi presses the glass of water to Sasukes lips and carefully helps him lower his head to make a clunk. Again.

"I …can't...more". Sasuke turns his head away, spilling a drop or two that is running down his chin. Itachi bends down slowly flicking his tongue a little bit out to take the droplet from his brother's chin and into his mouth.

"You have hurt me, aniki". Itachi looks scared as if he has been inaccurate with the glass. He realizes, it's not what Sasuke means.

"I know", he moves his lips silently, on the boarders to burst into tears but overpowers himself.

Sasuke is studying him slowly :his eyes, his lips, his hands. He is beautiful, his aniki. Today he looks old, though. But beautiful.

" I forgive you". He says at last. Itachi lifts his gaze, with gratitude and relief.

He is the most beautiful man you have ever seen. Don't forget it. He loves you. And he wants you to love him too…