GS Note: The decision to write about Heero came about in a very scientific and logical way. I threw papers with names and chose the one my kitten pounced on and brought back to me.

Uh, some parts may seem a bit hooky. I've never had a boyfriend or majorly crushed on someone, so this is going from an observers POV trying to themselves in the place of the crushee. If that made any sense at all, you may understand how the story was written. If not, may a greater power have mercy ^_^

These two poems are mine, and they suck. I know. From now on I'm getting other people to write them but I wanted to get this out soon.

Tales of Love


//Once in a land,

Faraway and unheard,

There was a boy who lived alone

And didn't have to go to school!//

Heero wished with all his soul that the car would keep on driving. It would drive down the road, far from this building and he would have a great day hanging out at the city with his friends like any normal teenager.

What was he kidding?


He paused, his hand on the door handle ready to push it open, when he felt the door move away from him. He blinked at the tall, darkly dressed driver calmly holding the exit to his sanctuary open. He sighed and turned to grab the backpack sitting on the posh, smooth seat of the car beside him. He nodded politely to the driver as the door was closed behind him.

The black car may have looked dwarfed by the large yellow buses but only in size. The cheery day was immediately sobered by the solemn and serious atmosphere expressed by the people around the vehicle. The strange boy who stood out of it glared at some of the stares and they started to dissipate

All ready Heero could see the second glances and whispers he received by the student coming off of buses. He clutched his bag on his shoulder, smoothing his nervousness face out. He pushed the butterflies down and forced a look of indifference on his face. He straightened his shoulders as the car pulled out of the parking lot behind him. He was alone.

He felt awkward and out of place as cold sweat ran down the back of his neck as he tried to ignore the stares he received. He could hear whispers, were they talking about him? Many people ran to greet friends, adding to the noise already elevating in the small, outdoor circle. He looked at his goal, the door. He stared hard at it, focusing on nothing but the lightly tinted windows offering refuge and escape. He reached a hand out and grasped the cool, metal handle. He swung it open.

Once inside he found himself lost in the crowds of teenagers calling for friends or yelling conversation over the echo. He ducked to avoid a girl flinging herself at her boyfriend.

"I can do this," Heero breathed to himself. "I can. Calm…."

Most of the people seemed to be moving to the large doors for the café right behind a spiraling staircase near the front entrance. Heero followed them, allowing himself to be swept up with the mass so he was lost and unnoticed. He stood there for quite some time, confused at what the students seemed to be doing. They would come in then leave with no explanation. He considered asking someone what to do but dismissed that idea. He knew he all ready stood out in his neatly pressed clothes, there was no need to draw farther attention to himself.

Then, he heard it.

"So what do we do now, Solo my man?"

"It's simple. Find your last name on the sheets around the walls and it has your first period class on it. You get you schedule there but the bell won't ring for another half an hour."

"Damn, why is Catolonia so far from Maxwell?"

"Sucks to be you Doro!"

"That's not nice Duo. Hey, put that tongue back in your mouth! Stop sniggering Dorothy you pervert—"

"Yes mama!"

Heero spotted the speakers right in front of him. There seemed to be a slight shield-like quality around the three students. Two of them were blondes, a boy and a girl. The boy seemed to be the one in charge, glaring hopelessly at the two younger ones. Heero recognized the girl from somewhere, he couldn't remember. Her shockingly long hair and thick glasses contrasted with the tanned students around her. A knee length skirt and blouse offset the braces she sported. Did she say Catolonia? She must be the daughter of the elementary principal, his father often donated to schools.

The third kid…

Heero felt his heart stop then beat double time in his throat. An insane smile spread over his face as he found his windpipe lodged with a lump. He felt strangely light as the boy laughed.

He wasn't tall or short. Wide eyes lighted under the bushy bangs. A full, soft mouth pouted as he swirled around, gracefully arching his spine as he spun his hair around. It whipped to the other side of his hip before settling back at the base of his back. It was long and full, glimmering brighter then the other trails of gleaming hair in the crowd surrounding him. Black clothes hugged in all the right places, twisting perfectly with his form as he spun. Mocking eyes glared at the blonde girl as his cheeky face scowled playfully.

For a moment, Heero felt as if he was seeing an angel, sent to dance for him under the florescent lights. Time froze for just a moment as his brain captured the picture before him. Then, time started again.

The clamor that had silenced in Heero's ears blossomed, the movement around him recharged. And that boy, the most God-made, perfect boy, was swept away with the crowd. Heero's jerked out of his trance and started to rush over to where the three had been standing before he stopped himself.

He had always known he was a bisexual. He had never kissed a boy (or girl for that matter) but he often found himself gazing at the fencers and swimmers at the country club from behind dark sunglasses.

Never before had he found a willing participant for experimenting on, though. It was more then likely that the boy wouldn't even consider going out with him never mind—Heero almost felt a swell of disappointment wash over him but he pushed that deeper down with his butterflies, his mask of boredom firmly in place. He turned to search for the 'Y's, words already composing in his head.

//Love sees everyone in the same light

Whether love spring in day or night,

It still knocks the knees loud

And still pushes the breast proud.

It can bounce quick or slow

It can remain forever or go

To better places, like right in you.

For every love there is another who

Dies some place, has a heart breaks

And hope and faith soul shakes.

Cling and whine onto the love

For the next time it nestles,

Will only be in the land above.//