Ever since I saw Wreck-It Ralph, and after reading a few stories in the said category, I've decided to jump back on the writing bandwagon for old time's sake.

I'll say this simply: I'm bored, I want to write something funny, and I've always wanted to write a story with Gloyd getting some limelight. How can anyone resist his Halloween theme and his prankster-like personality?

If you guys want to see if I can make things funny, and hopefully not out of character, give this story a review giving me your best idea to prank someone you either like or dislike. Everyone loves a good prank now and then, so why not? If you feel up to it, give this story a review and I'll see if I'm funny enough to bust your gut.

EDIT: I will NOT use Crossovers. Sorry people, but I can't stand crossovers! Why? Because most of the time, none of them make even the smallest bit of sense into why the pieces are crossed over, or, the author gives an invalid reason why. If you want to see a few examples, I'll give you a list.

Lion King/Twilight

Lion King/Land Before Time

Land Before Time/9/11!

See what I mean? So, just as a heads up, if you want a crossover, prepare to be disappointed. I'm only taking requests that are within the Wreck-It Ralph movie. Or, at the very least, Sugar Rush. Thank you for your time.