I've recently watched a Fanvideo on YouTube about Puella Magi Madoka Magica: [MAD] Walpurgisnacht [-] by sirikann2 and I liked the music and the video. So I made a song based on it. It's called What Will You do? and it would be nice if you read it while listening to the music from the video. If sirikann2 reads this: I hope you'll like it.

"What will you do?"

Can you, see this, with your own eyes?

Can you, sense this? Why is, life so unfair?

I've seen too much.

Of this life

Please, dissapear

Making a contract

upon a wish

Make it dissapear

The Incubators eyes are glowing

Calling you...

Then it appears

His voice is ringing

Make this contract

The Soul Gem!

Life going, night fading

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

Soul killing, Darkness rising

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

The life is just a thread

Which can break, be torn apart

The life is just a thread

Make it break, torn it apart

The darkness rises,

The moon glazes

At the Puella Magi's Soul

Greif engulfing

Heart breaking

I'm asking you

What will you do?

Time is stopping

Puellas are dancing

The dance of life and death

Surviving, purifiyng, magic casting

Till the heart becomes black

My soul is unclean

Rip it away

With your hands

Or clean it

Incubators are smiling

Not knowing what it means

This despair

Rip it away

Please do it

Or just kill me

I can't stand this

I've seen too much

Witches are laughing

Dancing the mad dance

The Grief Seeds are shining

Once being Soul Gems

Will mine Soul Gem become like that?

Life going, night fading

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

Soul killing, Darkness rising

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

Blood is flowing

Bodies are crumbling

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

Battles are coming

Souls are decaying

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

The life is just a thread

Which can break, be torn apart

The life is just a thread

Make it break, torn it apart

Kyuubey is similing

Not knowing what it means

When you lose your life

When you become a witch

When the dispair engulfs you

Please, dissapear!

Life going, night fading

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

Soul killing, Darkness rising

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

Night spreading, Moon shining

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

Barrier crossing, disases awaking

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

The life is just a thread

Not being worth living for

The life is just a thread

But I know it's worth to live

The life is just a thread

It can tear, I know

But I know I'd rather die

Then become a witch myself


Life going, night fading

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

Soul killing, Darkness rising

I'm askin' you

What will you do?

The life is just a thread

Which can break, be torn apart

The life is just a thread

Make it break, torn it apart

Contract making, Soul darkening

Life sacrisfing, Witch becoming

Kyuubey's smiling: I'm askin' you