Sorry for the long wait, but the year is winding down and you know what that means….yes FINALS! Whoo…. Yeah sometimes I wish I could just flip the desk over and walk out. Anyway, thank you all for the reviews! I know I promised to get the last chapter out soon, but I didn't. I'm a dirty liar and I'm ashamed of myself. I hope you enjoy the story anyway!

Disclaimer: I didn't own anything before and I still don't.

"How is he?" Batman asked as he stepped off the zeta beam platform. It was a little after midnight, and god knows everyone needed some rest from running around everywhere. They've been at this since this afternoon. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem for said heroes, but considering this hit close to home, they're emotional and physically exhausted. In about ten minutes, Iris West-Allen was going to be granted access up to the Watchtower in order to be there for her nephew.

"He's in surgery," Clark replied as he walked in pace with Bruce. "The doctors said that he will be okay as long as the knife didn't puncture anything important."

"And Yetter?"

Clark stopped walking and after a few more paces, so did Bruce. Bruce walked back, moving closer to Clark who sighed in exhaustion.

"He refuses to speak to anyone but Wally."

"He doesn't have to speak, we have someone who can read his mind," Batman gritted through his teeth.

"And he knows that," was the Kryptonian's reply. With a slow voice he said, "He's found a way to block out J'hnn. He keeps thinking of anything but what we desire."

"Then have J'hnn dig deeper. J'hnn can go through his mind, can't he?"

He shook his head. "He's afraid that he'll damage his mind. Usually, yes he can do it, but Yetter is doing all he can to prevent him, and if J'hnn digs past this barrier that he's put in so much effort to build, then tearing it down could be catastrophic."

Batman gave a hard, cold glare at his friend. Superman shifted uncomfortably in the spot he stood and looked away, but he could still feel the intensity of the glare. "Then obviously," the bat said, "you need someone to interrogate him from the outside while J'hnn attacks the inside. He can't defend his mind if I push the right buttons."

"Try not to traumatize this criminal for life this time."

"It's not my fault they can't handle the pressure," Bruce said with a small grin.

"So," Clark said as he began to walk again. "Who do we deal with first? Wally or Yetter?"

"Yetter can wait; Wally's our first priority." Replied Bruce as he headed towards the Med Bay area. Clark swiftly followed him at his heels. "Besides," Bruce commented, "I'd like to see Yetter try and escape from a fortress in space."

Clark gave a chuckle. "And they said you didn't have a sense of humor."

"Whose 'they'?" Bruce asked


"Batman!" J'hnn exclaimed. "Have you seen him?"

"Seen who?"

"Ezra Yetter; he has escaped."

Batman's eyes flared from underneath his mask. "How the hell-"

"It doesn't matter how right now," Superman said, interrupting Batman's rage. "We need to find him immediately."

"J'hnn, I want you to go the surgery room. Protect Wally and the doctors in case Yetter stumbles in there. And I want updates on his condition." Batman ordered

"Should we alarm Shayera and Diana?" Clark asked

"Yes," was Bruce's response. "I want Diana to come with us to help search, and I want Shayera to stand by the teleporter for Iris and escort her to her nephew."

Clark did as he was instructed and contacted both of the women, updated them on the current situation. Once that was done, Superman used his X-Ray vision. "You're not going to find him that way," Bruce said. "Too many people."

Bruce took off in a sprint, with Superman flying at his heels. They reached the control room there were workers fixing all the monitors. "What happened here?"

"Nothing sir," said a young female worker. "Just the regular monthly updates."

"And it just has to be today?" he growled

The girl swallowed a lump in her throat and hesitantly replied with, "Y-Yes sir! We weren't informed that anything special was happening at the moment. We figured we would update it now so that it would be ready in the morning!"

"Stop scaring her Bats," Superman said. "It was our fault for keeping this a secret."

"Is there any way possible for you to even turn on one screen?"

She nodded and beckoned them to follow her towards a computer near the end of the room. "What do you need?" she asked them

"We need security footage of the interrogation room." Superman said

Her eyes widen as she began pulling it up. "Great. One can only guess what that would mean. Just tell me, is this guy like, super strong and can break through walls and stuff?"


"That's slightly more calming." She clicked a few more buttons and up came the security footage of the interrogation room. The two chairs that sat on opposite sides were flipped over and there was blood on the table that dripped onto the floor. "Rewind," Batman ordered. The worker did as she was told until Batman held his hand up to stop. She paused the video for a brief moment, and then pressed play.

Martian Manhunter was sitting across from Yetter, his body motionless with his eyes glowing red. Yetter was shaking a bit and sweating. Finally he breathed out a sigh of relief and Martian Manhunter's eyes ceased glowing red. He looked through the mirror with was a two way, and seconds later John, who previously worked for Yetter, stepped in. "Please don't talk to me in my mind….it feels weird, no offense."

"I apologize," J'ohnn said. "I need to go check on Wally. I can feel his body panicking and I need to calm him down. I want you to finish this interrogation."

"Me? Isn't there someone else that-"

"There is no time. You don't even need to interrogate him, just keep watch. Do not worry though my friend, he's handcuffed and should pose no threat to you."

"Yeah, keyword should."

With that J'ohnn left and John decided to sit down in the chair across from his former boss. They sat in awkward silence, and only Batman picked up that they couldn't see Yetter's hands under the table. "So," Yetter said trying to start a conversation. "You betray me just like that and you have nothing to say to me? Nothing at all? Not even an adequate explanation as to why?"

John stayed silent. Yetter rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. You don't want to talk to me; I see the game you're playing. I just wanted to say that after all I've done for you, taking you in and raising you and your brother from teens to adults, this is not how I expected you to pay me back."

Again silence, but John was gritting his teeth. "True," he continued, "I did kill your brother. Smart boy he was, which was why he had to go. He got too smart for his own good. You on the other hand, you weren't too smart you just made a stupid mistake. I probably should've wasted you along with your brother."

John has had enough. He slammed his fist on the table, but Yetter didn't jump one bit. John leaned over the table to grab Yetter, but like Yetter said, he wasn't as smart as his brother but made stupid decisions. This was a very stupid decision to make. Yetter revealed his hands from under the table to see that he got himself out of the handcuffs. He swatted John's hands away and grabbed his head, slamming it into the table. Blood spurted out of his head and onto the table, dripping onto the floor. John was barely conscious and was lying on the floor, groaning.

Yetter calmly got up from his seat and strolled over to his former employee. "Struck a nerve, didn't I? Let me strike a few more while I'm at it."

With that, he kicked John in the face, sending him into a deep sleep. Yetter smiled and fixed his jacket as he exited the interrogation room. Not more than ten seconds later J'ohnn burst into the room, a panicked look on his face. He knelt down to check if John was still alive, and sighed in relief when he found out he was.

The screen turned to black and then showed a little green bar slowly updating. But Batman didn't need to watch anymore. Yetter was a smart man, if he didn't know they were in space now, he would soon. From there it wouldn't take him long to find the zeta platforms and force an innocent worker to beam him down. "Diana," he said into the com link. "I need you to guard the zeta platforms."

"Okay I'm on my way, but maybe you could explain why…?"

"Yetter might figure that it's his escape. When you get there talk to the workers to see if he already got there."

"Shouldn't we already know? I mean the Watchtower has millions of cameras."

"They're updating and I don't have access to any of them now. Did you see Hawkgirl and Iris?"

"Yes I passed Wally's room and saw them there as well as J'ohnn," she said

"Tell Shayera to stand guard there. At this point I'm not sure what Yetter will do; go after Wally for revenge or save his own ass. Report to me once you talk to the person working the zeta beams," Batman demanded.

Batman turned towards Superman and said nothing, just stared. "It's okay Bruce," Clark said in a hushed tone so no one could hear. "It's okay not to know what to do for once."

"I know what to do in these situations, but it's becoming more complicated."

Clark narrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Explain."

"Yetter could do anything. He has so many motives it's hard to choose which one to follow. He has the chance to gather A LOT of information here at the Watchtower. There is so much leverage that it could make him very rich and powerful, however with the computers updating and no other access to the information without the computers, he can't do that anymore."

"But he doesn't know that the computers are updating." Superman pointed out

"Exactly, I need you to stay here in case he does."

"What about you?"

"He could be going for Wally," Bruce said. "Right now he's the reason he got caught and the reason why his whole business could crumble down. Once it does he will have nothing left. Nothing left but pure anger for Wally."

"He's got J'ohnn and Shayera watching over him; he's completely safe." Reassured Clark

Batman nodded. "Then there's him escaping. He might not want revenge or information now. What good would it get him if he gets caught? He could escape and go into hiding, continuing his 'business'. That's where Diana is now; guarding his only way out."

"And where does that leave you?"

"Assuming that he's still on the Watchtower, I can trace him and hunt him down. He'll know someone is coming after him, so he's paranoid, he'll make mistakes."

"Assuming he's still on board," Clark pointed out.

"There's a small chance that he escaped, I'm still waiting for Diana to-"

"Batman!" Diana cried out in her com link

"What is it?"

"I talked to the women working the zeta beam. Yetter forced her to let him leave."

"Damnit!" Bruce yelled as he kicked a chair. All the workers working on the updates stopped and stared, but they immediately went back to work, afraid that if they stared too long Batman would take his anger out on them. Only Clark didn't think that way. "What's wrong?"

"Yetter left," he spat. "Diana! Why didn't she alert anyone the minute he left?"

"Because Yetter isn't going anywhere," Diana replied confidently.

Batman snarled. "I'm in no mood for games. Where did he go?"

"She transported him in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean," she said. "You might want to get someone down there to fetch him before a shark eats him, though I wouldn't mind if you let it nibble on him first."

Batman's body relaxed. He was glad that he wasn't transported out anywhere he could get away otherwise he would've been overstressed. "Get Aquaman to fish him out. And when you get him, make sure he is securely tied down and have someone watching him at all times."

"I heard the whole thing," Clark said. "Let's go see how Wally is doing."

Batman grunted in agreement and stalked down the halls of the Watchtower to the medical room.

"Wally?" said a dull voice

Wally tried to concentrate on the voice talking to him, but it seemed so distant. "Wally." There it was again. He tried to open his eyes to see who was calling his name but opening them felt like he was trying to lift a car. He did manage to open them though, only a little bit though. Through his blurred vision he could make out three forms. One was a glob of green while the other two where orange. They must've seen him open his eyes because the voice asked again, "Wally, are you there?"

No I'm actually France enjoying a nice warm crepe! Of course I'm here where else would I go? I can barely lift my eyes let alone my legs!

As quickly as the blobbed forms appeared, they went away and all Wally could see was black again.

Wally was twelve years old.

Physically anyway. Intellectually he was much older, how else would he be able to understand the notes? He felt so confident in his understanding of these notes that he was for sure that it was going to work. There was even a storm tonight, with lightening! It was the perfect timing. There was nobody there to stop him. His dad took his mom out on a date and they finally trusted him to be alone in the house. Big mistake. They should be home soon though. It took him forever to get the supplies and chemicals he needed, but now he was finally ready.

He just had to add a few more chemicals together and he would have all that was present when lightning chose Barry and he was doused in chemicals from his lab, making him become the fastest man alive.

"Maybe I'll be faster than him," Wally smiled.

He started to add a couple drops of a toxic chemical to his last beaker when it all went wrong. It shouldn't have gone wrong. He read and understood the notes perfectly! The beaker exploded and that sent off a chain reaction, making all the beakers that Wally had painstakingly made burst before his eyes. He instinctively put his arms over his face, but that defense wasn't enough. The explosion blasted him off his feet and knocked him to the ground. The exploding beakers left traces of liquid on Wally. He could feel the burns on his arms that made any evidence of previous bruising literally melt away and smell the smoke choking his longs as his garage set fire. The roof had completely fallen apart, and Wally rolled out of the way before he was crushed by the flaming pieces. He looked through the hole in the ceiling, and the last thing he remembered before blacking out was a flash of lightening.

That and extreme pain followed by his parents screaming his name.

He woke up with a start in a hospital bed. He heard his heart monitor beating and he breathed a sigh in relief. He was alive. He should be because he thought he knew what he was doing… but deep down he knew that he made a mistake, that he mixed the wrong chemicals together. So stupid!

Wally glanced around the room to see that his mom, dad, Aunt Iris and Uncle Barry were all fast asleep in uncomfortable chairs by his bed. He shook his mom awake and she groggily rubbed her eyes. When she opened them to see her baby staring back at her with those green eyes she cried out in joy and attacked her only son with a fierce hug. "Oh my baby you're alright! What were you thinking?" she cried

"What's going on…?" Rudolph said as he was stirring awake

He too gave his son a giant bear hug once he realized that he was awake. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

His aunt and uncle eventually woke up from all the commotion and smiled at their nephew with relieved looks on their face. But there was also something else on his Uncle Barry's face; guilt.

"You were so lucky," his dad continued. "You are so lucky that you only got knocked out and not burned from the explosion. You are so LUCKY!"

His parents both hugged him at the same time, so they couldn't see his face which was plagued by confusion. But he had been burned, he felt it! Barry didn't miss the look on Wally's face, and he knew. Barry cleared his throat and his parents stopped hugging him. "Could I have a minute alone with Wally?" he asked

"Barry we already discussed this," Iris said. "It's not your fault."

"Wally's curious, so you mustn't blame yourself," Mary added.

"Indeed," agreed Rudolph. "You introduced him to the world of science, and I couldn't be more proud of him for what he has done with it. He experimented this on his own, not knowing what would happen. That is not your fault, and I don't blame you one bit."

Barry gave a small smile in return. "Thank you, but I really just need to talk to him about it."

The three adults nodded and left the room, leaving the fastest man alive with the fastest kid alive. "The answer is no."

"What?" Wally asked

"I've been reckless enough to let you discover who I am," Barry continued. "And then I left my notes open for you to read. I should've been more careful and then maybe you wouldn't be like this."

"I wanted this! I wanted to-"

"To be just like me," he finished. "I know."

"Well….not JUST like you…just the cool aspects of you."

"Gee thanks kiddo," Barry smiled.

"I want to be your sidekick."

"And I already told you the answer is no," he repeated.

"You'll give in eventually," the fastest kid alive jeered.

"Uncle Barry!" Wally cried out in anger

"Kid it's for your own safety," was his response.

"But I don't want to be safe! I want to be out there helping you save the world!"

"And you have," Barry said, kneeling down to his eye level while holding his shoulders. "You've been Kid Flash for MANY years and have done an outstanding job. You helped saved lives. You even helped save my life more times than I can count. But this time I can't ask you to do this."

A tear rolled down Wally's cheek, but Wally kept his face hardened. "I can't let you go. Don't you care about me? Or Aunt Iris?"

Barry sniffled. "Of course I do. You two are my world, which is why I can't let you two get hurt."

"Aunt Iris is fine," Wally insisted. "I'm fine! I can take care of myself, so you don't need to go alone! HE SAID MY NAME!"

"Which is why," Barry told his nephew, "it is imperative that you not go out there. If you care about me, you will let me handle this alone."

More tears came down Wally's face. He wasn't angry like he was before, now he just felt defeated. "But he wanted me… I can't let you go alone. If he kills you then it'll be my entire fault… And I don't want you to die!"

"Well to be perfectly honest kiddo I don't want to either," Barry joked. "But if I have to in order to protect you, then so be it."

"You were the first person that has ever cared about me…" Wally whispered.

"That's not true," assured Barry. "Your dad loves you. Your mom loved you a lot. And all your friends from school and Robin and-"

"But none of them cared for me like you do. Like you're my dad."

"Wally your dad-"

"Doesn't compare to you," Wally stated. "Believe me. Which is why no matter what, I can't let you go alone. For my sake, yours and Aunt Iris's."

Barry sighed and stood up, still leaving his hands on Wally's shoulders. "Then you leave me no choice."

Barry ripped the curtains off the windows and tied Wally's hands behind his back before Wally could even register what happened. Wally sank to his knees and glared at his uncle. "You think this can hold me?"

His uncle only smiled. "Nope."

He ran up to his room and came down with a pair of handcuffs. "I know I'm only a forensic scientist, but they give us a pair just in case."

"You've got to be kidding me," Wally groaned.

Barry cuffed both of his feet together and admired his handy work. "I'll hop after you."

"No you won't," Barry said as he shoved Wally into a closet. Barry locked it and put a chair in front of it for good measures. "I know this won't stop you forever, but you can't get out before I've defeated him. This would be easy for you if you could vibrate your molecules through solid objects but…"

"Yeah I know don't rub it in."

"I'm sorry kid, but this is for your own good…. I can't risk it."

Wally could here Barry walked away from inside his dark closet. "UNCLE BARRY DON'T GO! HE'LL KILL YOU! ZOOM WANTS ME NOT YOU!"

"He wants to kill you kid!" Barry croaked. "And I'll be damned if I let you sacrifice yourself. Professor Zoom will NEVER reach you."


Wally managed to get his hands untied, but his feet still remained a problem. He would have to get the key from Barry's room, which was upstairs….great. First he had to get past this door. He used his shoulders to try and bust open the door. It was hard when your feet are constricted because if you lose your balance, you're going down. Wally eventually did bust his way through, but that had took up too much time to do. Way too much time.

"If I was a better Flash it would be no problem. If I could phase through solid objects or even run faster…." Wally let his thoughts trail on.

Step by step he hopped up the stairs and into his uncle's room. He's only been in there a couple times, but he knows where he left the key; he left it where Wally had once found his notes on how he became Flash. As quick as he could, he unlocked himself. Once he was free, he wasted no time into speeding out of the house to go find Flash…and Zoom.

It wasn't particularly hard to find them. Well technically he didn't find them, more like they found him. Okay they actually ran past him. Wally could see a yellow and red blur racing by. The yellow one was chasing the red one. What concerned him the most was how fast they were going; he knew they were running across the world, which is why it's bad that it only took three seconds for them to loop back where Wally was standing. "What are you doing…?" Wally muttered

Wally ran into the blur to join the assault, but their force just knocked him back. Sure Wally wasn't as fast as Barry, but he was still fast. He could see the face of the two, and he saw the face Barry was giving him; don't come in.

It finally dawned on Wally what was happening, and once again he couldn't control the tears forming in his eyes. Electricity surrounded Flash and Zoom and they became faster, reducing the time it took for them to reappear near Wally. "STOP IT YOU IDIOT! Wally screamed. "PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!"

Wally didn't know if Barry could hear him, but if he did then he didn't listen. He kept going until they both went to fast. Wally could feel the energy. He could feel the speed and the temptation to run with it. He could feel the speed force.

Barry finally stopped as did Zoom. Zoom looked angry beyond relief when he realized he'd been tricked. He went to yell an insult at Barry, but he faded out of existence, just like Barry was starting to. "Uncle Barry…." Wally wept as he walked to get closer

"Don't," Barry said his voice ghostlike. "It'll take you in too."

"Good I want to be with you."

"Iris needs you," Barry told him.

"She needs YOU!" Cried Wally. "I need you!"

"It's okay…"

"No it's not!"

"If it's not now then it will be. It will be okay. You will be okay…."

And with that, Barry Allen ceased to exist along with the fastest kid alive. Part of Wally had gone with Barry, the part Wally will never be able to feel again. But the fastest man was still alive. Yes, he was still alive. He's a little broken right now, but he's still living. The fastest man alive will have his pieces put back together though because that is the only way for him to be whole again, to be okay….and the fastest man alive was promised that he would be okay.

Wally woke up with a start. He gasped for air as though he had been deprived from it. However he was being denied fresh air because some idiot doctor but an oxygen mask on him. He scowled and ripped it off, wanting to breathe on his own. He looked at his body and saw different IVs hooked up to him. Probably for nutrients since he can't eat while unconscious and his body needed to heal itself and replenish his energy.

"You're awake!" Someone exclaimed

Wally gazed his attention over to his adoring aunt. "Obviously."

Iris smacked him on the head, but not too hard. "Don't joke about that. I almost lost you."

"Sorry," Wally said with a smile. "How long have I been out?"

"Well since they brought you into surgery, about seven hours." Iris answered

"That can't be true because I'm still tired," Wally complained.

"Well because you haven't eaten yet. I'll go get you some food and send in visitors while I get it." With that, Iris kissed his forehead and sauntered out the door.

The door opened again immediately after it shut, and in walked Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter. "Hey guys…"

There were a chorus of hellos back at him and they all stared in awkward silence. Diana cleared her throat and said, "We've got Yetter in custody and he'll spend the-"

"I really don't care."


"I said I really don't care, go get your hearing checked."

"But Wally," Green Lantern insisted, "this is the man who-"

"I know, I know," Wally interrupted. "He's the man that made my life hell. He's in custody now, that's all I need to know. I don't need to know how long he'll be in there or where he's going."

"If that's what you want," GL said uncertainly.

"So what are you all doing here? Shouldn't you be out saving the world right now?" Wally asked

"You come first," Shayera said.

Wally shook his head. "No, the job comes first. I know you guys…care about me, but there are millions of others who need your help. And you guys standing here while I'm completely okay doesn't help them."

This time, it was Batman who spoke. "I knew your Uncle Barry for a long time Wally. Whenever Barry was in Gotham he would always take you, and then you and Robin would always spend time together at my house." He sighed. "I've known Barry just as long as I've known you. I know I speak for all of us when I say that we couldn't handle losing another flash again."

Wally wiped away the tears in his eyes before they could fall. "I was dreaming about that."

"About what?"

"About the day Barry died," Wally said. "About how he locked me in a closet so I couldn't fight."

Everyone gave little laugh at that and Wally couldn't help but smile too. "He handcuffed my legs together so I had to hope around the house to get the key." Everyone laughed a little louder then and Wally couldn't help but join in.

"I also had a dream about the time I blew up my garage," he continued.

"How in Hera did you manage to do that?" Diana asked

"Let me explain this one," GL said. "He found Barry's notes on how he became the Flash and tried to recreate the experiment. He mixed the wrong chemical and BOOM! We have a toasted red head."

"In my defense it did work," Wally protested.

"Yeah but Barry should've kept those notes better hidden," Batman argued.

"He also should've kept his identity better hidden as well," Wally smirked.

Batman said, "You were a very persistent kid. "

"Oh yeah," GL remembered. "As a kid he was so in love with the Flash that-"

"I was not in love. I deeply admired the work that-"

"Yeah so the kid was in love with the Flash," GL continued, "and he made his own Flash Fan club. Of course he and Barry were the only members, but it was adorable."

"Hey, my desire to be just like Flash is what got me here today," he defended. "If I hadn't been so persistent, then I would have never become the Flash. Or Kid Flash for that matter."

"But weren't you scared when doing the experiment? I mean you must've known something bad might happen," Shayera asked.

He shook his head. "I knew I would be okay. I didn't know that it would end up like it did, but I knew it would work. I knew that it would reward me then…and forever."

"You're just lucky the explosion didn't burn you to death before you had a chance to be the Flash," Batman retorted.

"Well there was that possibility but I didn't think too much about it at the time. I was too excited," Wally admitted. "Speaking of which, I'm excited to leave this hospital bed. When am I allowed out?"

"As soon as you finish eating your food," Iris said as she stepped into the room with a tray of food.

"Oh that won't be a problem for little old me."

Iris replied, "Well then you have to stay for examination, pass some tests that will allowed you to go back into the field and clean your house. You let it get so messy!"

"Aunt Iriiiissss," Wally groaned.

THE END! How as it? Give me your thoughts on it in your REVIEW THAT YOU WILL SO GRACIOUSLY DO!