Hey guys. Hope you like this. Remember constructive criticism is encouraged. Please review

Soon after Steve woke he knew he was no longer in Stark tower. He was lying on a cold, hard stone floor instead of his plush over-sized bed. Confusion and curiosity got the better of him and soon he found himself sitting up taking in the sight of the dank cell.

Looking around he found that he wasn't the only resident of the cold prison. The Avengers, his family lay all around him still silent and dead to the world. 'Lucky them' he thought to himself, although they too would meet the grim reality set before them soon enough.

Steve sat quietly as if not to wake his friends taking inventory of his own injuries, satisfied with only a few cuts and bruises here or there. He didn't even notice that when Thor had started to wake until he plopped down next to him, causing Steve to jump.

"Geez Thor, you scared me half to death." Steve whispered. "You have got to be quieter or you'll wake the others." He scolded.

"I am sorry friend Steve I will try to be more quiet." Thor replied in a whisper. However Steve knew it wouldn't last long. Everything about Thor was loud, including his bright red cape that he wore. Looking at the cape now however Steve realized it was barley intact and was torn and dirty. Thor though looked completely fine.

The pair sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before they were startled when a groan escaped Natasha's lips. They got to their feet and made their way over to where she lay in the corner. From just looking at her you could tell she didn't get off as easy as Steve and Thor. She had a nasty cut on her forehead and most likely had a broken nose judging by the dry blood underneath of it.

She opened her eyes to see them staring down at her with worry filled eyes. She began to sit up but Steve insisted on helping her while Thor looked on with concern. She loved her team, they were her family and friends, but she hated when they coddled her. She knew they couldn't help it but I got really annoying after a while.

Especially now, they knew that this was not the worse she had ever had it. She looked at the remaining Avengers that were yet to wake. Steve and Thor filled her in on the situation. She was glad that they were here even though she would never admit it, she was scared. If something was powerful enough to capture all of the Avengers would be powerful enough to put an end to them, especially if this power were to wear them down first.

Suddenly the door to the cell burst inwards with a loud bang, waking the still sleeping Avengers with a start. Twenty men filed in to the cell, guns at the ready. The Avengers got the message, no funny business.

The men parted to reveal a tall man, with thick brown hair and deep brown eyes. None of the Avengers recognized him except for Natasha and Clint who took a step towards her in a protective way, but when he shot down all of the team with stun guns in three seconds without batting an eyelash they didn't need to to know they were in big trouble.

"Hello my name is Ivan Petrovitch." The man stated staring piercingly at Natasha. "How nice to see you Natalia, it's been so long. Have you missed me?" He laughed and grabbed Natasha pulling her by the hair out the door.

No matter how hard they tried the team couldn't reach her in time, and by the time Thor finally gained control of his body again the door was harshly slammed shut. All the team could do was sit and listen as the guards locked the many locks that were preventing them from reaching Natasha.

Ok thats it. Hoped you like it. Please leave a review. I need to know what to do with this.
