So finally got off my lazy ass and finished this ^^' I've been feeling so lazy lately and tired, and not to mention all this homework I'm getting, and boys *blushes* I think I might have a crush on this guy but I'm not sure yet. So anyway sorry for the long wait, I'll try to get off my ass and get the next chapter up much sooner. Enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, wish I did though.

I blinked a few times the sat up "Where am I?"

Grimmjow walked over, and nuzzled my hair. "This is my well I guess Human home?"

"You actually bought a house?" I asked, giving him both a surprised and confused look.

"Yeah, all Espandas own a house or more,"

"But why?" I asked looking around

Grimmjow shrugged, and combed through his blue locks, "For when we decide we want to get out of fucking Hueco Mundo and go on a little vacation or something."

Who knew. I thought, I guess there's more to them than I thought, "Hey where's the shower

I stood in the shower letting the warm water spray over my body.

How it be possible that I now have three mates?! I don't even want any of them. I stared down at the white tiles beneath me for a moment then I turned off the water and grabbed a towel from the racks and stepped out. Ulquiorra and Grimmjow were sitting down on the bed close together when I walked out, Ulquiorra was leaning close to Grimmjow whispering something in his ear. It seemed pretty intense as Grimmjow snarled glaring at the smaller Arrancar next to him, his blue tail thrashing wildly his ears laid back against his head. He opened his mouth to reply but Ulquiorra nudged his elbow looking right me with his sad emerald eyes.

I coughed nervously, "I'm sorry was I interrupting something?"

They both shook their heads Grimmjow standing up and walking to me and holding me close, "No it was nothing important." but I could he was lying by the way his eyes glared back at Ulquiorra.

"Now I gotta go my little Strawberry, I'll talk to ya when I'm done," he said, pecking my forehead, gave Ulquiorra an icy glare then he left.

I looked at Ulquiorra, maybe I try could get something out of him, "So what were you and Grimmjow talking about?" I asked causally, pulling on my clothes looking at him the whole time.

He didn't say anything then he stood up hands in his pockets. "I was telling him that he should cut the Mating bond," he stated, simply.

I stared at him, "What? Why?"

"When we mated with you last night you were moaning," he stopped.

I stared at him confused,"Ok I was moaning why does that matter?" maybe Grimmjow wasn't into loud sex but I knew that was very and highly impossible.

"You were moaning Hichigo's name," my jaw dropped.

Hichigo's name?! There's no way that's possible! "I-I think you just misheard me," I growled, standing up. "That still doesn't answer my question why do you want Grimmjow to cut the mating bond?"

He looked away finally breaking eye contact with me, "It'd only make sense you and Hichigo were mated long before me or Grimmjow even laid a finger on you," he said it with a small shrug as though he was leaving it at that, but even behind his emotionless mask I knew there was something else.

"There's more isn't there?" I sat back down next to him our legs touching. "What are you hiding Ulquiorra?"

He bit his lip then looked at him "I never wanted you as a mate..I only wanted Grimmjow but he desired you and not me," I stared waiting for him to continue, "The only way I was ever going to be in a relationship with him was to pretend that I wanted you as well. At first he only wanted you to himself but changed his mind,"

I covered my mouth to hold in the laughter that was building up, Ulquiorra the most emotionless guy ever wanted a loud mouth bastard, I calmed myself down just enough to speak without chuckling, "Why didn't you just tell him?"

"He was too obsessed with your mating scent he never paid any attention to mine.."

"I'm sorry.." I felt bad Ulquiorra wanted Grimmjow and here I was butting in and stealing all the desire and need that Ulquiorra wanted. "But you can have him, I don't even want him as a mate,"

"That's generous of you Ichigo but now that Grimmjow has you he's not going let you go so easily,"

"But what about Hichigo, I know how he is; he's not gonna let Grimmjow have me so easily,"

He sighed and shook his head, "You really are clueless aren't you."

I frowned, clueless how was I clueless? "What do you mean Ulquiorra I already understand this whole mating thing-,"

"Ichigo you and Hichigo are no longer mates, the bond was severed the moment Grimmjow and I mated with you."

"What? That that can't be possible I mean.." I trailed off, it made sense Hichigo and I only mated twice and they had me all night long. A loud vibration went off in my pocket, sighing I lifted out my phone, "Hello?"

"Ichigo where the hell are you?" Rukia, practically yelled.

"Calm down Rukia I'm on my way home," I heard a ruckus in the background and a bit of cussing.

"When you come home Ichigo your ass is mine!" a cold threatening voice, sent shivers down my spine.

"I-I kind of figured that..Hichigo." then the line went dead. "I better go Ulquiorra.." I said standing up.

He nodded, "I'll try talking to Grimmjow about severing the bond...But Ichigo you should know mating season ends next month." before I could say anything he was gone.

A whole month seemed like enough time for me to get everything straightened out, but I knew Grimmjow wasn't one to easily give up once his mind as been set on something. But I still felt a cold chill run up my spine, Just don't worry about it Ichigo, Ulquiorra will handle everything soon you and Grimmjow will be severed and him and Ulquiorra will get together. It all sound good but then I remember Hichigo what was I going to do about him?

I sighed, I guess I'll cross that bridge when we get there, grabbing my jacket I left heading home, feeling a certain dread sneak into the back of my mind.

"Aah!" I yelped as a hand grabbed my hair the moment I walked in, the grip was harsh and tight pulling at the roots as I was being practically dragged up the stairs. I tried looking for Rukia but she wasn't here. Right when I need you you're gone! I snarled, grabbing his wrist trying my best not to too much struggle.

"Goddamn whore, I'm gonna kill ya-," my hollow snarled insults and threats under his breath as he swung open my door and threw me harshly onto the floor.

I held my head, standing up and glaring at him, "Nng fuck you!" Hichigo's teeth bared as he snarled like an animal pouncing onto me, knocking me to the floor once again, but I was ready he threw a punch at me but I grabbed it but didn't see his other hand it met it's mark as I yelped, trying to both shield myself and fight back.

"How could you do that to me Ichigo, sleeping with that thing!" he snapped his punches increasing.

Giving up on trying to shield myself I fought back getting a good hit in his jaw. "That 'Thing' is a hell lot better than you, you're nothing but a Hollow!" I yelled, "You only want to use me so you can have you're fucking hollow babies and use my body like I'm some kind of whore! You don't care, you'll never care about anything!"

I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for an even more enraged attack but there was none, I opened one eye and saw his fist was clenched arm draw back, but he still didn't strike. "You think he actually cares Ichigo?" he laughed, but it was cold and dry. "You're stupider than I thought Ichigo, Grimmjow doesn't care about your ass he was only attracted to your scent and your body."

"You're lying, You Hollows are good at lying and speaking nothing but bullshit!"

"Am I lying Ichigo? What makes you think I'm lying." his voice was now more quiet, his eyes held a deep sadness that just struck my heart.

No! he's just playing with you, "Because you're a Hollow; Hollows have no hearts they don't care about anything or anyone they only care about themselves,"

"Grimmjow use to be a Hollow and he doesn't have a heart, me and him are no different," he leaned close, "In fact we're the same, and you know that don't you." the last part was more of a statement than a question.

But he was right, I knew he and Grimmjow were exactly the same, but I just didn't want to lose this fight I wanted a reason to get away from Hichigo, drive him away. I could only pretend that Grimmjow truly wanted him, but knowing that it was fraud.

"I-I hate you so much.." I whispered, feeling his tongue against my cheek.

"Shh," he cooed, his hand trailing up my stomach leaving a burning trail that went straight south, "Soon I'll have you all to myself once I get rid of that stupid bastard."

"What-?" his mouth against mine cut me off as his tongue invaded my mouth. What is he planning to do to Grimmjow? Kill him? I started to struggle again but my cause was weakened as he cupped my groin.

"You can't resist me Ichigo, you want this," he peck my cheek, kissing down my neck. "You want this."

I made another attempt to try and push him away, but it was weak, why fight the true? I did want this I wanted it so much.

he removed my clothes touching my body all over, caressing all the right spots that he knew made me squirm and moan loud for him, "That's it Ichigo just submit, no use fighting now." looking down I cupped his face kissing him deeply. I knew the next day I would deny this ever happened, that I ever showed a moment that I gave in to the hidden feelings that were slowly beginning to unveil themselves. And there be no escape once they were out, I was falling for my Hollow bit by bit. And he knew that too, which made me feel even more exposed and vulnerable that I couldn't find my feelings, and that I was practically a open book to him.

"Nng..aah." a quiet moan escaped my lips as I felt the head of his cock push past the ring of muscle, "Hichigo.."

He kissed me again rocking his hips, my moans grew louder as I held onto him burying my face into the hollow of his neck. "Don't hide your face, King." I felt him smirk as he pulled back, his eyes glued to my face. Pleasure coiled in my stomach, as he hit my prostate making me gasp and cry out in ecstasy.

I hated him for making me feel this way.

Hope you all enjoy ^^ if not, then I'm sorry T.T for this chapter I was tempted to put the whole lemon in but I felt like it would ruin the moment, have a nice day ^^