"What is this… contraption, of your's, Professor Xandermon?" President Obama of the United States asked as he sat at a large table being sat at by all the most important officials in the world. "Yes," Included Queen Elizabeth of England. "what is it you brought us all all the way out here for?" An old, eccentric looking man stood at the front of the room. Behind him was a giant TV screen, and next to him an odd looking machine that didn't look like anything ever built before. "As you all in this room know, our world is in great peril, and there's virtually nothing we can do about it." He said, everyone nodded. "Except for one thing… To get the people who can do something." "And who would that be?" Inquired an official from Japan. "To be honest, I don't know, but the machine knows. You see, that's what the machine does, it reaches into the other dimensions, and brings back the ones capable of solving whatever problem there is you need solved. Now, I have set it to our problem, would you, dear people, care to find out just who can help us?" After a long pause, everyone nodded. The professor turned and flipped a switch on the machine, and the giant screen turned on to show these bio's one at a time, each one being read by an electronic voice and showing next to the bio some kind of gridded figure of the person in mention. They went like this:

Name: Professor Hershel Layton

Universe: Sector 5

Abilities: Has a keen intellectual ability, is a skilled fencer and hand-to-hand fighter

Name: Luke Triton

Universe: Sector 5

Abilities: Has a keen intellectual ability, can talk to animals

Name: Emmy Altava

Universe: Sector 5

Abilities: Has a keen intellectual ability, has extraordinary fighting skills

Name: Avatar Aang

Universe: Sector 12

Abilities: Can manipulate anything containing air, water, earth or fire

Name: Katara

Universe: Sector 12

Abilities: Can manipulate anything containing water

Name: Sokka

Universe: Sector 12

Abilities: Has great strategy abilities, is a great warrior and is an expert at the sword

Name: Chief Toph Befong

Universe: Sector 12

Abilities: Can manipulate anything containing earth, can see things by feeling the vibrations around her

Name: Fire Lord Zuko

Universe: Sector 12

Abilities: Can manipulate anything containing fire

Name: Blossom Utonium

Universe: Sector 7

Abilities: Posses Superman-like powers such as super strength and super speed

Name: Bubbles Utonium

Universe: Sector 7

Abilities: Posses Superman-like powers such as super strength and super speed, can talk to animals and can speak almost all languages

Name: Buttercup Utonium

Universe: Sector 7

Abilities: Posses Superman-like powers such as super strength and super speed, can play any sport extremely well

"And how do we know this will actually work? I mean… Has it ever been tested?" Asked an official from a country known only by a learned few. "I guess you'll all have to find out by seeing it actually work." The professor said. "All in favor of my plan say I." "I!" Said a great multitude of officials, "All those opposing say nah." "Nah!" said one or two. A smile crept across the professor's face as he realized that he was finally going to be able to make a name for himself in the scientific community, and that he could actually save the entire world, two dreams he'd always possessed. "The I's have it!"