The cat Kingdom was as beautiful the last time Haru had been there, it was really funny knowing the last time she had been here, she had been forced to marry the prince he saved and now they were here to attend the marriage of two cats she saved one of which was the prince.

Haru noticed the growing silence between her and her escort. Her eyes drifted to the ginger cat beside him, the tux he wore was almost the same as the one he usually wore but it was midnight blue in color, accenting his emerald eyes and his fur was obviously brushed for quite some time. The ginger cat noticed the eyes staring at him and stared back daringly. Haru looked away in a flash, a red tinge forming in her now light brown cheeks; she suddenly noticed she was turning catlike again.

"Not again!" her paws shot straight up to her cheeks and touched it gingerly, she was getting carried away again and it's because of the dapper cat beside her again. Baron grabbed her paws and held her there. "Don't lose yourself again, I already told you it was dangerous." Haru nodded and continued walking to the cat kingdom.

Baron's heart kept thudding; what if Haru got into danger again? What if the cat king came back? What if she didn't come back after dawn? But Haru being in danger wasn't the only thing making his heart pound; it was the fact that she was too close to him. He can't help but to notice her dashing red dress that flowed to her knees and the smell of apple blossom that enveloped the brunette. Every single thing in cat kingdom reminded him of the waltz they had, the way she had looked at his eyes and the way she had graced the dance floor in his arms. It was too much, he suddenly felt weird like somebody's staring, but it wasn't somebody. Haru's hazel eyes were focused on him intently, he found himself staring back and watching her look away with a slight tinge to her cheeks. The sight made an involuntary smile play on his lips, why?

The castle's ballroom was amazing every part of it was decorated in white garments and cattails were found everywhere. At the latter part of the room were 3 long tables filled with the most posh looking food he had ever seen, he instantly thought of Muta with only angel food cake as company.

"Baron, Haru!" Yuki in a white dress full of intricate designs came towards them. "You're just in time! People are dancing and eating, come on! Enjoy yourselves." Yuki left to attend to the other guests, leaving the two behind her.

"Shall we dance?" their last dance came into his mind and remembered every single thing. She was going to say-

"I'm a meowsy dancer," Haru smiled at Baron, sharing an inside joke.

"Trust me." And off they went to the dance floor. Baron held her in his arms once again, twirling her and swaying with her.

Everything is so familiar to Haru, and now, their dancing in the very same place where she was forced to marry, how ironic. The place suddenly became a blur, baron was leading her into a waltz again, and the feel of his hands on hers was exactly the same the last time it held hers, warm and comforting. It was true she was a meowsy dancer but Baron made her look as if she was born to dance, her only thought right now is for the dance to never end.

As she thought it would never end, the slow music came into a halt and both of them were sitting in a table with Prince Lune and Yuki.

"How have you been Haru?" Yuki's blue eyes gazed at the light brown cat beside her.

"Well, I'm fine actually. I've gotten over the last time I've been here.

"Well, that's great to hear from you.

"Well, what about you? You're going to be crowned princess tonight! Isn't that just great? I'm so happy for you!" Yuki's eyes hovered beside Haru and exclaimed "Wonderful! Refreshments,"

His heart was still beating around wildly at his chest, the dance was better than ever. How he wished time could've stopped around them and they'd be the only people in the world. He was still in a daze and the two friends on the other side of the table were still chatting about princesses or something when the refreshments came; finally, I definitely need one of those. Baron grabbed a cup of tea and drank his nerves away; the tea as he guessed was chamomile-perfect. The tea soothed his nerves but did something else, the heat, instead of traveling downwards shot up straight through his brain and every thing was starting to go fuzzy, the last thing he realized was the whole ball was a trap. "Haru!" The brunette stared at him and the whole world went black.