Ever Growing Friendship

Written By: Cloudline Dasher

Edited by: N/A

Chapter: Epilogue


A month had passed since the death of Page Streamer. Birds were faintly chirping, whilst begging for the feeders to be refilled. Fluttershy daintily hovered on the wind as the bag of feed became lighter with each bowl. The animals around the cottage hastily surrounded the bowls, lunging themselves head first into the kibble. Discarding the now empty bag into a nearby bin, Fluttershy opened the door to her cottage, a smile adorning her face as Trace made his way into the living room dressed in his finest black tux. Crimson stricken Trace's cheeks as he straightened his tie, "How do I look?"

"Wonderful!" Fluttershy hummed happily, "Rarity will be in awe, I'm sure!"

Soon after followed Lyra, dressed in a white frilly ballgown. She tugged at the collar with her magic while kicking her hind hoof at the fabric, "Is this really necessary for a first date?"

Fluttershy merely giggled as she nodded in reply, "Yes, you both know Rarity. She is um..."

"Flamboyant?" Trace added, grinning.

"W-well, yeah... She probably just wants the date to be perfect. Now, I'm going to go get in my dress, see you two in a bit." Fluttershy hummed happily as she flew up the stairs and up to her room.

Lyra and Trace looked to one another, letting out a brief sigh.


Groaning to herself, Rarity couldn't rightly tell what to wear, "I told them just to wear plain ballroom attire, and my spark of inspiration left me with this magnificent dress just dying to be worn..."

Standing on her hind legs, and puffing her chest out, Rarity spouted a burst of confidence, "No Rarity! This is their night, I am taking them on the date and I mustn't out shine them!"

With her determination, her horn encased in blue as a manikin rolled over, dressed in a white ballroom gown. A pout formed on her lips, followed by a sigh, "But it's so plain... hmm..." Rarity tapped her chin, before her eyes wandered over to her fabrics. Her eyes widened and sparkles formed, "Magnifique!"

A faint blue scarf hovered over encased in a bout of luminescent blue magic, before wrapping itself around the neck of the manikin, "Perfect! Just a touch of color does wonders!"


Sweet Apple Acres came into view, allowing Trace and his herd to see the light emanating from inside the barn. Upon reaching the door, Trace lightly rapped his fist against the wooden door, "Anyone here?"

The door swung open, allowing everyone to see Rarity sitting inside, "Now, I know this ballroom isn't as elegant like they have in Canterlot, but I hope it tickles your fancy just the same! Applejack was such a dear to let us use her barn like this."

Lyra, Fluttershy, and Trace, all looked about in awe. The outside still looked like a barn, but the inside looked as if it led to a castle like world. While the hay bales could still be seen up in the loft, the floor was a marbled ballroom flooring, while the walls were scattered with pictures and works of art. Streamers elegantly placed to distract the eye away from the hay above. Rarity giggled at her three friends, before making her way over to a dressing vanity that had apparently been hiding something right behind it. Her magic wist it away, revealing a large meal suited for royalty.

Fluttershy and her herd watched in bafflement at the array of fresh smelling foods. It was a wonder why they hadn't smelt it before. They were snapped out of it as Rarity spoke, "Come come, sit my lovely dates for the evening. I hope everything is suited for each of your individual tastes!"

Nearing the table, Lyra was the first to sit down. Her eyes sparkled at her dish. It was an array of flowers, mainly of roses and tulip petals, and maybe a tad bit of parsley and barley sprinkles atop. Next was Fluttershy, as she sat down, her eyes gazed upon the lavender and honeysuckle, "M-my favorite..." She glanced over to Rarity, her eyes pleading that she shouldn't have. It was just too considerate of her friend.

Finally there was Trace, he was about to pull his chair out, but the chair illuminated a faint blue before being pulled out. Trace caught Rarity's softened gaze as she smiled, "Here you go, I especially hope your dish will suit you?"

Sitting down in the chair, Rarity pushed him up to the table, before her magic delicately tucked a napkin corner into the top of his shirt, preventing anything from ruining his suit. The metal dish that covered his meal raised up and off, revealing a mouth watering, "Steak?!"

For a moment, even Trace's eyes seemed to drool, lusting over the long lost savory meal that he had thought for sure was a lost cause. Rarity merely giggled, "You talk when you're drunk, and there were many a time that you pretty much broke down over the thought of a steak. I pulled a few favors from a griffon in Canterlot, and he agreed to have it sent here. We ponies are disgusted by the thought of eating a cow, but I figured we could put aside that for you, Trace."

Mouthing words that failed to come, Trace went for his knife and fork, eagerly slicing into the succulent well done steak. Fluttershy winced and looked away, but she didn't say anything. She knew how much it probably meant for her stallion to have this particular dish.

Near the end of their meals, a faint hum of a cello filled the air, followed by a few other instruments. Lyra's ears flickered as she gazed over to a curtain that was slowly being opened by a darker blue magic, "Octavia, Vinyl?"

The rest of the Royal Euphony were all present, even Melodic Whistle stood out front with his baton, orchestrating the elegant musics that filled the atmosphere. Octavia currently had her eyes closed, but as she sneaked a peak at her lyricist friend and shot her a short grin.

Finishing off the last bite of his steak, Trace made positively sure to remove any juices from his mouth. He even went so far as to reach into his tux pocket and pulled out some breath mints and popped several into his mouth. As he replaced the packet of mints, he watched as Rarity pulled herself from her chair and walked around the table to where he sat. Trace blinked momentarily in confusion as Rarity extended her hoof, "I humbly request a dance, my dear Trace."

Out of instincts, Trace glanced to Fluttershy and Lyra. Both merely giggled at him, and Lyra offered her approval, "Go ahead Trace, don't be rude."

His cheeks filled in with a rosy hue as he took her hoof. Pulling him from his seat, Rarity got up on her hind hooves and took one of Trace's hands with her forehoof. Melodic Whistle could be heard rapping the podium with his baton, and instantly the music stopped. With a swish of his baton, the genre of music changed to more of Marezart's works.

A giggle faintly reached Trace's ears, followed by Rarity's voice, "Still remember how to dance?"

Trace cleared his voice, averting his gaze, "I may be a little rusty..."

"Just follow my lead, dear." Rarity grinned as she took a step, leading him across the floor.

In the corner of Rarity's eyes, she could see Lyra leading Fluttershy to the floor, and taking a similar posture as they had. Standing on their hind hooves as they danced. Normally ponies would dance by keeping their heads next to each others, or while guiding one another with one hoof. Rarity had to admit, dancing like this due to Trace was rather enjoyable, and a great deal more elegance than having to use three or even all of her legs. Rarity couldn't help but let out a giggle as Lyra and Fluttershy tried their best to mimic her and Trace's movements.

"What's wrong? Am I not doing it right?" Trace asked, nervousness setting in, thinking that he really was rusty.

Rarity pulled back just enough to look him straight in the eye. Her smile widened as she nudged her head toward the only other dancers on the floor. Trace couldn't help but smile as he caught Lyra's gaze. Lyra's cheeks reddened as she averted her gaze immediately back to Fluttershy as she swayed her partner and pointed her back toward Rarity and Trace.

After several minutes of dancing, all four seemed to get used to the tempo, as well as the steps. Gradually as the song seemed to come to an end, a new song started and was a tad more faster. Smiling at Trace, she mouthed, "Wait here."

Trace seemed to understand as she pulled away. He watched patiently as Rarity made her way over to Fluttershy and tapped her shoulder. The two instantly stopped and watched the white mare curiously, "May I cut in?"

Glancing from Rarity to Lyra, Fluttershy looked for approval. Lyra nodded to her marefriend before pulling away. Rarity instantly scooped Lyra up in her hooves and resumed the two hooved style ballroom dancing. Watching as the two danced away, Fluttershy stepped over to Trace, balancing on two hooves, smiling at her stallion, "Shall we?"

Nodding to his lovely mare, Trace took her hooves exactly as he had with Rarity. Fluttershy picked up the tempo, and found that a human could support her standing much better than with another pony. Not that she didn't enjoy dancing with Lyra.

Yet again after dancing for nearly ten minutes, the song was seemingly starting to come to an end. The pair would peak every so often to see Rarity leading Lyra quite expertly. Trace could swear that a few times they fought for the lead. With Fluttershy, she was just happy to let Trace lead her wherever, but as she glanced back to Trace and saw his attention was on the other two, her determination set in. She swapped hooves and Trace missed a step as the tempo suddenly changed. He quickly adjusted and matched his partners steps. He was shocked at her sudden change, but merely smiled at her.

Only a few seconds and the song would end. While Trace was now focused on Fluttershy, the timid mare was trying to match everything Rarity was doing with Lyra. Suddenly, Lyra let out a small yelp as she was swayed back while Rarity held her still. Lyra glanced up to Rarity in shock, but as she saw Rarity's softened gaze, her cheeks were set aflame.

Fluttershy hesitated, but she humphed to herself, 'Come Fluttershy! You can do this, you have too!' and with a few, what seemed as expert moves, she drooped Trace back in her hooves, 'I did it! I actually did it!'

Trace was wide eyed for a moment, total shock that Fluttershy had been able to support his weight.

'Thud!' Trace let out a grunt as Fluttershy's hooves slipped out from behind him, sending him to the floor. Falling herself, she managed to fall with her hooves to either side of her stallion. The music didn't start back up after the song ended as the entire room watched in worry.

"Trace, are you alrig-" Rarity started, but soon cut off as Trace merely laughed.

"Well that was fun." Trace smiled up to his butter colored mare.

"A-are you alright?" Fluttershy stuttered, her cheeks red in embarrassment.

"Hehe..." Trace grinned before running his hands over her neck until his arms were around the back of her neck and pulling her head down. Their lips met as Trace pushed his tongue against her lips. Out of the sudden surprise, Fluttershy parted her lips and returned the kiss. She could feel his tongue twirl around hers for a moment before licking across the roof of her mouth and out. He broke the kiss with a short pant, "What do you think, Shy?"

Glancing over to Lyra and Rarity, both of them had wide eyes, and both their eyes seemed to be misted over, just as if they had shared in the kiss. It hit the four as they glanced over to the band, that had yet to start playing again. All of them were watching at first in worry, but now they all were watching the overly intimate moment in awe.

All four started to laugh, and soon the Royal Euphony joined in, filling the barn with a loud roar of laughter.


A few weeks later-

Stepping up to the library door, Trace didn't waste any time knocking on the door. Today wasn't one of Twilight's and his study times, but Twilight had urgently wanted to see him over some new discovery. Without telling him much other than that, he found himself at her door, waiting for an answer. The oak door swung open to reveal a purple dragon, "Trace! Come on in before Twilight gets even more impatient..."

Giving out a short chuckle, Trace nodded before following the dragon in. Twilight smiled immediately upon seeing him. However, she moved without saying anything, dragging the book she had found in Celestia's forbidden library, the very one that spawned Nightmare Moon herself.

Trace pointed at the book in worry, making sure to keep his distance, "It's not going to zap me is it?"

Twilight giggled before shaking her head, "No, but I was hoping you might let me zap you?"

"E-excuse me?!" Trace took a step back, a bead of sweat dropping from his brow.

Yet again another giggle escaped the lavender mare as she spoke, "Well yes, I asked you here because I believe that this book has some information about human magic."

"Human magic?" Trace questioned.

Using her magic to open the book that lay in the floor, Twilight opened the book to a certain page that depicted the three human forms, Elves, Wizards, and Hawkmen, "According to your history, at least what you have told me so far, it seems that according to myth or legend that the human race truly did have magic. I believe, thanks to this book, that humans gradually lost their connection to magic, and I believe I can bestow your body with magic once more."

"B-bestow me with magic?" stuttered Trace, backing up slowly, "Look, I don't want to be a part of some experiment."

"It's just charging you with magic to see what you become. All it will be doing is charging your empty magic reserves." Twilight beamed as she took a step forward.

Trace pouted, as he scratched his cheek, "Sounds like an experiment to me..."

"Be as it may, I wanted to see the effects of what would happen if you came in contact with magic anyway. Might as well attempt it in a secure setting, wouldn't you agree?" Twilight smiled, hoping deep down he would let her try to place magic within him.

When Trace remained silent, Twilight frowned, rubbing the nap of her neck, "I didn't want to say this, but you're going to have to have magic cast on you anyway if you ever hope to produce offspring with anypony... So might as well see what ill effects will happen. If you say no, I wont say anymore, but this is not only for me, it is for Fluttershy, I know how much she wants a fo-"

Before she could finish, Trace gave a hesitant, nervous chuckle, "Okay... I'll do it... Might as well get this out of the way... I mean... for Fluttershy..."

Watching Trace intently, Twilight's expression turned serious, "Okay, but are you sure before I begin?"

"How much more sure can I be? I love Fluttershy, and I want to be able to give her a foal one day... Let's do this..."

With a small nod, Twilight stood up, closing her eyes and charging her horn. Trace chuckled nervously before waving his hands, "Will this hurt?"

"If nothing happens, then no... However, if it goes the way I think it will, I cannot guess if it will or not." Twilight explained, holding her magic as she waited to see if he would have a change of heart.

Letting out a large sigh, Trace tightened his hands into fists, "Let's do this and get it over with..."

Nodding once more, Twilight aimed her horn and a steady flow of magic started seeping into Trace's body. He blinked as his body slightly tickled, but nothing more really happened other than that. His entire body levitated an inch off the ground, his clothes rippling as if a great wind blew against his body. The light seemed to pour in through the windows and blur into negative, turning everything black and white. Twilight strengthened the beam as she filled Trace's body with magic.

FFFzzzzz... With a flash of blinding light, Trace shielded his eyes. With a loud wave of wind he was released from the magic and dropped to the floor, landing on his two feet, wobbling to stay standing. Twilight remained silent, watching to see any effects her magic may have had. Twilight frowned as she stepped closer, "Anything?"

"N-no... I don't think so..." Trace stated, scratching at his back for a pair of wings to suddenly be there, or his forehead for a horn.

Twilight grinned as she waved her hoof idly, "Wizards don't have horns, and it's apparent you don't have wings." stepping over to the table centered in the middle of the library, Twilight levitated over a vase that had a daisy inside, "The book states that wizards concentrate their magic through hands, staffs, or words. Try hold out your hands and channeling your thoughts into trying to levitate the flower."

Looking to the daisy as if it was suddenly a mystical object, he hesitantly held out his hands. Taking a deep breath, Trace focused on the flower, trying intensely to lift it. Twilight watched carefully for any signs for even the smallest traces of magic. Stepping back and hanging his head, Trace let out a breath of defeat, "I don't think I have any mystical powers, so no Hogwarts for me..."

"H-hogwarts?" Twilight tilted her head, clueless of what he meant.

"Nevermind." Trace chuckled, "But... what about elves, is it possible I'm one of them?"

"I don't think so... They resemble Earth ponies, meaning they have power over plants, but I've never even seen you so much as grow a plant... However, it could be different for humans, I don't know." Turning away from Trace, Twilight levitated over the book, starting to read, "I think this requires more research."

Without another word or even a goodbye, Trace was left standing there, "S-so... am I done here?"

Mumbling a few inaudible murmurs, Twilight was now engulfed in the book. Spike took it upon himself to walk over and tug on Trace's pant leg, "Leave her be. She most likely thinks she done something wrong and now wants to find out why. They'll be no reaching her until she reads more of that book."

While being guided by his pant leg, Trace stepped over to the door, twisting the knob, "O-okay..." Waving his hand, Trace grinned, "Bye Twilight!"

Without saying anything, Twilight absentmindedly waved her hoof. Spike chuckled as a droplet of sweat fell from his head, "I'm surprised you got that much out of her..."

Chuckling to the young dragon, Trace stepped out the door, "Thanks Spike, I guess I'll talk to ya later."

"Bye Trace." And with that, Trace was left outside, wondering where to go.

To be all honest, Trace had thought he would have been there longer, so now he had several hours before his first job of the day, "Guess I'll take a walk?"


Randomly walking around Ponyville, soon had Trace near Sweet Apple Acres. He wasn't going to visit anypony in particular and knew Applejack was most likely already off for the market. It was her day to sell after all. However, as he stepped over the hill, something curious drew in his attention. A cart full of apples stuck in a large hole of mud. After a moment of looking, and several steps closer, Applejack came into view. She was covered in mud behind the cart, pushing with all her might. Trace could hear her yell something incoherent.

As he neared, he waved and called out, "Applejack, need some help?"

Turning around to face the friendly voice, a pout was apparent on the cowponies face, "Ah sure wouldn't mind... but ya will get all muddy..."

"It's okay, I have hours until my job, so I can just go home and shower." Admitted Trace as he willingly stepped into the mud, "Here, you get up front and pull, and I'll push."

Doing as he stated, Applejack went up front and hooked herself in, "Ready when you are, sugarcube."

"On the count of three, one..." Trace pressed his feet down into the mud, preparing his stance, "Two, aaaand, three!"

With one large bout of strength, Trace pushed forward with all his might, and soon after could hear Applejack yelling, "Whoa nelly!" and her running forward several hoofsteps. Without the cart suddenly in front of him, Trace yelled forward, throwing his hands in front of him to catch himself. As his hands collided with the slippery ground, they slipped to either side and his face planted with the ground.

Applejack hurried to unbuckle herself from the cart, before rushing back to pull Trace from the mud, "Sugarcube, ya okay?"

Spitting and sputtering, Trace stood up, wiping brown from his face, "Yeah... I guess it wasn't as stuck as I thought?"

Chuckling, Applejack shook her head, "Nah, ah don't think so! Ah was pushin that cart for nearly thirty minutes, and not to mention I barely even started pullin when you said three. That was all you pushin that cart, and ah know yer not stronger than ah am!"

Stepping up and out of the mud, Trace muttered, "The spell..."

"Spell?" Applejack overheard, tilting her head.

"Yeah, Twilight energized my body with magic, saying I would become a wizard, elf, or a hawkman. I guess I really did become an elf?" Trace stated plainly, contemplating going back to tell Twilight.

Looking to her cart, Applejack frowned, "Ah gotta go sell these apples, but if ah were you, ah'd go get yerself cleaned up and maybe go back ta Twi."

"Good idea..." Trace chuckled, rubbing his neck.

"See ya." Applejack waved before strapping herself back into the carts harness, "And thanks for tha help!"

"Don't mention it." he waved back as she disappeared around a bend in the road.


After a good long shower and a change of clothes, Trace was headed back to the library. Upon reach it, Trace knocked on the door. Soon after Spike once more answered, "Trace? You forget something?"

"I came to tell Twilight that her magic worked."

Several hoof steps came clopping across the library floor, as the door swung wider and Spike was shoved off the side, "Trace, did it really work?"

"I-" But before Trace could answer, Twilight was behind him inspecting his back.

"no wings..." Twilight murmured before rushing over to his front and standing on her forehooves, "No horn, no wait, wizards wouldn't have horns."

"Twilight..." Trace frowned, "Apparently I'm an elf."

"Elf? So you found that you have power over crops?" Twilight asked calmly, raising her brow, "But I thought for sure you would be a wizard due to your repair pony job, or a hawkman at the very least."

Chuckling, Trace placed his hand on his neck, "I don't know about crops, but I may have a bit of super strength?"

"S-super strength?" asked the confused Twilight, "This requires a test to see how strong you are!"

"What did you have in-" Trace started, but before he could finish, a large boulder seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Trace, meet Tom."

"Twilight!" Spike pleaded for Trace's safety, rushing over to Twilight, "Isn't this a bit drastic?"

Twilight merely smiled as she laughed, "It's for science! Is it not?!"

"Twilight, I really don't think, umph!" Trace grunted as the rock dropped and his hands raised in the air to prevent it from crushing him. He blinked when he realized he could hold it up in the air, "Whoa..."

Illuminating her horn in a luminescent purple, Tom began to glow, "Now, I'll gradually increase the weight until you can't hold it anymore."

"W-wait!" Trace pleaded, but it was too late, the scientific persuaded mare was too enthused with the experiment to stop. Trace fell to one knee as Tom threatened to murder him. A crack could be heard, and the strength seemed to sap from his body, "T-twilight!?"

Trace swallowed as his body gave free and he fell to his back. The rock fell, but as it fell almost to his body, it levitated a faint purple, "See, no harm done, and now I know the extent to Elf power."

Cursing obscenities at Twilight, Trace sat up. His body aching with the near death experience. Twilight tossed aside Tom as she suddenly pulled out a parchment and a pen, "Apparently your body cannot permanently hold magic as the book says you should. It could be possible that pony magic and human magic isn't quite compatible."

Getting to his feet, Trace worried asked, "What does this mean for Fluttershy and myself having a foal?"

"That shouldn't be a problem so long as you conceive within the allotted time. We wont know for sure until we try." Twilight admitted, scribbling once more on her parchment, "Sorry for being so harsh with my sudden test of your strength, but I doubt you would have let me test it in that manner."

Taking several wobbly steps, Trace pouted, "Pshh... I'm going home..."

"Bye, Trace." Twilight stated, once again sucked into her experimentation. Spike waved his goodbyes, worried for him.


"Damned Twilight..." Trace pouted once more, heading for Fluttershy's kitchen and grabbing hold of the phone. The phone's buttons tapped loudly as he took his anger out of pressing them.

After several rings, a pony picked up, "Carousel Boutique, where everything in sleek sheik and magnifique! Rarity speaking."

"Rarity, It's me, Trace." Trace sighed, moving the phone to the other ear, "I don't think I can come fix those floor boards today."

"That is totally fine, Trace. However, may I ask why? Are you not feeling well?" Rarity seemed honestly concerned, most likely hearing it in his voice.

Letting out another sigh, Trace clenched his eyes closed, "Twilight done some experiments on me, and took them a little far, I don't think I'll be able to work today."

"Darling, you okay? I know how Twilight gets carried away if it's in the name of science. She didn't harm you, did she?" Trace could tell Rarity was deeply worried now, just by the tone in her voice, as well as her voice going up an octave.

Forcing himself to calm, Trace replied, "I'm fine, Rarity. Thank you for asking, but I just need to rest for today."

The line fell silent, and Trace could hear shuffling of papers on the other end, "Rarity?"

"I'll be over in ten- no make that twenty minutes!" Rarity could be heard shuffling about, apparently doing something on the other end, "I will run you a hot bath, make you dinner, and let you relax. Equestria only knows how badly Twilight probably harmed you..."

"That's not necessary! I-" Trace tried to state, but was hastily cut off.

"Tut tut darling! I absolutely wont take no for an answer. Ta ta until then! Click! Beep~ beep~"

"Eh..." Trace hesitated, glaring at the phone, unsure of exactly what had transpired. Letting out a soft sigh, he hung up the phone. Sluggishly making his way to the front door, he unlocked it, sure that the fashion diva would allow herself in.

To be totally honest, Trace wouldn't mind the company, especially with Fluttershy taking a trip out to Canterlot with Lyra. Lyra had some private gigs with some wealthy ponies, and was being paid top bit for the performance. In the meantime, Fluttershy was to visit the rescue center for some rumored baby manticores that were to be put to death for being possibly too dangerous to raise. No job was too little for Fluttershy, and she was dead set to raise the little beasts and release them into the Everfree forest. They were to return some time today, but Trace figured it would probably be later on, and he would most likely need to eat dinner alone. Unfortunately, there weren't any phones in Equestria to see exactly how much longer they would be.


Sure enough, twenty or so minutes later the door could be heard opening. Rarity let herself in carrying all kinds of random things in her saddlebag. Trace had been on the couch, next to dreamland, his muscles aching from the force trauma of having magic flooding them and then drained so vigorously. Rarity had a look of empathy as she pulled some oils from her bag with her magic, "Dear, now that I'm here, take off that shirt and I'll gladly message your shoulders. After you are nice and loose, I'll run you a nice hot bubble bath."

Being too tired to really even complain, Trace done as he was told and lifted his blue button down over his head, not bothering with the buttons. He closed his eyes, expecting Rarity to run over and start. However, when all he retrieved was silence, he cracked his eyes to look over. The fashion ponies eyes was glued to his chest area, a faint pink marking her cheeks. Trace blushed as well as he snapped his fingers, "R-rarity?"

Clearing her voice, Rarity's face reddened further as the oils levitated over, "Yes, sorry darling! As I was saying, lay on your stomach."

As she said that, a blanket made its way from her bag and spread itself onto the floor. While it was uncomfortable, the thought soon vanished as tingly oils poured onto his back. The tingle could instantly be felt in his muscles, which made a deep sigh escape. Out of the corner of his eye, Rarity hesitated before she straddled his back, "Just relax and let me take care of you."

"Ooohh..." Trace groaned as two hooves pressed the liquid oil into his shoulder blades.

It was a mixture of pain and pleasure, which the latter prevented him from stopping her. Every once and awhile a bone would pop, releasing tension and sending way to relief. Working her way from his shoulders, Rarity backed herself up until she sat on his rear, using her hooves to work the oils into his lower back. A small grunt escaped him as she pressed a tad bit harder. A faint rosy hue marked her expression, not expecting herself to listening desperately to every little sound that escaped from his lips. She even found herself trying even harder to press into muscles to make those little groans of pleasure even louder, and more frequent.

Rarity was so entranced, that she failed to hear the door open to Fluttershy's cottage. She jumped as the door clicked closed. Her heart skipped a beat and she jumped from Trace's back. Her eyes fell on Fluttershy and Lyra watching from the now closed front door. Lyra looked to her in confusion, tilting her head, "W-what are you doing, Rarity?"

She immediately felt her face heat up, clenching her hind legs together, suddenly aware of the moisture that resided there, "I-I darlings! Welcome back, Trace was just a little sore and I was messaging him!"

Levitating Fluttershy's and her own saddlebag, Lyra deposited them in the closet before she looked to Trace's slick and oiled up back. Trace seemed reluctant to move, but groaned as he forced himself up, "Twilight experimented on me and took it a little far. Rarity came over to take care of me."

Fluttershy's eyes widened as she looked to her stallion in worry, "A-are you hurt?"

Trace frowned as he shook his head, "No, just a little sore. A-anyway..." Trace fell silent, motioning for the hallway that led to the bathroom, "I'm just going to go take a shower. Just in case you leave while I'm showering, thanks for everything Rarity. The message felt wonderful." Somewhat limping off, Trace disappeared into the hall.

Gathering her things back into her bag, Rarity tried her best to avert her gaze away from the two. Clearly knowing her cheeks were red in embarrassment, "I-I should be going..."

"Rarity, we brought ingredients for Fluttershy's special soup. Why don't you stay for dinner?" Lyra happily hummed, motioning Rarity away from the door.

Flinching and shying away, Rarity took her saddlebag in tow and attempted her retreat, "That is okay, I need too..." Rarity paused long enough for a random thought to pop into her head, "Bathe Opal, that cat is always dirtying herself."

"R-rarity? Are you okay, you seem tense." Rarity was about to reply, but froze as Fluttershy stepped forward, running her side against hers and running her yellow snout against her neck.

A soft gasp escaped her lips, and her eyes widened in panic as she backed away, her tail forcibly trying to hide the prominent aroma drifting up from her nether region. It was Lyra's turn to step forward, taking her hoof and gently placing it against Rarity's forehead, "You're a little warm, are you sure you're feeling well?"

They could all hear the water shut off, and Trace stepped back into the living room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Lyra chuckled as she turned her attention toward him, "Wow, that was a fast shower!"

Trace joined in with a short chuckle of his own, before motioning for upstairs, "Yeah, I just wanted to get in and out." He made his way a few steps up the stairs before adding, "I forgot fresh clothes, I'll be back."

To Rarity's dismay, her eyes followed Trace all the way upstairs. Her eyes glued to the bottom of the towel as if she was checking for a glimpse of anything of interest. A light bulb seemed to click on within Lyra's brain, and a devilish grin formed onto her face, "You say you're not interested in stallions, but you seem to have taken a rather distinct taste for ours!"

For the first time since they arrived, Rarity's gaze jerked over, staring Lyra straight in the eye. However, within a moment her gaze jerked right back, trying to hide the growing warmth in her cheeks, "I don't know what you mean, darling."

Even Fluttershy seemed to take interest, a small grin forming. However, she managed to hide it, along with half of her face behind a wall of pink. Taking yet another step toward the fashionable mare, Lyra started to whisper into Rarity's ear, but purposely made it loud enough for Fluttershy to also listen in, "You could always take him for a test run, if you like?"

As Lyra pulled away, Rarity watched the seductive glare she was being given. Rarity's eyes fell to the floor, her mind instantly considering the offer despite her embarrassment, 'I thought it would take more time to fall in love with Lyra or Trace... but...' glancing up the stairs, knowing that was where he was, Rarity's eyes widened in shock, biting her lower lip, 'Does that really mean I love him? Y-yes, I think it does!?'

Suddenly Rarity cleared her voice, standing up straight as she fixed her mane. Her reddened face faded back to her normal white, and she gently closed her eyes, "Ehem..." Rarity covered her mouth as she cleared her throat, trying to regain her regalia. A faint pink still lingered as she averted her eyes once more, "Y-you think Trace would be up for that?"

Letting loose a giggle, Lyra nodded, throwing her hoof around Rarity's neck and leading her toward the stairs, "I bet he would! Let's go ask him, shall we?"

Rarity didn't seem to resist, and Fluttershy followed behind. The yellow mare found herself desperately interested in today's turn of events. As Lyra guided Rarity upstairs, Fluttershy's eyes widened and her cheeks heated up as a peculiar scent reached her nose. It didn't take but a second to realize it was emanating from the dampened tail that desperately tried to hide Rarity's sex.

Upon reaching Fluttershy's room, that now belonged to Fluttershy and her herd, Lyra knocked on the door as to not just barge in on Trace. Trace answered immediately, "I'm decent, come on it."

Swinging open the door, Rarity's heart sputtered as Trace stood there in rather thin pajama pants, that she of course had made for him. A shirt loosely draped on the bed as he reached for it. Lyra removed her hoof from Rarity's neck, before grabbing hold of Trace's wrist in her magic, "Trace, I believe Rarity would like to ask you something."

Freezing in place, Rarity's eyes met Lyra's. Giving Rarity a short nod and a smile, Rarity suddenly found herself nervous, but decided her ladylike regalia was too important to let her nerves get the better of herself. Straightening her posture, Rarity held her head high and took a few audible trots toward Trace. Trace watched curiously as Rarity paused in front of him before sitting down, "My dearest Trace, If it's all the same to you, I hereby request to take our relationship in the herd to the next step."

Trace grinned nervously, his cheeks reddening, "R-rather formal, aren't you?"

Pressing her hoof against her chest, Rarity closed her eyes, "As a lady, I'm just merely trying to show you the amount of respect that I have for you. A touch of formality goes a long way, and I hope you shall except my offer?"

Nervousness setting in, Trace glanced to Fluttershy and Lyra, a blank and clueless look in his eyes. Lyra smiled as she softly stated, "Go on Trace, both Fluttershy and myself are okay with it. Aren't we Shy?"

Hiding half her face behind her mane, Fluttershy could clearly be seen smiling in the corner of her mouth, "Yeah, but you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. I'm sure Rarity will understand."

Rarity's expression softened as she nodded in agreement, losing the formality, "Yes, Trace. I don't want to force you into anything, I just found myself utterly besotted by you. I'll understand if you wish to wait a little longer?"

Getting down to his knees, Trace pulled Rarity closer, pecking his lips to hers, "I don't mind, it just feels weird to have yet another person in the herd. E-especially you Rarity." Trace chuckled nervously before continuing, "You were pretty much the first friend that I considered being with in Equestria. I was honestly a bit disappointed when you first told me you didn't have any feelings for me. I must ask though, why the change of heart? Why now?"

Blushing brightly, Rarity managed to keep eye contact, "I do love Fluttershy, dearly in fact." Her words made Fluttershy avert her gaze, and everyone could tell she was truly embarrassed, but Rarity merely continued, "I think a part of the love comes from seeing how happy Fluttershy has been with you and Lyra. H-however... I don't like to believe that is the only reason I've fallen for you, Trace."

Raising his brow, Trace looked to her curiously, "What are the other reasons?"

Breaking eye contact, Rarity looked to Lyra as if to make sure the minty mare knew she was included in all this, "Before my father and mother joined in holy matrimony, my entire family was purebred unicorns. Even though my father was an Earth pony, I still considered myself a purebred, and one of traditional means. I saw myself with Blueblood, and tried desperately to be with him, even after his arrogance and self centered nature. After him, I gave all that up, and I thought I had by falling in love with Fluttershy. I wanted to whisk her away and keep her for myself."

Rarity locked eyes with Fluttershy, making the timid mares wings stiffen slightly. Trace grinned knowingly as he stated, "And then she joined Lyra and my herd."

Nodding her agreement, Rarity returned her gaze to Trace, "Yes, and then came my traditional values I had once again thought to be left behind. My belief of still being a unicorn purebred, came the ideal that I must be monogamous. As well as my new thoughts that I was solely into mares. Then there was you Trace. You captured Fluttershy's heart, and in a way, that led you to capture mine as well."

Throwing his arms around Rarity's neck, Trace pulled her into a tight embrace, "I'm glad, Rarity. I'm happy we could be a part of your happiness."

Giggling and gently pushing Trace away with a hoof, Rarity shook her head, "Here we are sorting through our feelings and I fear it may have ruined the moment for intimate relations. You never did answer my question about us taking my position in your herd to the next level."

Chuckling, Trace gently shook his head in disagreement, "I don't think it ruined the moment, on the contrary, it calmed me enough to say yes."

A grin eagerly formed on Rarity's face, jumping forward and throwing her hooves around Trace's neck, pinning his back against the side of the bed. Rarity's lips firmly found themselves pressed against Trace's her tongue searching to enter his mouth. Trace grunted in surprise, allowing the dexterous intruder into his mouth. Trace's hands rand up Rarity's sides until his right hand went up her neck, his fingers running through her purple mane.

Lyra watched in utter interest, that was until she felt a small tug at her forehoof. Looking over, her eyes met a pair of pleading cyan eyes. Lyra let out a small giggle, getting the picture of what her marefriend wanted. Gently placing her hoof on Fluttershy's cheek, she led the yellow mare's lips to her own. Awarding her with the same enthusiasm that Trace and Rarity was giving one another.

Pulling away from Trace, Rarity crawled up onto the bed, using a forehoof to motion Trace forward, "I want to feel those fingers of yours."

Grinning and nodding, Trace got up off the floor, standing at the side of the bed and began running his fingers over Rarity's cutiemark. Tracing the three diamonds that resided there. Rarity cooed, letting out a hot breath. Her delicate folds further moistening the matted tail that kept herself hidden. Trace couldn't help rubbing his hands on her flank, feeling the muscles on each of them, using a knee to join Rarity on the bed.

Lyra on the other hoof, already had Fluttershy on her back, never once breaking the kiss as she stood above her marefriend. Standing on three hooves, Lyra used her forehoof to stroke lightly at Fluttershy's right wing, tickling the feathers as she moved to the base. Fluttershy broke the kiss, a moan escaping her lips as Lyra pressed into the base of her wing.

Rarity twitched upon hearing the beloved sound of Fluttershy's moan. Becoming rather heated and crawling onto her back, using her magic to move Trace's hand rather forcefully in between her legs. Trace smiled, giving a short chuckle as he ran his fingers over her outer lips. Earning him a gleeful little shudder from the white mare at his mercy, "Oh, Trace..."

He could feel his pajama pants tightening as his member attempted to break free, making a prominent tent for all to see. Rarity's eyes fell half lidded as she gazed down to his crotch, licking her lips lightly, but that would have to wait. Her trance broke as a finger dared to pierce her folds, and burrowed deep into her moist hole. Relaxing herself, Rarity let out a breath as a second finger joined the first, her hips thrust upwards into his hand, sucking in his fingers a knuckle deeper. Finding a small knub on the inside, Trace guessed it was her g-spot, and pressed lightly against it, eliciting a groan from the white mare.

Fluttershy let out a breath as the kiss broke. Lyra swapped her weight over to her right, as her left hoof moved to Fluttershy's other wing. Fluttershy's hind legs found Lyra's, and closed around it, pulling the minty mares hind hoof against her wet mound. She couldn't stop herself from thrusting her hip up and down, grinding herself against her marefriend's leg. Lyra giggled at her lover, lowering her head and nipping at Fluttershy's neck, "Horny?"

"U-uh huh..." Fluttershy weakly whimpered, continuing her desperate thrusts.

To Shy's dismay, Lyra pulled away, freeing her leg from the gasp. Lyra circled around Fluttershy, before staring down to her pegasi's spread legs. Laying down, Lyra scooted forward until Fluttershy's mound was an inch from her face. She puckered her lips before blowing a stream of air, sending a cooling sensation as her breath stole the moisture. A whimper escaped Shy, "P-please, Lyra..."

Pretending not to hear, Lyra threw on her best poker face and lifted her head, "Hmm? Is something the matter, Fluttershy?"

"D-don't... Tease..." Fluttershy trailed off as she looked to Lyra beggingly.

"Excuse me? I didn't quite hear you." Lyra stated with a small grin that forcefully made its way onto her face.

Placing her hoof across her muzzle, Fluttershy tried to hide the increasing crimson that adorned her expression, a bit from embarrassment, but mostly from her arousal, "Don't... t-tease..."

Letting out a giggle and a short nod, Lyra replied, "As you wish, Shy."

Giving what she wanted, Lyra lowered herself back down, giving Fluttershy's vulva a long sensual lick. Fluttershy let out a deep groan of approval, her wings twitching against the floor.

Rarity let out a groan of her own, but for an entirely different reason. Mainly because of the two fingers buried deep inside of her and forcefully prodding at a small orb making her squirm and wiggle in mercy. She had never felt so much pleasure in her life. Her entire body writhed, and her hooves gripped at the sheets underneath her. Her eyes clenched closed and her mouth spewing out the only thing she could think to say, "T-Trace!"

Rarity's entire world seemed to fade into a bright blinding light and her body clenched and every muscle convulsed all at once.

Fluttershy felt her peak coming rapidly, her wings flailing at her sides as if she was trying to fly down into the floor. Her body spasmed and squirted her juices into Lyra's maw. Lyra licked lovingly, downing any liquids she was graciously given. After Fluttershy was clean, Lyra pulled her hoof away from her own mound and began to lick it clean as well.

Being lifted slightly in the air, Trace's pajama pants slipped off with a faint glowing blue, releasing his member with a small bounce. After being dropped back down onto the bed, Rarity rolled over onto all fours, displaying herself to Trace, "Please, I need to feel you inside."

Trace blinked, surprised Rarity would ask straight out, but didn't say anything about it. Getting to his knees, he motioned Rarity to lay down, so he could reach her. Laying on her stomach, she looked back to Trace for approval. Trace merely smiled to her before hovering himself over her. His smile faded and his expression turned serious, "Sure you want this?"

Rarity's brow turned down, glaring daggers at Trace for asking such a silly question. She relented and a smile formed, "Darling, I want you to, how I say... Excuse my language, but I want you to rut me. Make me your mare, Trace."

Aiming himself at her entrance, Trace took it slow as he pushed inside. For Rarity however, things were going a tad bit slow, so with a small burst of magic, Trace felt a pressure on his back as he was shoved forward. Letting out a mighty moan of his own as his girth was buried into Rarity's passage.

Lyra nuzzled into Fluttershy's neck, letting her come down from her orgasmic high. After a few moments, Fluttershy pushed herself to her hooves, circling around Lyra, much like she had done to her a bit earlier. Lyra watched lovingly as Fluttershy stopped behind her and hesitantly lifted Lyra's tail up and out of the way. Lyra could see the hunger in Fluttershy's eyes, but that didn't stop the yellow mare from looking over into her eyes for permission. With a small nod, Fluttershy laid down, either of her yellow hooves on her marefriends minty green rump.

Fluttershy took a deep inhale, before licking at the base of Lyra's entrance. Groaning her appreciation, Lyra could feel her folds wink, showing Shy everything she had to offer. With each wink, Shy could see Lyra's clit, and decided that was her target for now. Lurching her tongue forward, Lyra gasped as the little nub slid into Fluttershy's awaiting mouth.

Trace groaned upon hearing Lyra's plea of pleasure, moving his own hips back and then slamming forward to make Rarity expel the same sounds of glee. Saliva pooled into Rarity's mouth, making her swallow before any spilled out. Even through all the pleasure, she tried her best to contain her regalia, but with her mane slowly becoming disheveled, she was surely becoming an unkempt mess. Her tongue lolled slightly out the front, hot breaths expelling with each of Trace's thrusts down to the hilt. Trace's body arced over Rarity's frame, his hands on either side of her body, his hips doing most of the work.

Quite a few times Trace could feel his impending orgasm, but would suddenly slow his thrusts and tighten his stomach, and most of the feeling would subside. As soon as Rarity would grunt in disapproval of him slowing, he was quicken his pace to even faster than before, which in turn, his orgasm would near in full force.

Fluttershy's mind was hazy and her mind was focused on the task at hoof. Her muzzle was burried into Lyra's tunnel, her face smeared in the minty mare's thick essence. Having to hold her breath at times just so she could push her muzzle deeper so her tongue could reach every spot possible. Lyra's mouth was left agape, her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. She swallowed suddenly, her eyes cracking open long enough for her to glance back at her marefriend, "G-geeze, Shy... you've gotten really... ahh... good at this!"

The encouragement just edged Fluttershy on as she buried her snout deeper, every once and awhile feeling Lyra's walls constricting around her tongue. Lyra couldn't handle the intense feeling building down deep insider her. She squirmed, trying her best to keep her hips still so Fluttershy could better assault her drenched entrance.

By now Rarity's hair was a mess, and she was swaying her body in the opposite direction of Trace's thrusts. Each time Trace pulled out, Rarity's body would also get farther away to the point of him almost falling out. As he pushed forward, Rarity would throw herself back, making their hips slam together with an audible wet slap, making the both groan out. A drop of sweat fell from Trace's brow as he grunted to himself, 'I wont be able to last too much longer for her.'

Rarity was nearing just as fast, and from Trace's pants, she could tell he was nearing his point of no return as well. Slowing her thrusts, she focused on tightening her slick walls, gripping Trace's stallionhood with all her might. Trace groaned, almost collapsing onto Rarity's back as he shoved himself in once more, shooting stream after stream of thick cum into her womb. After several convulsions from both Rarity and Trace, they both collapsed onto the bed. Trace used the last of his strength to fall off to the side, his left arm remaining around Rarity's torso.

"AHHhahh..." Lyra cried out, her hips suddenly spasming up and down and fluids expelling from her tunnel and onto Fluttershy's awaiting tongue.

In surprise, Shy had to pull back feeling a few spurts of liquid coat her face and tongue. Fluttershy let out a short giggle as she licked her lips. Getting up, Fluttershy trotted over to lay down against Lyra. Soon enough the room had four sound asleep lovers, exhausted by their first time as a herd.


Rarity was the first to awaken. She tried to get up, but found herself pinned by a strong human arm. Her mind suddenly flashed with memories of the previous night and her cheeks flared with crimson. She burried her face into the pillow on the bed, 'I can't believe I just suddenly up and done that with them... I thought I would have more tact than that. I wanted it to be far more romantic!'

Slowly turning her head, she cracked her eyes open to see Lyra and Fluttershy cuddled up on the floor with one another. Rarity gave a satisfied grin, giggling to herself, 'Actually, come to think about it, it was very romantic. These three wonderful people entranced me so much that I couldn't refuse them.' Rarity smiled contentedly as she eyed the sleeping Lyra, 'and it's all thanks to her for nudging me last night. I would have just went home last night, if it wasn't for her.'

Raising her head from the pillow, she looked Fluttershy and Lyra over, before turning her head over to Trace, whom was still fast asleep at her side, "I don't know about the future, but thank you all for welcoming me so lovingly. I love you all..."

Suddenly, Trace's grip around her torso tightened, and Trace buried his face into her white neck. Rarity merely giggled to herself, nuzzling the tip of her nose to Trace's cheek, "And no matter how close we become Trace, you will always be one of my greatest friends."