Ok so after positive reviews on the last one, I decided to make a chapter of Robin and Martian Manhunter. I picked him for Robin to meet mainly because I had the idea in my head already and it was just easy, and although I already have a series of one shots out there of Robin meeting the League this takes on a slightly darker approach and it slightly piggy backs off that oneshot of J'onn, but it doesn't matter if you only read this.
Robin looked over at the League assembled in the living room of Mount Justice. He watched from his perch in the rafters, dark and hidden, secluded from the heroes assembled. The bright red of Flash's uniform, the forest colored of Green Arrows, and the odd green from the Martian Manhunter. The Boy Wonder had been observing the last since he had met the hero.
The young acrobat sat up in his nest of rafters, aware that the green alien could telepathically feel or find him easily if he wanted, which didn't sit well with the Dark Squire of Gotham. He wanted to be hidden, he wanted to be a surprise, but most of all he didn't want the hero to have that power over him. Sure Batman had taught him how to keep the Martian from reading his mind, but he knew there was no way of cloaking oneself from a telepath, Batman had told him.
Robin walked up to the seated Batman as he typed away at the Batcomputer. The protégé had something on his mind and he wanted answers from the only man he trusted in the world.
"Robin," the Dark Knight said as a way of greeting, not looking behind him at the young bird. The acrobat remained silent for a few moments, about to open his mouth, he was interrupted by the Caped Crusader, "Hmm?" And the young vigilante recognized it as the 'what is it you want to know?' hmmm, the Dynamic Duo knew each other too well at points.
"It's about one of the League members," the boy stated scratching the back of his neck, slightly timid and not willing to admit he hacked into the Batcomputer to read all their Batfiles.
"Something that you didn't learn from their Batfiles?" the older vigilante asked, and only Robin or Alfred would have been able to detect the note of humor in his voice.
"Well, ugh, it's the Martian Manhunter-" the Boy Wonder began again, hand rising to the back of his neck once more out of habit.
"You want to know about blocking him from your mind," the World's Greatest detective asked, still not having turned from his computer, typing as fast as ever.
"How?" the young acrobat asked, coming forward to take a seat on the side of the Batcomputer, so that he was facing his masked mentor. The Dark Knight turned from his work, finally giving his ward his full attention, something he rarely did for anyone.
"How do you think?"
"Well," the little bird began, hands stoking an invisible beard, "I would say to have your mind go blank, but that would hinder you from thinking anything else like an escape plan, so you have to find a way for the telepath to not understand what you are saying. Although, if you were thinking about enough things, it might be too much and confuse a telepath, but I think J'onn is smarter than that. Does he know any foreign languages?" The young acrobat asked, looking at his mentor as realization hit.
"You tell me," Bruce said as he took off his cowl and went to hang his cape up, his young ward still sitting on the side of the massive computer. The little bird thought back to the Batfiles he had hacked a few weeks ago and in particular the green alien's file. Under languages, he had read the green alien knew of English and the native language of his people on Mars. Robin thought back a little more, his file said he was working on becoming fluent in Spanish and could get by with French, so the hero was nowhere close to learning Romani the almost dead language of the Boy Wonder's gypsy family.
"So if I think in Romani he won't be able to understand me?" the little bird question, still not believing, "He doesn't have some sort of telepathic way of translating or anything?"
"He would have to understand both languages in order to do that," the billionaire playboy said as he was heading toward the elevator that would lead him to his mansion. The young bird watched the retreating figure of his guardian, still deep in thought, when a thought hit him.
"But WAIT!" the boy called before his mentor would leave him, "Is there a way to cloak your mind from a telepath?" Bruce turned back, eye brow raised at his ward.
"There is no way," the man simply said, about to turn back around and continue on his way.
"Then how do you know that J'onn isn't always reading your mind?" the young vigilante asked, clearly curious.
"Well I would be able to feel his mental probing and block him out," the man said turning around, but threw over his shoulder, "And even if I couldn't, I'm Batman." And the little bird didn't need any further explanation, the green alien was more than likely scared out of his wits of the Dark Knight and wouldn't dream of crossing him.
The Boy Wonder looked down at the three men below him gathered around to watch the news, much to the red clad speedster's distaste. The young vigilante's head was going a million miles a minute and he was trying to formulate a plan to strike fear into the green alien, but the little bird wasn't stupid and knew it would be hard for a nine year old to scare a hero from Mars.
The Boy Wonder thought back to what he knew about the martian, he could fly, he was telekinetic and telepathic as well as an empath, he could also change his form and faze through solid objects. He ran through the list in his head, at of all his powers, the ones most likely to have a negative effect on the martian were the telepathy and empathy because the alien couldn't control what someone else was feeling and might not be able to block out a strong enough emotion. The young vigilante sat on his perch and looked down, realizing what he would have to do, his face set with a grim look.
-BREAKLINE—(A few weeks later)
Robin jumped, using Green Arrow's shoulders as a spring board to gain air, the young vigilante flipped twice in the air before coming down and doing a half flip to wrap his arms around the hero's waist from behind, bending his back at an almost impossible angle so that his feet were planted on the ground and just as hid feet hit, he used his flip to thrust his upper body forward, slamming the archer on his back into the ground.
Green Arrow: FAIL
The older hero blinked a few times before looking up at the young boy's outstretched arm. Frowning, the blonde haired man brushed himself off and got up without the little bird's help.
"You need to read your opponents better, and anticipate their next move," the young acrobat said offhandedly, earning him a smirk from his mentor who was in the other room. The archer, however, simply glared down at the young vigilante.
"Hey I'm just saying," the Boy Wonder said with a smirk, hands raised in mock defense, "And really, you should have been looking up, I am an acrobat, it's to be expected for my attack to come from the air."
"You little-" Green Arrow began, seething at the little bird, whose smirk in turn grew winder.
"How would you like to work on your mental training?" J'onn cut in, trying to stop the fight that he knew would soon arise, "What if we battled both physically and mentally, that way you can work on blocking out a telepath while still fighting."
"Fine with me," the young vigilante said, trying his best to keep his joy from his voice and hiding his emotions from the older hero. He had waited for weeks for this opportunity to try out his theory.
"Than if you are ready," the alien said indicating the open floor. The little bid responded by cartwheeling onto the floor and bowing for his opponent. With a grin his flipped back, going down into a crouch with a grin.
The martian stepped back as well, his eyes glowing as he tried to use his telepathy on the young acrobat. He was granted access to the boy's mind, which slightly surprised him, but he realized he couldn't understand a thing the boy was thinking. J'onn accepting this, went on to simple probe at his mind as he telekinetically sent things flying the boy's way.
J'onn felt as the boy decided what to jump and what to duck from and almost started to understand part of the odd language the boy was thinking in or at least how to say 'jump', but right as the alien was figuring out the pattern, the language in the boy's head switched, and this time the martian was able to recognize it as Chinese, although he was again unable to understand it.
The martian, having tied of just moving things, decided he would start to telekinetically lift the boy's body, and he stepped forward, arm raised, but just as he was about to lift the boy up, he felt a crack in the little bird's mind.
A little crack, but the martian clung onto it, not accepting telepathic defeat yet. He heard a few stray English words leaking from the crack, "My little robin" and a few other loving words. The martian pushed further into the young acrobat's mind, thinking he had finally mentally overcome a bat.
He was wrong.
As J'onn entered that part of the little bird's mind, he was overwhelmed by a bittersweet feeling and also a feeling of utter loneliness and despair. J'onn tried to mentally pull back, but it was of no use, it was as though the little bird knew what he was doing.
*J'onn in Robin's mind*
"AND NOW THE FLYING GRAYSONS!" A voice boomed around J'onn and he looked up to see a man and woman jump off a platform together, they swung along on trapeze together before the woman got off at the end.
The man continued to flip through the air and as he came back shifted so that he could catch the woman on the platform, who jumped off at the precise right moment. "THE BEST GROUP ON ACROBATS IN THE WORLD, KNOWN AS THE ONLY ONES TO PERFORM THE QUADRUPLE SOMERSAULT ALL WITHOUT THE SAFTY OF A NET!"
"AND NOW THE YOUNGEST, AT ONLY EIGHT YEARS OLD, RICHAR GRAYSON!" A boy who could barely be eight stepped into the spot light, waving his hands with a huge grin on his face. J'onn stood in awe at pure beauty that the older pair created while flying through the air, he watched as the woman let go of the man's arm and flipped once more, catching another trapeze and approaching the young boy's platform.
But as the martian watched, he saw the look of horror on the young acrobat's face, the face he recognized all too well. He watched as the young boy screamed just as his mother began to sink toward the ground and the alien heard the loud crunch of bones at the couple hit the ground and in that moment, the alien felt more despair than anything else. He felt empty, he felt numb, he felt totally an utter lost and broken. Shattered.
The green hero became aware of the wetness on his face and brought his hand up to fell the tear trails. He looked over at the solemn looking Boy Wonder whose stare simple bore into the martian's eyes. The alien shuttered at the memory he had just seen. He looked around the room and saw that Green Arrow was standing next to him and had apparently gotten Black Canary who was crouching down next to him.
"Are you okay, J'onn?" She asked kindly, touching his arm to get his attention.
"I-I don't know," the alien said slowly.
"You will be," the Boy Wonder said, looking the martian dead in the eye once again, "It won't hurt you like it hurt me, but it will fade soon enough for you, you don't have to worry, after all it was only my memory and my emotions."
"Your memory and your emotions? What did you do!?" Green Arrow called, rounding on the young boy.
"Were combat training," he said with a shrug, but turned to the green alien, "I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way."
"It is fine, I suppose I should have known something like that would come from Batman's protégé," J'onn said with a sad smile, seeing the young boy in a new light, maybe a darker light, but a new light, "But are you okay, Robin?"
The Boy Wonder simply smiled, and if he didn't have his domino mask on, the other heroes would have been able to see his teary eyes. He turned to leave, but was stopped by Dinah.
"Never be afraid to come to one of us, Robin."
The young acrobat turned back, and his smile quickly wilted and the Leaguers noticed the tears streaming out of his domino mask. Dinah looked heartbroken to see the tiny shoulders of the young bird shake with sobs, she rushed over and wrapped him in a warm motherly hug.
"It's hard sometimes, thinking about them. Would they even approve of what I do? Would they be proud of me at all? I feel like I'm slowly drowning, sinking and coming close to shattering," the little bird croaked out, head nuzzled between Dinah's neck and shoulder.
Green Arrow stepped forward, his face showing his distraught emotions, "It's not a question of whether they approve or not, but they would sure as heck be proud of you, Richard. Don't forget all the people who will always be here for you."
J'onn sat on watching, observing and comprehending what he was seeing. At times, it truly showed that Robin was a Bat deep down, but he was still their little bird.
So ya… I just had this idea in my head and I know it's a little sad and depressing, but really if you think about it Robin should be friggin depressed and sad, I mean he has gotten the shortest end of the shortest stick ever.
SO please review and all that jazz, I really do love feedback and it help to boost my resolve to write!