Hello Readers! So, I know I've been gone for a long time but I'm back. The thing is I lost inspiration for The Race For Cat Valentine, but if you guys really want me to continue it I will, just leave a review here or on the story asking for me to continue! Anyways, I've been really interested in Percy Jackson lately, so I thought I would start a percabeth fanfic! Please review and comment!

"Here you go hun, your room key and schedule. It says here you're in room 29B, and it looks like your roommate has arrived!" Spoke the woman at the front desk.

I faked a smile, inwardly gagging at her peppiness, and lugged my suitcases into the nearest elevator.

My name is Annabeth Chase, I'm a freshman, and I attend McCalver College. I couldn't wait to start here and finally get away from Goode High. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't terrible there or anything, it's just that I needed a new environment, a breath of fresh air.

The only thing about this college is that some boys and girls share a dorm room. I prayed to the gods that I would be with a girl, I already have two brothers at home, I'm DONE rooming with boys.

Luckily for me my best friends Thalia Grace and Silena Beauregard attend this college too, so I couldn't wait to see them.

I finally stepped out of the stuffy elevator and stomped down the hallway, eager to find 29B. "Here it is!" I exclaimed to myself, as I knocked on the door. I heard grumbling and stumbling as someone slowly approached the door. "Please don't be a boy, please don't be a boy." I chanted.

The door swung open to reveal the most annoying, cocky, and perverted person I know. Percy Jackson. Now let me tell you a little about Percy, he and I attended high school together and he annoyed me to know end. Everyday, he would hit on me, even though I wasn't in his friend group. Thalia tried so many times to tell him off, but he kept coming back. I didn't understand why he liked me so much though. I mean I guess I'm not ugly, but I wasn't as popular as him. He could pretty much get any girl he wanted, except for me of course.

In the end, he and his stupid wingman Nico made high school a living hell for me and Thalia.. I snapped back to reality as he put on a stupid seductive look and said, "Annabeth Chase! Never thought I would see you again! Well it looks like we're roomies, I can't wait to get to know you better." He winked.

I groaned and started wheeling my suitcase away to find a new roommate, but I was yanked inside. "Not so fast Wise Girl. You'll learn to love me, and I already love you." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. "First Seaweed Brain, stop with the feeble attempts at seducing me. Secondly, if you so much as step once centimeter out of line, I will kick you out of this room before you can blink." I spoke sternly. He put his hands up in surrender and said, "Your room is right there, but if you get lonely at night, don't be afraid to stop by mine." I slapped his arm, and briskly walked away ready to settle into my room.

**Leave a review! :)