Why have you done this, Part ONE

Ha, guess who is writing EVEN more Tony-Percy interactions? This author

Percy's life was over; he can feel it in his demi-god bones. Everyone was shooting him weird looks. Even the water was strangely gentle.

"Dad, help me out here." Percy gritted out at the water. His dad was being…well…not helpful. Percy did not need comfort; he needed someone to save him from this torture!

"Percy! What the heck happened in New York?! Olympus is in an uproar and Zeus is blaming you—" Annabeth didn't even say "Hey" or "You okay". She was going for the kill. She wanted to remind him of the horror.

"Are you talking to the water?" Percy glared at her.

"How else am I supposed to talk to dad? Postcard?" Annabeth didn't seem to care about him mood as she only quirked an eyebrow.

"So I'm guessing he knows about you getting a new dad." Percy abruptly stood up.


"Percy, I saw the conference. You were snuggling into his side." Percy's face went from anger to pure horror.

"I wasn't—oh gods, oh gods what will Dad think—I WASN'T SNUGGLING INTO HIM." Percy was now pacing, his arms waving wildly. It seemed like a few tree and water nymphs came out to listen to the gossip and watch the God of the Sea's son freak out.

"I was trying to get away 'cause he kept hugging and saying I was going to be his new son and then he made me stand at the press conference and oh gods what if I'm on Hephaestus TV?!" Annabeth just sighed and rubbed her head. It made sense why Percy was freaking out that a stranger, not to mention the man who kind of arrested his mom-god, wanted to adopt him. If she actually thought about it hard, they could pass off as children.

"He's also CLAIMING that I'm his actual son and he didn't know until he saw my mom die." Percy choked up on the last few words, but he didn't cry. Annabeth then suddenly felt guilty.

"Well, maybe Lord Poseidon will visit Mr. Stark and you know…convince him to call off the adoption." Percy's relief hit Annabeth hard that she didn't realize that he jumped and unexcitedly pull out a cell phone.

"Not again…" He murmured as his fingers tapped the screen hurriedly. He made to put it away before she came to her senses and shrieked.

"Is…is that a Stark Phone?!"

"Uh…yeah. He gave it to me."

"Let me see—Oh, he's texting you." Percy made a face but went ahead and answered. Annabeth made him leave it on so she could read the ongoing conversation.

The Man In Charge of My Torture: Heeeeeeey how's my favorite son?

Me: I'm not sure

Me: ask around, they might not know you're the dad

The Man In Charge of My Torture: Hey, Pep makes sure I don't get accused of those things. Besides I use protection ;3


The Man In Charge of My Torture: See, this is gonna be great. Our Father-son bonding moments are gonna be you learning eeeeverything you need to know about life. Well, the fun parts



Me: Go bother someone else, why do you gotta pick on me

The Man In Charge of My Torture: Hey, I'll have you know that a lot of people want to be my children. You should be honored that I want to raise you and love you as if you were my child and not Loki's

Me: I think I rather get adopted by SHIELD

Me: Or Miss Black Widow

Me: Or Hawkeye.


The Man In Charge of My Torture: That hurts my feelings :(


Me: I'd say my number one choice is Dr Banner but he ran away to hide or something

The Man In Charge of My Torture: Hey, why isn't Thor on the list

Me: Because once in a while, while I was up in Asgard, he'd start crying

Me: And calling me brother

Me: Or he would want to give me swords training and I think I almost cried

The Man In Charge of My Torture: Aren't you supposed to be immortal

Me: Only gods can grant immortality…

Me: Aren't you supposed to be smart?

The Man In Charge of My Torture: Alright, no need to get snappy

Annabeth snatched the phone and quickly read everything. She looked at him, glanced back, and looked at him again.

"I can't believe it's true…" she looked at bit starry-eyed and Percy realized why. Percy buried his face in his hands.

"It can't be that bad…"

"No, it's just nerve-wrecking and annoying. One minute he gets all cool but then he either jumps to kindergarten mode like 'Do this do that!' or he gets clingy and says 'LOOK AT ME PAY ATTENTION', he's like forty!" Percy by now did not care that he had an audience or that they were sitting in front of him, watching intently.

"I mean, what do you guys think?! He's not supposed to even know about the Olympians gods, but apparently, SHIELD has a more than a few half-bloods working for them and some are more than happy to spill some Olympian secrets!" Some of the nymphs looked shocked, but Percy suspected it's because they wanted to hear more of this developing story.

Annabeth, on the other hand, looked appalled.

"Did they tell them about Camp Half-Blood?" Percy shrugged.

"From what I heard, some of them are kids of minor gods so they probably don't know." Percy groaned as his phone rang again.

The Man In Charge of My Torture: I'm booooooored, where is that weird summer camp of yours, I can pick you up and take you to Milan

The Man In Charge of My Torture: How about Paris? Where do kids nowadays wanna go to? Tokyo?

Annabeth's jaw could not drop any lower. Percy just huffed and quickly replied.

Me: Shut up Stark

SUPER AN: Okay, before any starts asking about my other PJO/Avengers stories, I just want to let everyone know I am working on all of them. Yes, it's going slowly because I work & study (actually I work more) and I work nights so obviously I sleep most of the time. But I'm trying for either At a Glance or Things we forget to come out first but then it'll take me a while. I might try to pre-write some of Water Theory but half of WT depends on the outcome of Thor 2. Yes, Water Theory will follow MCU, BUT Things we forget will not. Nor will At a Glance, because that (I'm making a sequel to At a Glance ya'll) will just go up to Avengers.

That being said, if anyone still has questions, I highly recommend you don't put it in this review because this story will not be updated periodically, since it is drabbles-ish. But you can drop questions in the stories you're concerned about OR send me a PM or the best choice for a quick answer, my tumblr, which is haveatacopie.


How do you like this storyline? I'm not getting rid of the Avengers NOR Loki but SHIELD does want to keep an eye on Percy and Tony just volunteered so eagerly and quickly. I;m also changing the name of this story before the next chapter goes up and it'll be called: Percy of Midgard, A Parody

Toodles and pray that the writing gods make me a faster writer.