
I don't own Kuroko no Basket!

Ahahaha...Sorry I haven't updated! And if you do read my other stories I have apologized again and again! On summer break now! So expect more...But I do need to study for next year...-

Kuroko's P.O.V

I looked at Akashi he seemed disturbed.

"Is something the matter?" I ask.

He looks at me with a slight frown. "You have a dog right?"

"I do." I reply.

'Wait does that mean he's...'

"Akashi-kun are you perhaps scared of dogs?" I ask.

"Of course not Tetsuya." He replies. Then he mutters something.

"Did you say something?" I say.

He shakes his head.

'I'm pretty sure I heard him say something..' I thought.

"Tetsuya." He calls

"Uh, yes?" I respond getting out of my daze.

"We're here." He says.

I look up. "Ah, my house."

"Well aren't you going to open the door?" He asks.

"Of course." I say unlocking the door.

As we step in we heard a bark.


"Hello Nigou." I say patting his head. ( I don't know if I spelled Nigou right correct me if did)

He nuzzled my hand in appreciation.

"Mind if I take the first shower?" I ask.

"Go ahead." He says from the couch.

"Be good Nigou." I whisper to him.


I smile and head to the bathroom.

Akashi's P.O.V

I sat there watching T.V. When I felt something nuzzled my leg.

I looked to see Kuroko's dog I felt a bit of irritation. I never did like dogs (especially a certain blonde one) because they were disobedient and wild.

I stuck my hand in front of it.

To my surprise he nuzzled my hand.

I patted his head. I chuckled a bit like master like dog its hair was disheveled I smoothed it down with my hand.


"Well perhaps you exception." I say.

He jumped on to the couch and laid its head in my lap.

I questioned it's actions.

I stroked it head. He seemed comfortable here.

I soon felt myself growing a little tired.

I yawned a bit perhaps I'll nap and wait for Tetsuya.

Kuroko's P.O.V

"Akashi-kun you can g-" I stop myself seeing the cute sight.

A sleeping Akashi and Nigou in his lap.

I smile lightly and take out my phone.

I walk over to them and take a picture.

'Perhaps I'll send this to them...'

"Or I can keep this for myself." I say.

I hear someone moving and I look back at them.

"T-tetsuya are you done." Akashi says rubbing his eyes.

"Yes you can go now." I say hiding my phone.

Akashi started to get up but realized there was something in his lap.

He looked at the black and white dog and smiled a bit.

"Nigou." Akashi said.

The dog moved a bit and looked at him blankly and as if sensing he needed to go he jumped on to the floor.

"Good boy." Akashi said bending down to pet him.


He licked Akashi's face.

Akashi seemed stunned for a bit but seemed okay by it.

Kuroko chuckled a bit.

"Well better get going." Akashi said.

As walked he asked. "Did you take a picture?"

"Of course not." Kuroko Lied.

But as usual Akashi saw through it. "You liar."

Omake: Scene one.

Kuroko's P.O.V

I looked at Akashi he seemed disturbed.

"Is something the matter?" I ask.

He looks at me with a slight frown. "You have a dog right?"

"I do." I reply.

'Wait does that mean he's...'

"Akashi-kun are you perhaps scared of dogs?" I ask.

"Of course not Tetsuya." He replies. Then he mutters something.

I try to hold in my laugh.

(Unlike some other big idiot) big idiot=Kagami

Omake: Scene two

Akashi's P.O.V

I sat there watching T.V. When I felt something nuzzled my leg.

I freeze. 'What is it' I think as I look down.

Sighing in relief it was just Kuroko's dog.


I looked to see Kuroko's dog I felt a bit of irritation.

"I never did like dogs because they were disobedient and wild." I thought out loud.

"Especially a certain blonde one..." I also said.

Kuroko stood there with a pitiful face.

'Poor Kise-kun he has such low standards Akashi considers him a dog' Kuroko thought.