Taking Flight


It was a stormy night in Gotham as the billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne, was traveling down to watch the new attraction in town, Haley's Circus, with the main performers, the Flying Graysons. A family team, made up of Father, Mother, and son. The only 3 people in the known world that could perform a Quadruple Summersault. As his limo pulled up, he saw various VIPs from all across Gotham, the Mayor, various CEOs of companies, and Jim Gordon and his family. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, Haley's Circus was well known, and was one of the best circus's in the world, and it seemed as though no one would want to miss out on this. As the flashes of Camera's started to blind him, he found his way to his seat, in one of the private viewing areas, near to the side, and sat down. He had requested a box to himself, as he didn't feel like talking to anyone.

The circus master entered and started the show, there were animals jumping through loops, clowns making the children in the audience laugh, and after about an hour, Haley's voice rung out for the entire audience to hear.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my absolute pleasure to introduce our main event, the group that can make your eyes water out of pure adrenaline, the only 3 people in the entire world that can perform a quadruple summersault, let me introduce, The FLYING GRAYSONS!" He shouted out the last word, as though to make sure every single person in Gotham would hear. Three People in brightly coloured uniforms walked out, and climbed up onto the platforms. And as the 2 older ones, the parents, jumped onto the trapeze, Bruce noticed that there wasn't a net underneath. These guys sure had confidence, but Bruce could tell something was wrong, and as they jumped, and switched handles, there was a sudden loud snap, as both trapeze swings suddenly broke. The rest all went in slow motion, the Parents falling, the Kids face turning to horror as he let out a scream, and then the scream of the audience as 2 of the Graysons plummeted to their deaths.

There was a mad stampede to get out suddenly, and after a few minutes, the only people left in the whole place was the Circus master, and a few acts crowded around 6the body, Commissioner Gordon calling in backup, and an ambulance, even though it was pointless, and Bruce. Bruce looked up, and saw the boy on the tower, with a look of pure grief an horror mixed, and helplessness. He knew that look, that is the look that was plastered on his face 10 years earlier, when his parents died. Bruce quickly ran up to the tower, and started climbing, as he reached the top, he saw the boy again, he had his eyes shut tight, and was holding his knees up to his chest, as though this was all a bad dream, and would finish soon.

"Hey, my name's Bruce, what's your name?" Bruce asked, he already knew the boy was called Richard, but he might call himself something else, and it was the first thing he thought of. The boy looked up, and Bruce saw his face was plastered with tears, he looked shocked that this man had suddenly appeared before him, and he shuffled back.

"I'm not gunna hurt you, I'm a friend, I'm gunna help you." Bruce offered, and saw anger glare in the eyes of the young boy.

"How can you help me?! My parents are dead, do you know how that feels?! And it was all my fault!" The boy shot at him, his voice cracking with grief and anger, and gave way as he finished his sentence

"I do know how it feels, and it isn't your fault, when my parents died, I spent months thinking I could have saved them, but I couldn't, it is not your fault, now let's get down, err, what's your name again?" He knew the boy never told him his name, but when Bruce told him about his parents dying, he saw the shield on the boy crashing down, and saw the tears start again on his face, and grief overwhelmed him again. He shuffled over to Bruce, took his hand, and Bruce carried him down. Halfway down he suddenly said, with his grief cracking his voice,

"Dick, my name is Dick."

When they got down, Bruce stood with his arms around the boy consoling him over the loss of his parents, as Gordon finally noticed Bruce, as the Police arrived. He walked over, and saw that Dick was crying into Bruce's shoulder, as Bruce was holding him up.

"Hi Bruce, hi Richard, I am so unbelievable sorry about your parents, do you know if there was anything suspicious happening here tonight?" Gordon asked, and Dick looked up, and started speaking,

"There was some guy arguing with Haley, saying that if he wasn't paid protection money, something bad would happen, and my name is Dick." Dick said, and then buried his head back into Bruce's shoulder.

"Ok, I'll look into it, and soon social services will be here to pick you up, and take care of you while we find your family"

Dick looked up and said,

"I've got no other family, no one will take me" Dick said, tears threating to burst through.

If he doesn't have anyone, who will take care of him? Gotham Homes are hardly the best place for someone to grow. He suddenly had a mad idea, truly mad, but this boy deserved the best. He zoned back in just as Gordon was telling Dick that he would have to go into a home until somebody adopted him, and Bruce burst out,

"I'll take him" Gordon and Dick looked at Bruce at the exact same time. Gordon's face was apprehensive, while Dick looked hopeful.

"Gotham foster homes are hardly the place for him, me and Alfred can take care of him, and if this was a murder, he would need protection, and my security guards are some of the best in the world"

Gordon looked him over, and just said

"I'll get them to send the paperwork through, for permanent care?" Gordon looked as though he though Bruce would say no

"Sure, he will have the best life possible, and I can take care of him, as I know exactly how he is feeling" Bruce said, and understanding was in Gordon's eyes.

An hour later, they turned up on the steps of Wayne Manor, and Dick looked up in wonderment, the house was huge. Bruce looked down at him. He had called ahead with Alfred, and knowing his butler, he knew a huge plate of Cookies or Brownies would be waiting for them.

"How big is it?"

"Very, I've got Alfred to put your stuff in the room opposite mine, so don't hesitate to ask for anything, and we have a swimming pool, huge grounds, a gym, and anything you need can be provided."

Bruce lay in bed later that night, and decided not to go out tonight, he had too much to think about. He knew this would change his life, but he could not know how much, and how much he would learn to love this boy as a son, and how he would love him like a father.