Thank you Runningfur for letting me use this idea!

I hope you readers enjoy reading this as much as you love reading hers!

Maya: very white skinned, freckles, curly brown hair, big blue eyes, quite skinny too

Maya yawned sleepily "Great StarClan," she whispered, wishing has whole life would disappear as a human and she could hunt with the warrior cats

When I die, I'm going to be able to remember that one thing, I'll come back as a cat… and then I'll persuade other cats to join ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and I'll bring SkyClan back to the forest, because I can't believe Redstar, Swiftstar, Birchstar, and Dawnstar chased them out!

Maya blinked a couple of times, and walked down through the hall, which was covered by her mother's art and entered the living room, where the clock was, she looked at the it

1.27am! Why aren't I going to sleep? It's too hot mousebrain, she cursed herself with a warriors curse

She walked back to her bedroom… her mother was still asleep in the other room, Maya could hear her snoring

She snickered to herself before kneeling on her blue carpet

"Oh please, oh please, oh please… I know I've never done this before God, but if you could just let me be a warrior cat!" she pleaded, her eyes closed… and then they opened, and she finished by saying "Amen!"

Oh crap, did I just say that? I make fun of God! Not pray to him!

She turned her fan on and settled onto her bed, moving around a bit before finally finding a comfortably spot

Maya felt her eyes begin to close… and she prayed her wish would come true

I know that was a short prologue

But please review if you want me to continue! :P