Alright I know I've been gone, I have a reason; I'm in seventh grade now.

My writing has improved; as you can tell…but...There WILL be some story modifications…So be-aware it will be MUCH easier to read now; there also maybe times that the names of Jack Frost, and Jack Shadow change… So keep a look-out and read carefully.

Also. I didn't write this chapter at all; Nathalorial did, all I did was edit this story a bit to suit your guy's needs.


(N/A)- Your Name.

(L/H)- Length of hair.

Rise of the Guardians

(Your POV)

Wow, the North Pole is amazing; despite the time I had spent at the North Pole recently, I still was not sure with my way around.

Also with the resulting destruction that Pitch and his rocs had done to the workshop; I had absolutely no idea which way to go to find the infirmary.

"North, can't you point us to the infirmary, these wounds need tended to pronto."

North nodded and began shouting out orders to the elves and yeti.

"Get the wounded to the infirmary, clean up the mess, repair broken windows and machinery, catalog which and how many toys were actually destroyed in the battle as well", and everyone burst into movement of undeniable clean-up routines.

Bunny began helping the yetis with some of the heavy lifting on some of the broken walls and glass, Sandy and Tooth began helping with checking the toys and rounded up any elves, yetis, and even fairy's that may have gotten caught in the crossfire.

North began leading the way, picking up a few scratched-up elves in the process.

Jack Frost followed close behind, but not close enough to touch Jack Shadow; I did catch him glaring at Jack Shadow for awhile now…

Jack Shadow stumbled once or twice; I was able to keep him up for the most part.

He seemed so light-weighted, but I guess that comes from being so skinny, right; With Jack Frost I am sure was just as light; since he's snow…

Once in the infirmary, I led Jack Shadow over to a corner bed and helped him sit down, before beginning to pursue the cabinet and shelves nearby, looking for bandages and antiseptic.

Hearing pattering behind me, I turned to find an elf lugging over a large bowl of hot water that was about to spill over, and quickly leaped over and snatched it from the little guy's hands before he could fall over.

He grinned up at me, then ran off, only to come back a minute later with a rag; I couldn't help but giggle a-bit at the cute-ness as he tried to put the cloth on my hand.

"Oh, thank you." I told the little person, who blushed and waddled to the side of the bed that Jack Shadow sat on.

I noticed Jack Frost was looking through cupboards nearby, and was able to come back with the bandages I was looking for; only he did not seem that excited as usual.

"I can't find any antiseptic, I'll go ask North and be back soon, alright?" he said, giving me a kind smile, and a worried look over at the black-haired boy on the bed.

"If you need anything, call me." He added.

I nodded. Jack had to have been worried about me; after all, who trusts an enemy after one day, right? I could completely understand how he must have felt.

Jack Shadow chose that time to reach and arm around me and pull me into a sideways hug.

"Oh, don't worry Frosty, Cheer-bud and I will just be hanging out here, getting to know each other better." He said, smirking.

Jack frowned and knit his eyebrows together, not at all pleased, but went on his way anyways.

I just sighed, shook my head, and twisted out of Shadow's arm.

He winced at the movement, but I apologized, and grabbed the rag and bowl of hot water.

"All right, I need to clean those wounds, It shouldn't hurt too much until Jack gets back with some proper cleaners, so you can use this time to start explaining a few things." I told him, smiling and wetting the rag.

"Oh, and you'll need to take off that sweatshirt if you expect me to get things cleaned properly." His smirk left his face, and replaced with a frown. He nodded and began pulling off the sweatshirt.

In the meantime, I sat on a stool on the floor and began cleaning the cuts and scrapes on his feet and legs."So, what happened after you left my place?" I asked, being gentle with his feet in case they were ticklish.

Shadow didn't flinch though, so I didn't need to worry about being kicked.

"Well, I went back to report to Pitch. He...was not happy. Well, that's actually an understatement..."

"I'll say, he tossed you on the work floor, left for the dead and covered in cuts." I mentioned, finishing one leg and moving to the other.

There was a horrible gash on his left calf, and I was pretty sure Pitch purposely tried to physically cripple him.

It explained why he kept stumbling when I helped him limp here. Yeah... he kept spouting off things about how 'I brought you into this world, I'll take you out of it' and all."

He said, holding up his fingers in quotation marks. I raised a hand to hide my giggle, but the sound came out anyways.

"Sounds like what an angry parent will tell their kids when they majorly screw up" I said.

Jack blinked, but then chuckled and rested a hand on top of my head.

"Yeah, I guess so. See, that's why I call you Cheer-bud, you keep managing to lighten the mood somehow."

I blushed and finished cleaning the rest of the dried blood from the gash.

Jack Frost chose that time to come back, and glared at Shadow's hand on my head; Shadow ruffled my hair and winked at Jack Frost.

Boys... I thought, rolling my eyes, I took Shadow's hand and lightly put it on his lap and I stood up turning to Frost.

As I turned Jack held out a bottle of golden liquid; almost making me drop it as I tried to reach it.

"It's not antiseptic or peroxide, but it'll work just as good, if not better; North said he didn't typically keep the stuff on hand, and it's stretched thin between the yeti and elves that got caught in the crossfire of the battle."

He explained, setting the bottle on the bedside table and pulling cotton swabs out of the cupboard underneath.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, so what is this stuff?" I asked, uncorking it and sniffing.

My eyes widened at the alcoholic smell, Jack Frost chuckled, pulling up a chair and sitting on it backwards, crossing his arms over the back of the chair.

"It took some finagling, but I managed to convince North to open up his liquor cabinet; that bottle there I believe is whiskey"

He glanced at Jack Shadow and gave him a sympathetic look for once, instead of worrying, glaring, or condescending.

"I know from experience of fighting Pitch that his blades leave grains of sand behind in the wounds. It will hurt like hell, but that could be strong enough to clean out what the hot water could not. That is, unless you want to chance them getting infected..."

Shadow winced at the thought and gave him a really skeptic look but nodded anyways.

"Yeah, tha-that'll be good." He stuttered, I smiled sadly at the boy; moving around the bed to sit behind him.

"We'll do that after I finish the rest of these cuts, I noticed when your sweater came off that you have a bad cut on your lower back as well. So, mind finish explaining while I clean it; You left off at Pitch getting pissed at you for failing in the delivery and screaming at you."

Jack Shadow and nodded, lifting his shirt slightly so I could reach the cut.

"Yeah, well, after trading insults, Pitch decided that even though I've only been around for a few hours, I've already outlived my usefulness, so that's when the fighting really started; turns out Pitch doesn't play fair."

Jack Frost snorted, "Oh, trust me, we've known that for ages," he said.

"Why do you think there are so many of us to fight him off; he never plays fair, and from what I've heard, he used to be a pretty accomplished warrior.

He is literally powerful enough that it's only considered a fair fight when all of us face off together against him."

Shadow nodded, then winced as I pushed too hard on the cut. "Sorry!" I cried out.

"We'll definitely need that whiskey back here; there is a lot of black sand stuck under your skin."

I explained, and moved beside him to start wiping down the cuts on his left arm, Jack Shadow continued talking again.

"Anyways, that's pretty much the gist of it. He created me to look like you, Jack Frost, but in Pitch's imagery, to lower (N/A)'s guard, so I could get close enough to scare her silly and deliver her to Pitch. He never explained to me why, even after he deemed me useless and tried to kill me."

Shadow chuckled to himself sadly, looking down at his hands as I moved around to his other arm.

"What Pitch failed to realize when he created me was that by giving me my will, my own thoughts, there was no way for him to truly control me like he does his other shadow minions. He also forgot to take into account that he fashioned me after one of the most stubborn spirits around. If I don't like what he tells me to do, I'm not going to do it, no matter how dark he's tried to make me."

I was sure he meant for those last comments to be a jab at Frost, but the two boys actually seemed to be getting along now.

Jack Frost still looked up at me with a worried expression now and then, but he also looked at Shadow with sympathy and understanding, especially when I went to clean off the rag in the bowl of hot water, only to see the bowl continuously become darker red from all the dried blood that had encrusted around Shadow's wounds.

I finished cleaning the blood off his arms, and got off the bed to stand in front of him.

"Did Pitch's weapons get to your face, or are these scrapes from something else" I asked, gently taking his chin in hand and turning his head side to side in the light to better see the wounds.

"No, he didn't get my face; they are scrapes from buffing it on the concrete floor. I think a shard of glass from one of the windows in the workshop is actually stuck behind my right ear though."

He said and I turned his head to see; sure enough, a sliver of glass poked out the sensitive skin behind his ear.

"Yup, there is a sliver glass there…It'll hurt taking out, but I think I can do it Jack, can you find me a pair of tweezers?" I asked.

Jack Frost nodded and stood up, looking through the drawers and handing me the metal tweezers. I looked down, and found the elf from before still hiding under the bed.

"Hey there" I said, poking its side. It jumped, but turned around and faced me, smiling wide. "Can you get me some fresh hot water?"

I asked it, pointing at the bowl of now-red liquid, and the elf nodded enthusiastically and grabbed the bowl, running off and sloshing the water around; I turned back to Jack Shadow.

"Alright, please don't move, I don't want to break this thing or get it lodged in any deeper."

"Still as stone" He replied, I nodded and carefully pulled the glass sliver out with the tweezers; It was longer than I expected, but it came out in one piece.

"I don't understand how you could go so long without saying anything about this thing." I told him, showing him the bloody piece of glass. Shadow winced at the sight of it.

"Yeah, I was kinda in shock and still in pain from everything else, a little pinprick behind the ear wasn't much of a nuisance till now." He told me.

I rolled my eyes and tossed the glass into the little trash bin beside the bed; then I grabbed the cotton swabs and the bottle of whiskey; the elf came back at that time too with a bowl of fresh hot water.

"Now comes the fun part." I said, sitting back down beside him. Shadow's eyes widened and his voice raised an octave.

"I was hoping you'd forget about that..." He mentioned.

Jack Frost raised an eyebrow at him again. "Would you rather all of your wounds festering and filling up with puss?" he asked. Jack Shadow quickly shook his head "no" in answer.

"Then buck up and take it like a man. Surely Pitch didn't create a soft-skinned babe in my image?" He joked, poking fun at Shadow.

"I dunno Jack, he did say that Pitch only created him a few hours ago, I think he's entitled to a little whining now. I mean, come on, only a few hours old and already being attacked with blades and nightmare magic; plus having his first official battle wounds treated with harsh alcoholic whiskey instead of soft, bubbly peroxide?" I asked, joining in the banter now.

Shadow wrapped an arm around my shoulder again, "I knew there was a reason I liked you, Cheer-bud." I shrugged out and held the bottle up again, His face fell, and he turned around.

"Might as well get my back first," he mumbled, and then pulled up a piece of his sweater and biting down on it.

"I'll try to be fast," I apologized; Jack behind me just huffed in annoyance, So began the process of truly cleaning the black sand out of Jack Shadow's wounds.

I know…Short, but I do not want to make this all a bore, and messing up Nathalorial's masterpiece.

Also the hint's of the Guardian you will be, will be found in the next chapters~