What if Elphaba was the Vinkus Princess and Fiyero was the green boy? Elphaba still has her smarts and cutting remarks but she wears a different exterior. Dancing through Life is Fabala now. Galinda is still Elphaba's best friend and roommate. Fiyero is showing his smarts, and has become a little more sarcastic. Rhys is Elphaba's first boyfriend and Nessarose's twin. Elphie is like Fiyero in the beginning of the story. Rhys is Galinda. Fiyero has Elphaba's water allergy, and her knack for sorcery. All the other characters are still the same. The plot is the same as the book plus a turn of events after Shiz. The whole thing is more about the relationship between Fabala and Fiyero than politics. Horrible Morrible is the same though. Fiyero and Elphaba do end up together in the end. Rhys might be with Galinda in the end. Dr. Dillamond will NOT die, just be imprisoned. Fae still has raven hair and chocolate eyes, as well as blue diamonds and normal skin. Fiyero has green skin (of course) blue eyes, and brown hair. Rhys twin is Nessarose who is still confined to a wheelchair. Story starts with Elphaba's carriage running into Fiyero. Enjoy!

Fiyero's POV
I was just walking along, books in hand, minding my own business, when a carriage comes racing past and shoves me down into the mud. The door of the carriage opens and out comes a girl with an arrogant smirk on her face. I stand up and start give her a piece of my mind. The girl totally ignores me and walks over to a short blond girl and starts talking to her. I stalk away after that to go find Rhys and Nessarose.

While I walk, I fume. That girl was just so rude and insolent. She didn't even give me one glance when I was talking to her. She behaved like I was just a disgusting green slug under her shoes. Some people are just that way I guess.

I get to the dormitories to find Rhys talking with a group of guys. I ask him "Where is Nessa?" Rhys says "Oh, she's with some group of girls in dorm 243 chatting about Oz knows what." With that statement I walk off to the dorm in question to find my sister.

When I reach dorm 243, I spot Nessa soon enough. She is with a group of girls including the insolent raven-haired girl who ran her carriage into me this morning, a short blonde dressed all in pink and two brunettes. I decide to leave her be and go back to the library to study.

Elphaba's POV
Out of the corner of my eye I spot that boy with the green skin that my carriage ran into this morning. I think his name is Fiyero. There is something about him other than his green skin that I can't quite put my finger on. Galinda, a short blonde who loves the color pink, is blabbering in my ear about fashion or something or other. Shenshen and Pfanee the two brunettes are also talking with Galinda. Nessarose, Fiyero's little sister and the girl in the wheelchair is eagerly listening to the three girls talking.

I decide to leave the group and go explore Shiz. I say "Hey, girls, I'm gonna go off and check this place out and see what it's like." They say "Ok, we'll be right here." At that I go off to find the library. When I get there, a voice says, "I hadn't really pegged you as the library type." I look down the aisles and see Fiyero with his nose in a book. I grab a book on Munchkinland and sit down next to him. Then I say "We haven't met properly. I'm Elphaba Tiggular." I hold out my hand for him to shake. He just says "I'm Fiyero Thropp." and totally ignores my hand. We continue reading in silence when he says, "What are those blue shapes on your face?" I respond, "They are my blue diamond tattoos. Every person in the Vinkus gets them by the time they turn 15." Fiyero just nods in response. Not much of a talker I guess. I stand up and say, "I have to go, see you around." He responds, "See you around." I grab a few more books off the shelves, all on Munchkinland, check them out and go back to my dorm.

That's it for the first chapter. Did you guys like it? What should I do next? I think the lion cub scene will occur. This was just the introduction to the story. Thanks!