Kalina walked into Riften Karliah's words echoing in her mind. The dark elf had said that by the time the Imperial made it back to Riften Brynjolf and Mercer would have a lead on who had tried to take them down through Maven. There was a nervous tension running through the brunette's body. Lying to Mercer was no problem, lying to Brynjolf was another matter in itself. Although hopefully there would be no outright lying to the red headed Nord and more of an omission.

The Imperial thief entered the Guild by the secret entrance in the little graveyard and as soon as she entered the Cistern she could feel the tension. It was thick enough to cut with a knife. Mercer looked up as she entered. "About time you showed back up," he snapped. Before she could reply the Guild lead continued, " My sources have finally figured out who's name it is on the bill of sale. It's an Argonian called Gulum-Ei. He was one of our contacts at the East Empire Company in Solitude. He was probably the go between with the buyer and Goldenglow. That means he knows who the buyer is and can tell us."

Kalina raised an eyebrow in surprise, "We've had a finger in the East Empire Company and we're still failing?" For once there was no rancor in her tone towards the Breton man, merely shock and surprise.

"The profits had been falling off in recent years before they suddenly just stopped, although once we were doing so well I contemplated moving us to Solitude to save us time. I suspect Gulum-Ei got greedy. At first he came up with excuses, flimsy ones, but excuses all the same. Eventually even those stopped and the Argonian just dropped off the face of the map." Mercer shook his head and waved her off. "if you need more information talk to Brynjolf. I'm sure he would be willing to tell you everything." And just like that the temporary truce that had existed between the two thieves was gone.

Resisting the urge to sneer at the man Kalina turned away from the Guild Leader eyes searching for her mentor and Guild Second. She spotted him coming in through from the Flagon. He spotted her at the same time. "Looking for me, lass?"

Kalina nodded, "Mercer told me to get with you about any additional information concerning Gulum-Ei."

Brynjolf shook his head in disbelief and it echoed through his tone when he answered her question, "I just can't believe Gulum-Ei's mixed up in all this; that Argonian couldn't find his tail with both hands. Don't get me wrong, he could scam a beggar out of his last septim... but he's no mastermind."

"Mercer told me some of what Gulum-Ei was and did. I would think the Argonian owes us, and then some," the brunette grumbled, silver eyes flashing with aggravation.

"Believe me I agree with you there, lass. Now I doubt he will tell you everything so for now just keep on his tail. And make sure he stays alive."

"Really, Bryn?" she asked incredulously. "Do you really have to tell me that last part? He's the contact for the East Empire Company, once we have that back the Guild will practically be at full strength." She glanced away from him, they would certainly be back at full strength once Mercer was dealt with, she couldn't tell Brynjolf that though.

The Nord misread her expression and hurried to assure her, "I'm sorry, lass, I shouldn't have doubted you. I should know better by now that you will always do what's best for the Guild."

The Imperial gave a wry smile, "Unless it involves dragons. Sorry dragons always come first."

Brynjolf chuckled, "I think I can accept that, lass. You should get going though, Lina lass. Sooner you deal with Gulum-Ei and find out who the buyer is the sooner we can put this whole mess behind us."

"I can't wait for that to," Kalina sighed causing Brynjolf to laugh again. She smiled back at him, she liked to see him smile and laugh. "Alright I guess it's off to Solitude with little ol' me."

"Be careful, lass, and hurry back."

She nodded at him and took off towards the secret entrance. Anything she might need she could easily get in Solitude.

The Imperial thief entered the Winking Skeever eyes picking out the one Argonian in the tavern. Sitting in an alcove was Gulum-Ei. His eyes met hers and recognition flared briefly in them. He knew she was Thieves Guild even though she wasn't currently wearing the armor.

"Unless I miss my mark you're Thieves Guild. That can't be possible though, I remember specifically telling Mercer I wanted nothing more to do with you people," he commented looking Kalina over.

"Mmm…yes, but that was before we fingered you for the go between with Goldenglow and its buyer."

"Goldenglow? That's a bee farm in the Rift isn't it? Well I'm afraid you're mistaken. I don't deal with land or property."

Kalina leaned against the wall and looked the Argonian over in turn. "Tsk, Gulum-Ei. We both know you're lying. Don't try to dissemble with me, I know you were the middle man. Now if you identify the buyer we're willing to forget what we know and let bygones be bygones."

Gulum-Ei seemed to process that before relenting, "Alright, if I had known it would bring me this much trouble I would never have accepted the gold."

She nodded, "So who was it?"

"Never got a name. A woman handed me a large bag of gold to buy Goldenglow, and before you ask I never saw her face, she was hooded. She was very angry though, especially at your Guild Master Mercer Frey.

"And that is everything?" Kalina questioned closely watching Gulum-Ei.

"That's all I know." At her suspicious expression the Argonian went on the defensive. "What more do you want? I've told you all I know. Now if you excuse me I do have other things to do."

The Guild thief backed up allowing Gulum-Ei to pass. Her silver eyes stayed on him as he left the tavern. She knew he was talking about Karliah but he wasn't going to give her the Dunmer's name and she needed proof before going to back Mercer and Brynjolf. That also required Gulum-Ei backing her up if questioned.

Figuring the Argonian had enough of a head start Kalina left the Winking Skeever to follow him. She hesitated just inside the doorway as Gulum-Ei looked back to make sure he wasn't being followed. When turned back around she left the shadows of the inn and followed him through the main gate at enough of a distance that she could duck into hiding if he looked behind him. Eventually the wily Argonian led his Imperial tail to the East Empire Company's warehouse.

With a quick look around to make sure no guards were paying attention to her Kalina crouched down in front of the door pulling her tools out to pick the lock. She had to shake her head over how easy it was to pick the lock into one of most expansive trading companies ever. Apparently they relied on their hired help for security more so than locked doors.

As she entered the warehouse Kalina found herself almost on Gulum-Ei's tail. She held very still while at the same time taking in a deep breath to catch the Argonian's scent if she should lose him. The Imperial waited until her target continued on and followed him. She frowned as he continued on through a lighted path. The thief would certainly get caught if she followed Gulum-Ei through there. Looking around Kalina spotted a log cut in half that led to the upper half of the warehouse to where she could walk on the boxes and out of sight.

With a final glance to Gulum-Ei who was unaware that he had been followed the Imperial thief crept towards the log and as silently as possibly up the ramp. She crouched behind a box and watched Gulum-Ei walk around a corner. Kalina went to move forward when the sounds of boots crunching on the floor of the warehouse reached her ears. The footsteps were moving closer to the brunette's position. She waited a few moments longer and from the same corner the Argonian had turned a guard came into a view.

The Imperial let out a soft sigh of relief. She was really going to miss the perks of being a werewolf after she defeated Alduin. Kalina mentally brushed that thought away and focused on watching the guard. She couldn't afford to get distracted in here, the slightest wrong move and the guards would know there was an intruder. If the guards knew there was an intruder so would Gulum-Ei. As soon as the guard turned around and went back the way she had come Kalina moved on.

She quickly and quietly moved over the tops of the storage racks and shelves. It was a deadly game of hide and seek, if the guards caught her they would try to kill her and she would be forced to reveal herself to Gulum-Ei. That was not something the Imperial wanted to happen. If Gulum-Ei knew she was following the whole mission would be blown, not just the Guild mission but Karliah's as well.

The storage racks soon ended and led to a set of stairs heading up to another level, once again keeping her out of sight of the East Empire Guards. Following the stairs up she paused at the sight of a bed roll, empty at the moment. Apparently the trading company had an employee that stayed there, fortunately it was mid day so the employee was quite possibly somewhere on the floor of the warehouse or even outside dealing with deliveries. Either way it was a stroke of luck.

Her silvery eyes flicked towards the floor of the warehouse making sure she could still see and track Gulum-Ei. Last thing Kalina needed was to lose track of the Argonian and get lost in the large warehouse. Satisfied he was still within eye sight the thief began moving again and than frowned. The wooden landings ended at a slope within the cliff wall that the warehouse was built into. That slope ended abruptly and the only way down was to either fall off the slope or try and jump to the other landing. Well she couldn't go back, so the only way forward was to try and jump to the other landing.

Resolved the Imperial thief moved forward, edging along the slope while occasionally glancing down towards the former Guild fence to keep him in her line of sight. Taking a small breath and praying to whatever deity might be listening that she didn't make that much of a sound Kalina jumped towards the landing. The brunette landed with a small thud. She froze as Gulum-Ei and a guard both paused in their walks to look around. Barely daring to breathe her silver eyes watched the duo warily. After a moment the guard resumed his rounds and Gulum-Ei proceeded on towards whatever his destination was. Kalina spared a glare for the table that blocked her way wondering who the hell had put it there she dropped down lightly to the ground level.

This part was going to get tricky, she was going to have stay out of the torch light, avoid the guards and keep an eye on Gulum-Ei. Well she was always telling Etienne she wanted a real challenge and now she had one. Slowly Kalina moved away from her hiding spot keeping her eyes peeled for guards and at same time trying to keep track of her target.

However her eyes also kept straying towards the office that sat higher up, her fingers twitching slightly as she thought about what the East Empire Company may have hiding up there that the thief could either give to Delvin or even flat out sell for a nice tidy sum. That, sadly, would have to wait until she figured out where Gulum-Ei was going and then she could back track to the office. Her lips twitched slightly in amusement, here she was surrounded by guards that would kill, or try to at least, if they saw her and the woman's thoughts had turned to stealing. The Gray Fox back in the Imperial City would be crowing with delight over his predictions coming true.

With one last reluctant glance towards the office the thief pulled her thoughts back to the mission at hand and proceeded to continue to tail Gulum-Ei. Thankfully she managed to avoid the rest of the guards, either by hiding in the water or even going over a boat that was docked in the warehouse. Finally the brunette's patience paid off as she spotted the Argonian suddenly making a turn after a guard had passed. Kalina's eyes flicked to the guard than back to her target. If she didn't move now she was going to lose him, with one last glance to the guard to make sure he still had his back to her and moved quickly to follow through the water after the former Guild fence.

The Argonian led her to what appeared to be a cave structure. That wasn't all he had led her to either. Right in front of the thief were two bandits. Where there were two there were bound to be more. Well at least she knew Gulum-Ei wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon. That meant she had time to go back and take a look around in that office.

Kalina sighed, she was going to owe the Fox 100 septims was her thought as she turned around to go back the way she had come. As she snuck her way up to the office the Imperial thought briefly on the bet she had made with the Gray Fox back in the Imperial City of Cyrodiil. He had told her she would eventually become the thief she was denying that she was. The brunette had taken the bet telling him that she would eventually settle down and lead a law abiding life. The day she settled down he would owe her a 100 septims and the day she became a true thief Kalina would owe him the same amount. Well Brynjolf had certainly made her into a true thief, so the Fox had won.

The Imperial thief approached the office and rolled her eyes. The owners of the Company must be very arrogant as they hadn't even bothered to place a door on the office. With a glance towards the floor of the warehouse Kalina assured herself that none of the guards were paying attention this far up or were even approaching, so the brunette sauntered in her gaze flicking over the office for anything of value. Her silver eyes fell on the desk and the map and coins that lay upon it's surface. At a closer inspection she noticed it was a shipping map. Well Delvin would pay a pretty coin to get his hands on that. Scooping the map and the coins up Kalina took one more look around the office before she left.

Once more she retraced her steps dodging the guards as she went. She reentered the cave and paused taking in the sight of the bandits before her. This wasn't going to be the hardest thing she'd ever done but nor was it the easiest. Talos, she hated bandits. Taking a deep breath she readied her weapons and attacked.

Kalina finished off the last of the bandits that had been protecting the cowardly Argonian and sheathed her swords, she had finally gotten around to training herself to carry two of them. Gulum-Ei eyed her warily.

"Wait! Now there's no need to do anything rash. This isn't as bad as it seems. I was going to tell Mercer about everything, honestly! Please...he'll have me killed," the former fence begged.

"Well Mercer doesn't need to know." She held up a finger, "So long as you tell me what you know."

Gulum-Ei relaxed slightly, "I see we understand each other. It was all Karliah's doing."

"You say that name like it should mean something." Oh the thief knew the name alright but if Mercer got a hold of Gulum-Ei she couldn't have him knowing that she knew Karliah, knew the true history of the Guild, not the lies that Mercer had fed everyone.

"Mercer never told you about her?" Shock rippled through the Argonian's voice.

"Well Mercer doesn't like to talk details unless it concerns a job, even than it's very basic. So who is Karliah?"

"She murdered the previous Guild leaderlace a door on the Kalina would owe him bet to the office the Imperial thoound to be more, Gallus."

"So what did she want with you?"

"I was to act as a go between for her and the Goldenglow Estate sale."

Kalina shook her head, "Why did she want the Estate?"

"She didn't, not really." At the Imperial's frown he explained, "Maven uses the Guild to help keep Goldenglow. Without Goldenglow Maven is ruined."

Anger flashed through her, once Mercer was gone she would talk to whoever was elected the new leader about cutting ties with the Blackbriar woman. "And if she loses Goldenglow she blames the Guild. And as Maven is a big supporter of the Guild without her everyone believes the Guild will go under."


Shaking her head Kalina reigned in her anger for the moment, "So where is she now?"

Gulum-Ei shrugged, "She just told me 'Where the end began'. Here take the deed as proof. And when you speak to Mercer tell him I'm worth more to him alive."

"I'm keeping the deed," she warned.

"Consider it a gift to ensure your silence. That thing seems to be bringing me nothing but trouble anyways. Karliah didn't even want it, she wanted to keep the sale a secret. I can see how well that went." He examined her for a moment as she tucked the deed away, "Tell you what if you need any stolen goods fenced, you bring them to me and I'll pay you good money for them. Consider me your new friend in the north."

"I will. Until next time Gulum-Ei." With those words she left the Argonian and exited the cave into what appeared to be a hoarker den. Avoiding the massive beasts was simple and Kalina stepped out of the den breathing in the fresh air. Looked like things were certainly coming to a head with the Guild. Soon Mercer would fall and with him hopefully Nocturnal's curse.