Promise of a lifetime

"Hiccup" Astrid started "do you want to know a secret?"

"Um, well o-okay" I said and smiled.

Astid laid her hands in mine and came closer to me. I could feel her heartbeat and breath and I thought I knew what she was going to say.

"Just say it" I thought to myself "Just say it, don't be ashamed. I love you too"

"I..." she started and came even closer, to kissing-distance. I felt I was blushing up but I didn't care. I was just a moment away from my first kiss, with ASTRID! The most beautiful girl in Berk. With her long, blonde hair and sky-blue eyes. No man -or woman!- could resist her.

She closed her eyes and pouted her lips. I was in heaven.

I woke up from my beautiful dream of the light from some torches outside.

"Why?" I asked myself. "Why? I was so close..!"

A strange, cold breeze flew in from the window and gently touched my cheek. It was like a whisper.


Suddenly I heard some voices from outside, almost yelling. Strange, the peoples of Berk doesn't wake this early, nor stay up this late.

I had to check. I stepped out of bed and put on my deer-fur coat. When I got down to the living room, nobody was there. I went outside and saw almost half of the village with torches, surrounding a company of three. I sneaked a little closer and saw that it was a family; a mother and her two children, an older boy and a younger girl.

"What has brought you here?" my dad asked with the sword ready.

"Our village has been infected with terrible nightmares and only sorrow. We seek only some shelter and food until we can continue our trek" The woman said and hugged her daughter.

"Nightmares? Then you've come to the wrong village.." A villager said and laughed.

"Please! We've been walking for days!" The woman said

My dad sighed.

"You can stay at my house, I have enough rooms for your family." my dad said and directed the family to our house. As they passed me by, the brother looked at me as he had seen me before. He smiled and a breeze of frost passed my ear, again, and whispered.

Thank you.

I blinked and froze. Naah, it couldn't be him, right? He's not a shaman or something...

Or is he?


"Uh- what?" I said and shook my head and came back to reality.

"The boy is staying in your room tonight with you, be nice." My dad said and went inside.

I sighed and went inside too. It was getting cold.

"You're sleeping here." I said and pointed at the floor. I had laid some blankets and a spare-pillow on the soft fur-carpet.

"Thank you! I owe you a big one!" The boy said and dunked me on the back and I almost lost my balance. Then he sunk down under a blanket and fell asleep as quickly as he had come to Berk.

I froze in place, just staring at the boy. He was in the older teens and had dark brown hair. He was kind of skinny and his skin was pale.

I went back to my bed and fell asleep, almost as fast as the boy who was sleeping next to my bed. I actually never thought I would have any friends over. Oh well, friend is maby not the best word to describe him.. Person?