Author's Note: Here's chapter four. It feels like an ending to me but if you'd like me to continue the story I'd be happy to do so. Let me know!

River strode into the console room, not sure of what she was going to say but knowing that she needed to give the Doctor a piece of her mind.

"I hope you didn't scare her too much, River," the Doctor said from behind the console.

For some reason this infuriated River.

"Why?" she asked him. "Why shouldn't she be scared?"


"Because, I'm no threat to her?" River wouldn't let him speak.

"Are you a threat?" the Doctor asked, concerned.

"Perhaps," River's eyes flashed.

"River, what has gotten into you?" he asked. "I've had companions before. You know it's part of my life."

"That was different," she tried to keep her voice even. "Donna was your best friend and Amy and Rory were my parents. I understand what you had with them, but with her... she kept you traveling when I couldn't."

"Does that scare you?" he asked. His hands twitched, like he wanted to reach for her but thought better of it.

River looked at the floor of the new Tardis. Another thing she didn't know about before. Another new thing to be frightened of.

"Yes, Doctor," she whispered, blinking back tears. "It scares me. What you have with her... with them, it scares me."

He was quiet. He stared at her like she was a puzzle that he didn't know how to solve. She couldn't stand the silence. So she stifled a sob and tried to explain why this tiny girl scared her. Why all of his companions past and future scared her.

"Doctor, you show them new worlds. You change them, shape them, make them the people they become. I can't offer you that. You don't get to do that with me!"

"Exactly!" the Doctor cut her off, taking her hand. "I don't have to do any of that with you. You show me new things every time we meet. Each time with you is unpredictable. I never know what you'll do. What you'll see. What you'll teach me. With them, I'm the one taking them to places they've never been before, giving them adventures. But when I'm with you, River... you are the adventure."

He paused, waiting for her reaction. He dropped her hand. He looked down at his shoes self consciously. Her pause extended, he began to fiddle with the settings on his sonic, desperate for her to reply. But she was stunned.

Being with the Doctor always felt like a game. She knew him better than anyone and even she couldn't tell where she stood with him most times. To hear that that was how he really felt...

She walked over to him and rested her palm on his cheek. She lifted his face up so she could get a better look at her husband.

She blinked back tears as she stared into his eyes. Those eyes that had seen everything. What could she possibly say to him that he didn't already know? That he hadn't already heard?

"I love you," she told him. "And I don't regret a thing. Every second we've spent together has meant everything to me. You're the best man I've ever known and I couldn't bear to lose you."

"I know," he whispered, leaning his forehead against hers.

She laughed gently.

"You know, don't you?" he asked quietly. "That I feel the same way. I know that sometimes I can-"

She put a finger to his lips.

"No more talking," she ordered before pressing her lips against his.