Ethan looked at the night sky from his window,so relieved that everything was going exactly how he planned it a year ago. He and Rory were better than ever. Ethan never thought love could feel so good, he couldn't stand being away from the vampire for a few hours. And when they weren't around, they would spend the whole time texting or on the phone. They had gotten in arguments sure, but most of them weren't that serious and was usually over petty shit, and the very few serious fights they had always ended with steamy make up sex later.

Sex with Rory was as amazing as ever. The couple would usually fuck three times a week at least. It was so good that after a few months, it turned Ethan into a bit of a cock slut. Rory was normally the one to initiate the sex but Ethan's prohibitions have slowly evaporated over time, causing Ethan to get more...frisky, which included palming the blonde's cock in the back of physics class, sending quite inappropriate pics to the vampire's phone, and hopping on top of him and frantically shove his tongue in the blonde's mouth. It even got to the point where Ethan pulled Rory into the janitor's closet and gave him a blowjob! Not that Rory was complaining, as he was an even bigger freak then the seer.

The couple have fucked at each other's houses, school, the local Starbucks bathroom, their secret lake, a gas station bathroom, the woods, the library, the movies, even a blimp! That's right, Rory actually flew Ethan up on top of a blimp, and they fucked( although they were planning to just lay on it).

They were also back to being best friends with Benny again. It's as if that awful night never happened. Benny and Rory would sometimes hang out at each other's houses playing video games while Ethan was doing his after school activities.

Benny has since moved on from Ethan and dated a few guys at school. At one point, the spellmaster was a bit of a man whore, having a seemingly endless parade of dudes leaving his house everyday his grandma isn't home. Ethan had even caught him in bed with two college seniors once, that's right, TWO!
It was the last time Ethan went to Benny's house unannounced. Unfortunately, Benny's uncontrollable hormones turned out to be the death of him.

Benny was turned into a vampire during the beginning of their last semester. He was turned by some vamp at the gay club just outside of town after hooking up with him. He was devastated at first, but quickly adjusted to his immortality thanks the girls. He had amazing control over his bloodlust but became a full vampire right after he was turned when the vamp who changed him forced human blood down his throat a week later. Him and the gang quickly disposed of the rogue afterwards.

Sarah and Erica had since graduated, but stuck around Whitechapel to wait for the boys to graduate so that they could all move on together.

That time has finally come.

Instead of waiting a year after graduation like Rory had suggested, they decided to leave that August, only three months afterwards. It was going to be the five of them, traveling the world together. It was all planned out during senior year.

Now as Ethan stared out his window, the plan was finally happening. Benny and the girls were all packed, waiting for at the location. Ethan was to wait at home for Rory to come and finally do the deed.

He was going to turn Ethan into a vampire .

Rory told Ethan to think long and hard about this a year ago and that's exactly what he had done. Despite moments where he considered saying no, his mind was made up.

He was going to do this.

Ethan made sure to spend his last few months as a human with his family. He made sure they all knew just how much he loved each and everyone of them. Jane and Benny's Grandma were the only people to know about the plan. They were both deeply saddened by it but knew that it had to be done.
Ethan couldn't believe that this would be his last time in this house. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he looked at his walls filled with nerdy movie posters that he collected since he was twelve.

He looked at the bed where he lost his virginity to the boy he loved. At his computer where he and Benny have played so many video games. He would have to leave it all behind. His entire life was in Whitechapel, leaving often seemed impossible to him. His parents went out to see the auto show that he had gotten them tickets for so they wouldn't be home in case Ethan go too emotional. Jane was spending a night at her friend's house, Ethan already said goodbye to her.

A knock on the window snapped him out of his thoughts, and of course it was Rory, hovering outside and giving him a sad smile. Ethan rushed to the window and opened it up.
"Come in, Rory"
The vampire stepped in slowly and pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug.
"Are you okay?" He whispered.
Ethan breathed. "I will be. Is everyone ready?" He asked.
Rory pulled back and rubbed his boyfriend's hair.
"Benny and Sarah are already at the cabin. Erica's gonna head up there in an hour after she visits her favorite bar one last time".
Ethan nodded.
"Ethan, before this goes any further, are you sure this is what you want?" Rory asked.
Part of him wanted his boyfriend to say no. He thought that the seer deserved more than a life cursed with immortality, but the selfish part of him wanted Ethan to say yes, so that he'll never be alone. Rory needed him in his life, but he couldn't live with himself if Ethan wasn't happy.
Ethan stared at him,smiled, and nodded.
"Yes. The answers always been yes" the seer whispered.
Rory knew the gravity of the situation, but couldn't help but smile back. He put his hand on his boyfriend's cheek, loving the feel of his warm skin.
"I wanna make love to you. To your human body, just one last time"he whispered.
Ethan groaned from just the sexual tone of the blonde's voice.
"Do we have time?"
Rory stepped closer.
"We'll make time".
He kissed the seer, slowly, but with passion. Ethan groaned as the blonde slipped his tongue in. Rory wrapped his arms around his waist, while Ethan wrapped his arms around Rory's neck.
The vampire pushed him onto the bed before throwing himself on him. He grabbed Ethan's shirt, yanking it off before running his hands over that pale, flat stomach. He brought his mouth to Ethan's nipple where he sucked lightly, making the seer gasp.
The vampire sat up and removed his own shirt and Ethan flashed him a wicked smile before flipping them over so he was on top. Rory, caught off guard by the action, chuckled as Ethan went all the way down to the blonde's pants, licking his abs on the way there. He fiddled with the belt before discarding it on the floor and pulled Rory's pants and boxers down, revealing the vampires hard member. It was already leaking precum as he started jerking it off as the blonde moaned. Ethan wrapped his mouth around the tip before taking in the entire member, making Rory gasp.
he seer bobbed his head and occasionally licked the vamp's heavy balls.
"That's it baby, just like that"
Ethan sucked a little longer before pulling off of it. He took off his basketball shorts and boxers, leaving him completely nude.
"I want you so badly Rory" he whispered.
Rory then got up and went behind Ethan, pushing him back into the bed and turning him over, his hot, tight ass sticking in the air. The seer shivered as he felt his boyfriend spread his cheeks and before darting his tongue into Ethan's hole. Ethan couldn't stop groaning into his sheets at the pleasure. Rory then flipped Ethan onto his back and crawled over him, giving the seer a peck.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good baby"
Rory whispered before pushing his cock into the seer's entrance.
"Fuck!"Ethan hissed.
Rory slid his entire length in and took a moment to let Ethan adjust. He started off slow, he wanted to enjoy the heat around him.
"Urgh Rory, faster!" Ethan moaned, impatiently.
Rory pulled out until only the head was in Ethan's hole before slamming back, making the seer scream. He pounded Ethan quick, using a bit of vampire speed.
"Fuck Rory! I-I'm gonna cum!" Ethan yelled.
Rory quickly grabbed his boyfriend's cock and started jerking him off rapidly. Ethan's head flew back."Fuuuuuuck!" He screamed, cum shooting out of his dick onto Rory's hand and on his continued to pound into Ethan until he felt his own orgasm approaching. "Im cumming baby!" He warned."C-Cum inside me!" Ethan shouted.

With one last thrust, Rory shot into the seer before collapsing on top of kissed Ethan's cheek, knowing what he must do looked into his eyes. He smiled warmly, and with a tear shedding down his right eye, he whispered "I'm ready".

The blonde nodded, also feeling tears in his eyes. "I'll be the first thing you see when you wake up" the vampire kissed him.

Rory extracted his fangs and bit into Ethan's neck.
He felt the blood rushing down his throat. Ethan's blood, although it will still be pretty sweet, it will never taste nearly as euphoric again. It will never give Rory that power again. Rory have never been as strong as he's been with that pure H-Defficient blood in his system. But it was a necessary sacrifice. He injected the venom from his fangs into the blood remaining in Ethan's body and heard the boy's heartbeat slow down considerably . Rory sat up just in time to see his eyes close.
Then Ethan's heart went silent.
The tears fell from the blonde's eyes.
The next time those beautiful eyes will open, Ethan will be a vampire.
Rory's only hope was that his boyfriend wouldn't regret it. He wanted Ethan to be his forever like he had promised. He didn't know how long he sat there on top of Ethan's body, just watching him, but that's when it happened.
The fang marks on Ethan's neck dissappeared.
He heard the boy start breathing again and those eyes opened.
Only now they were gold.

~My Babysitter's A Vampire~

Sarah was pacing around the front porch of the cabin. If there was one thing she hated, it's being being behind schedule.
"Urgh, where are they? Those three should've been here almost an hour ago! Benny did they answer yet?"
Benny didn't respond immediately, gulping down the last of the blood from his water bottle.
"Nope. Relax, Ethan and Rory are probably fucking and-"
"We don't have time for that. We could've been half way to New York City by now!"
Benny huffed, why did he have to be stuck with Sarah when she's in panic mode.
"I still think we should've went to Los Angeles. I prefer palm trees and Disneyland to the fucking Statue of Liberty any day".
Sarah grunted."We already had this discussion, Benny, we'll go to L.A after we go to New Orleans".
"But I thought we were going to L.A after Houston! And then New Orleans after that!"

"That's stupid. Why would we go in a circle"We're going to Houston and New Orleans before California."

"I don't like the way this was planned"

"Will sorry but it's majority rules. Me and Erica wanted to go to Vancouver but all you boys care about is the States.

"You damn right we do. We wanna see what's out there other than Canada!"

"Will then we could've-"

"Oh my god it doesn't matter!" An annoyed Erica yelled, appearing next to Benny.
"Do I need to remind you two that we're vampires? We have nothing but time so just chill."
"Bout time you got here, do you know how long we've been waiting?" Sarah yelled.
Benny rolled his eyes."You finally done packing?"
Erica signed and pulled off her backpack. Benny's Grandma had given each of them a backpack enchanted to hold an endless amount of materials.
"I been finished, but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to Big Tiny's. Nobody could make a martini like they can" she said wistfully.
"So, where's the lovebirds?"
Sarah groaned in frustration. "Obviously somewhere completely disrespecting are time! We clearly agreed to be here by midnight and it's almost one o'clock!"
Erica looked concerned. "Should we go check on them? What if Ethan's having trouble adjusting?"
"Hell no we shouldn't check on them. I will not go blind by seeing Rory naked and fucking Ethan!" Benny protested.
Sarah glared at him.
"We've all walked in on you and some of your army of bedroom buddies before. It'll be like returning the favor."
Erica chuckled. "Yeah just last week I caught you with the principal's son in the back of your car.

"And two days later, I saw you in the woods getting fucked by Ryan Frost"
Sarah's eyes widened.
"Oh my god, Benny, that's gross! I caught you giving head to his brother by the lake yesterday!" She shouted in disgust.
Benny smiled." Oh yeah, those Frost brothers got the best dicks. I guess it runs in the family" he stated.
Erica burst out laughing and Sarah shook her head.
"Wow. And I thought I was slutty" Erica laughed.
"Hey! I am not a slut! I'll have you know that I'm only sleeping with three guys a week now ,thank you. And I still haven't fucked any girls, will not yet anyway"he said proudly.
"Oh yes, cause that's so much better. Anyways we have to get serious now. Ethan and Rory still aren't here and we have to leave ASAP. Not to mentioned blowing up the cabin!" Sarah pointed out, referring to the cabin Benny's Grandma bought in May.
The vampires needed a way to fake their deaths and she bought it for that very purpose. It was Rory's idea, really. They would pack their bags and tell their parents they were going to spend a weekend at the cabin. Erica and Sarah no longer lived with their parents, but they let had to let them know so they would think that the girls died at the cabin too. Benny would then pour a toxic ingredient in one of his Grandma's explosive potions (as he was a vampire now and could no longer use magic)and then the cabin would explode into an inferno. Benny's Grandma also made sure to make lifeless copies of Ethan and the vampires so that the authorities would believe they had found their corpses.
"Can't we just blow it up and leave now and text the lovebirds to meet us in New York after their done fucking?" Benny asked.
Erica looked mortified. "Benny, you dumbass, we're in this together!
"And that means we leave together!" Sarah added.
Benny rolled his eyes "Women"he whispered, receiving a glare from both girls.
Suddenly, all three of them jumped when they heard a 'swoosh' sound behind them followed by the sound of something hitting the ground.
The trio turned around. Rory was standing there while Ethan was on the ground,face scrunched up in pain.
"Ethan! You okay?" Rory asked, frantically picking him up.
"Ugh, yeah, still gotta get used to that" Ethan said, standing and facing the other three vampires.
At first, Benny and the girls saw no difference in Ethan, and thought that Rory didn't even turn him, until they saw the flash of gold in his eyes.
"Welcome to the club, Ethan!"Erica greeted, hugging him tightly.
"He's not in just yet. He's still a fledgling." Rory explained.
"How does it feel?" Benny asked.
The fledgling looked around "Weird, everything looks so...enhanced."
Erica smiled, finally pulling away from the hug. "We all know exactly what you mean".
"And I'm sure you both would just love to explain to me why you're late" Sarah said, crossing her arms.
Ethan looked at the ground and scratched the back of his head shyly.
"We were...busy" he whispered.
"And by 'busy', he means I was busy fucking him so hard, that even his new vampire powers couldn't help him walk straight again" Rory explained, proudly.
The other three vampires laughed while Ethan put his face down in embarrassment. He could be a real freak when he and Rory were alone but still shy around people.
"Don't worry buddy, I got just what you need." Benny said, digging in his backpack and pulling out a blood bag.
"Rory, how come you didn't feed him earlier?" Sarah asked.
"Somehow I forgot to get some human blood for him"he explained.
Ethan looked at Benny's blood bag as if he was in a trance. He snatched it from the taller vamp's hand and dug his new fangs into the side.
"You could've just drunk out the straw" Benny chuckled.
As soon as Ethan chugged the last drop, he threw it to the ground. He looked at the group with half-lidded eyes. It humorously reminded Rory of the first time he made the former seer orgasm.
"I want more" Ethan growled.
"Uh oh, Rory. Lets hope he's not gonna turn into a monster who drinks every human he sees" Erica laughed.
"My man is no monster! He's too cute and innocent for that!"Rory protested.

"There is no innocence after you turn. Trust me I know" Sarah complained.
"What do you mean. Im innocent!"the blonde said as Sarah glared at him.
"Whatever you say Count Dorkula" Erica said dismissively, but Rory couldn't help but put on his big goofy smile at his nickname.
"Woah, what's happening!" Ethan yelled as he suddenly started floating off the ground and into the air, clearly freaking out.
"Wow, E, you're flying all ready!" Benny explained, lightly hovering and pulling the now full vampire back to the ground. Rory and the girls giggled.
As Ethan settled back to the ground, he tried to steady him self.
"Thanks B" He said.
"No problem" Benny smiled.
"Alright, let's get this over with. Benny, is everything set up?" Rory asked.
"Yep. All I have to do is pour this into the potion and boom!" Benny stated, holding up a small vial with green liquid.
"Oooohhhh let me do it!"The blonde yelled, running up to Benny.
"What, no way! I wanna do it!"
Erica rolled her eyes "Guys hurry up!"
Benny and Rory looked at eachother.
"Rock paper scissors" Rory declared.
The other boy smiled "You're on"
Ethan and the girls watched their childishness and the former seer could tell that Sarah was growing impatient.
Benny had scissors and Rory had rock.
"Yes!" Rory jumped into the air.
"But that's not fa-"
"Oh my fucking gosh! He won Benny, now let's go!" Sarah yelled.
Everyone went hide behind the hill while Rory went into the house. Once Rory was inside he saw the cauldron with the potion inside. Walking cautiously, he poured the contents into the cauldron and ran out the cabin at vampire speed to the hill with the others. A moment later, an ear splitting- boom filled the air as fire engulfed the cabin .
The five of them watched the flames. When the police get there, their gonna think they all died. Their families will think they all died, minus Benny's Grandma and Jane. There's gonna be funerals, but the five decided not to watch their own funerals from a distance, too depressing.
"Will that's it. It's over" Erica whispered, snapping everyone out their trance. They can all hear the sirens in the distance, they needed to leave.
"Uh guys, I still don't know how to fly" Ethan said.
Benny smiled at him.
"It's easy just believe you can".
"That doesn't make any sense!"
Benny chuckled "We're vampires, we don't make sense"
"Alright guys, time to go" Sarah ordered, a tear shedding down her face.
Rory grabbed Ethan's hand.
Ethan grabbed Benny's hand.
Benny grabbed Sarah's hand.
Sarah grabbed Erica's hand.
They all stood up.
"Alright, I think I can do this" Ethan said, his confidence building up.
Rory looked at him through teary looked up at him and smiled.
"Always and Forever?" Ethan asked.
His blonde boyfriend squeezed his hand.
"Always and forever"Rory said.
And with that, the five vampires took off into the night sky, hand in hand, to start off the rest of their eternal lives.
Always and Forever.