Hello Reader,

So as you've probably noticed, I haven't uploaded for a longgggggggg time, and I would like to sincerely apologize for that. But recently, I just haven't had the time to write this and I'm having terrible writers block. High school is getting really demanding and I need a lot more time and focus for it. So for now, Roomies is going to go on hiatus. I don't know when I'll keep writing it, or if I ever will. Again, I'm really sorry that it had to come to this. I'll try to keep writing, but don't get your hopes up because I'm not positive I ever will continue. You guys are really lovely, and I've had a blast writing for you. I will still try to be active on this account, reviewing stories and reading, but I don't know if I'll keep writing. Again, I apologize and I'm really sad that I had to put this on hiatus. Thank you for everything though, you have been really supportive and awesome reviewers!
