GS Note: Wow. Um, long time no see? Lol, I had a great time in Japan by the way though I don't know how much I'm going to be in the fan fiction scene anymore. I adore my fandom (online fandom is good, RL fandom (AKA Anime club at school) sucks ) but I found I've drifted away from an active member and like lurking

Tales of Love


Once in a land,

Close by and undeniable,

There was a boy who lived alone

And longed to go to school

Heero glared moodily outside. The snow was gone and the sun shone brilliantly. It was one of those days that all a person had to do was look up into the blue and could believe that everything was right in the world. Unfortunately, Heero Yuy knew better.

His laptop was open and hummed quietly under his fingers but he had stopped typing in mid sentence. His parents were gone (again) and in an effort to avoid the newly hired Miss VanTrape, Heero was in his room attempting to finished the paperwork his tutors had assigned to him.

The silence became too much and Heero idly tapped on the computer and ruined his work with a long line of g's. It was almost time. His eyes flickered from the window to the clock on his desktop then back to the window with a grin. Three minutes late.


Heero shot to the window and opened it quickly. Everyday at ten after three, the double shot of vodka and whisky Miss VanTrape drank would kick in and she would be out like a light for hours. Heero had discovered it by accident one day and had wasted no time in informing Duo.

As it was, the braided teen was hanging off of one of the more sturdier branches of the tree beside Heero's window.

"Hey Heero," Duo grinned carelessly. "Give me a hand?"

Heero reached out and grabbed Duo's arm and helped him to scramble in the window and then drop clumsily on the floor. Duo froze at the loud noise but Heero didn't even flinch. Even if Miss VanTrape hadn't been passed out downstairs, the sound needed to travel through another two floors for her to hear.

"How was school?" Heero helped Duo up and went over to save his work and flick off his computer.

"Boring," Duo brushed stray leaves out of his hair and grimaced at a tightly entwined twig. "Hard. Met a new Chinese kid today. Do you know how lucky you are-"

Finished on his computer, Heero grabbed Duo's braid and toss it back over his shoulder. Duo started to protest but Heero gripped the back of his neck and pulled him close for a long kiss.

"Yes," Heero gave a small smile.

Lame, I know. Unsatisfying, I know. Sweet? I hope. But yea, this is the end of Tales of Love. I actually had planned it ended last chapter without another because that's all it was, a get-together story. And this is how it ends. They got together :p There's more series to come, no worries. I was thinking of working on them but the GW fandom, while endeared to my heart and will lurked by me, is starting to lose interest however, I am become dangerously obsessed with Naruto o

Anyone who would like to see another series of the Tale Arc is free to rant at me, I may well become motivated to start one. I actually have the first few chapters of a new Doro one written… somewhere. On one of my computers. I think I should find it, the beginning is pretty racy 0.o