Elementary Kaito Ending

"Shinichi!" I called looking around for my detective. "Shinichi!"

I threw away the cloak and hat that weighed me down and found myself about to throw away my monocle too. But hesitated and pocketed in my pants. I found out that suddenly even my secret wasn't as important as Shinichi.

"Kaito?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and there was Shinichi drenched from head to toe. With tears or rain water running down her cheeks.

"Shinichi!" I gasped hugging her, before I knew what I was doing. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said.

But I knew she wasn't fine. She couldn't be fine.

"Hey," I told her looking her in the eye. "You don't have to pretend with me."

"I told you I'm fine," she replied stubbornly.


"Hey Shinichi would you go on a date with me?" I grinned.

Before she could retort I grabbed her hand and ran.

We made a quick pit stop to the shop to grab some dry clothes as the rain stopped.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I whispered a location to the taxi driver.

"You're the detective, figure it out."

She huffed and crossed her arms. But she didn't seem to mind. She would go deep into thought starring out the window.

She almost didn't notice the loud music and festive lights.


"Wow, miracle land!" She gasped. "I haven't come here since..."

She suddenly fell silent and I wondered if this had been a bad idea.

"I came here with mom and dad right before they disappeared." She finally mumbled.

Oh genius job, Kaito. I mentally kicked myself.

"We can go somewhere else," I said racking my brain for a different idea.

"No, I want to stay." She said.

Good she was opening up. "Well then, shall we m'lady," I grinned hopping out of the taxi and holding the door open for Shinichi.

"You're so weird." She laughed before getting out.

"Come let's go make some new memories." I smiled grandly.

"So what first?" I asked Shinichi.

"Look Kaito, that looks like fun!" Shinichi said pointing to a roller coaster. I turned slightly green at the sight of the particular roller coaster. I had almost died hanging onto that thing for dear life when Aoko had become suspicious I was Kid. I pushed down thoughts of Kid for now. I'll help Shinichi first and then worry about Kid.

"Okay sure lets go." I said with more bravado then I felt.

"YESSS!" Shinichi fist pumped like a little kid.

I wearily smiled. Anything for her happiness.

For the next god-knows-how-long we rode rides, ate food and laughed.

"Look at that!" Shinichi gasped pointing.

Lo and behold there was a gigantic teddy, but oh no it wasn't just a gigantic teddy bear...it was a gigantic teddy bear decked out in a Sherlock Holmes outfit that looked big enough to fit Hakuba.

"Do you want it?" I asked eyeing the shooting game that held the key to the prize.

"No, it's fine. All these games are rigged anyway." She protested.

"Won't know till I try," I smiled handing the guy three dollars. He gave me a sleezy knowing smile that I tried to ignore.

"You get five tries to knock down a target," he said pointing at mini bulls eyes that were lined up on the shelf. It didn't seem that hard...I lined up the toy gun and shot. It wheezed passed the target. Wow talk about lack of control. I shot again getting the hang of it. This time the bullet hit the corner of a bulls eyes but didn't knock it over. I tried again and again but always although it hit the target but didn't knock it over. I grew increasingly frustrated and my turn was up.

"See I told you it was rigged," Shinichi who had been silent said when I was done.

"Yeah, I should've listened sorry."

"Actually let me give it a go." She smirked and her eyes gained their usual luster. I once again remembered the clock tower heist. Shinichi gave the man three dollars and took the gun in her hands.

"Five tries, one target." The man droned out with the same sleezy smile.

"What happens if I hit more then one target?" She asked seemingly innocently.

"You get one prize for every target you knock over but that's highly unlikely." The guy smirked.

"Thanks!" She chirped before turning and giving me a knowing smile. She took the gun in her hand and expertly flipped it over and aimed.

"I was watching you shoot and I think I got the jist of how off this gun is." She muttered while shooting. The first bullet hit dead center and sent the target tumbling over while the guy gawked.

"Once you get the hang of it, this game is pretty easy." She continued hitting another target and then another. She made all five shots earning us the teddy bear and four other prizes.

"I think I like that fake gem over there," she said pointing to a particularly sparkly looking fake gem. The guy reluctantly handed it over and she tossed it to me.

"I thought you might like it," she smirked detective glare on full power.

"Hey, let's go one step at a time," I groaned. "I need some time to get over this embarrassment before you do it again."

Shinichi just laughed.

Besides the fake gem and the teddy bear we gave the other prizes we won to random little kids we saw near the game booths. After walking around a bit we got some ice cream and sat down.

"That was fun," Shinichi stated licking her vanilla ice cream.

"Yeah it was." I sighed. Sure the heists were always fun, but with school and my double life, when was the last time I had truly relaxed.

"Kaito look!" Shinichi exclaimed almost making me drop my ice cream.


"The park will now be closing. The Ferris wheel will now go on its last rotation so please prepare to leave the park." Announced a voice over the speaker.

"The Ferris Wheel! Let's go!" Shinichi yelled grabbing my hand and pulling like a little kid.

"Okay okay, Tantei-chan," I laughed grabbing the teddy bear and ditching the ice cream since I couldn't hold both. Aw, what a waste.

We ran like maniacs to the Ferris wheel and managed to grab a ride.

"Well that, gasp, was, gasp, fun." I sighed a bit out of wind by the full on sprint.

"Yeah," Shinichi laughed taking another lick of her ice cream.

"Oi, oi, you kept the ice cream? I had to ditch mine to carry Kuma Tantei here." I said pointing at Hakuba Version 2.

"Haha, that's your fault." She teased childishly.

She once again ate her ice cream but a little got left behind on her lower lip.

"Hey, you got some ice cream on you."

"Huh? Where?" She asked touching the other side.

"Right here," I said brushing the ice cream off with my finger and without thinking putting it in my mouth. "Yum," I smirked as I watched her blush.

"What the heck, Kaito..." She muttered staring out the window and sullenly eating her ice cream. "Kaito, why did you call me Tantei-chan?" She asked. I felt my blood run cold as she turned to look at me. I expected a piercing detective glare that who prick through my shield and bleed the truth out of me. What I saw before me was worse.

Shinichi looked weary...her eyes seemed sad.

"I'm tired of all the lies." She stated. But I heard something else underneath. "I'm tired of being pushed away without explanation."

I sighed as I felt the weight of the monocle in my pocket.

"Shinichi I-"

"Maybe you're not Kaito. Maybe you're just Kaitou Kid who's disguised as someone close to me." Shinichi interrupted. "But if you happen to find the boy who made me laugh with corny magic tricks and hilarious pranks can you tell him something for me?"

"Shinichi wai-"

"Tell that stupid Kuroba Kaito that I love him." She stopped me mid sentence.

I flushed at her honest words. Kuso, how am I supposed to step away. How am I suppose to deny everything and lie when you look at me like that?

"Hey, Tantei-chan." I mumbled debating whether or not to do what I was about to do. "That vanilla ice cream looks really good."

Before she could reply I leaned over and claimed her lips as mine. I closed my eyes and just let everything go. I could taste the vanilla ice cream. When I stepped back and saw her flushed breathless face I felt happy. We had our problems, our secrets and scars but together we would heal them. We would stitch the scars and I would fill in the puzzle for her to see. To see the real me. But for now this was enough.

"Kaito says he loves you too." I smiled. "No... I mean, I love you Kudo Shinichi."

Her eyes lit up and she gave me the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.

"I think I've stolen something from the great Kaitou Kid." She smirked happiness captured in her eyes.

She leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"I think I've stolen your heart, Kaitou Kuroba."

I laughed. Of course she had. "That's elementary, my dear Sherlock."

Dear readers,

Thank you so much for reading until now and I'm so sorry it took so long to finish this story. I hope to continue to improve as a writer and I hope you read my other stories too! Please review and help me improve! Your reviews always encourage me and make me into a better writer.

Thank you so much!