Tommy sits in a chair in the game room and shakes his head. "I do not know what to do about Kimberly, man; she basically acting like a spoiled brat."
Adam pretends to be shocked. "No, really."
"Ha-ha but this is not a joking matter," Tommy twirls the joystick in his hand. "What am I going to do; she needs to understand that she has a new stepfather and stepsister."
"From the looks of it; Kim may come around to accepting her stepfather but on the stepsister wave, she will not be so easily persuaded since Kat has feelings for you." Adam sets his joystick down because he knew the last thing Tommy wanted to do was play a video game.
"I just have to find… wait what Kat likes me," Tommy nearly drops the joystick.
Adam shakes his head. "You always seem to be oblivious to other girls liking you." "For someone, to think he is such a charmer you sure lack in noticing the opposite sex."
"We just have to find Kat someone to date than," Tommy says with unsure confidence.
"I am glad all the weird events are happening to you," Adam shakes his head.
Tommy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a rubber band. "Be careful, you do remember karma right." Tommy puts his hair in a ponytail.
"Dude, the Fabio look needs to go," Adam, laughs.
"Maybe you should try it; I am a ladies man after all." Tommy counters back.
Adam rolls his eyes. "Then why are you having female problems?"
"I cannot help the fact that I am simply irresistible." Tommy smiles at Adam.
Inside another home, Kim sits on her bed in her room. I did not know about Kat's mother. Does it make me a bad person to still want her and her father gone from my life? Kim throws her head on her pillow.
Mrs. Hilliard glances at her daughter through the partially opened door. "Kim, can we talk?"
"Sure mom," Kim mumbles.
Caroline walks into the room and sits on her daughter's canopy bed. "I see you have moved most of your belongings back into your room."
"Yeah, I had to do something to keep busy mom." Kim mumbles again from her pillow.
"Please Kim look at me," Caroline pleads with her daughter.
Kim slowly rises her head up.
"I know that you were blinded sided by a new family and that you need to readjust to being here." Caroline rubs her daughter's hair. "But that is no excuse for how you have been behaving lately and you need to go talk to Kat."
"Mom, she is not all that nice," Kim retorts. I have seen the way she looks at Tommy.
Caroline sighs, "Kimberly Ann Hart; I did not raise you like that." "Now march in your sister's room and have a heart to heart."
"No, she needs to stay away from me for a while then I will consider talking to her," Kim moves out of her mother's grasp. "You were my number one supporter then you go on a vacation to get over the divorce but unlike a regular woman who returns with expensive gifts and a new look on life; you return with a man and a daughter who think that they can barge into my life!"
"Do not use that tone with my young lady," Caroline stands up. "Now you will go talk to Kat or I will ground you and that means no Tommy or shopping."
"How can you side with her," Kim looks ready to cry. "You are my mother yet you have been acting like I am the stepchild here."
Caroline touches Kim's hand. "Kim you will always be my little gymnastic-doll, no one can change that but you need to start behaving your age."
"I am acting my age mother; I am a teen after all," Kim moves her hand away. "Since I do not want to be grounded, I will go talk to Kat." Kim hops out the bed and slowly walks to Kat's room. "Kat, I am sorry about your mother." "I know what else goes on in your mind."
Kat stands up from sitting in a chair in her room. "So your apology is to insult me?" "What kind of person is sorry then offends the victim?"
"The kind of person that knows how your wicked mind works," Kim rolls her eyes.
"Wicked mind works; really Kim what kind of monster are you?" Kat moves next to Kim.
Kim lifts her head to look Kat directly in the eyes. "You do not frighten me."
"Really, I doubt it shorty," Kat smiles evilly. "Your behavior will only allow Tommy and your friends to grow closer to me and forget and loath you."
"Just because you are a giant that can fix the gutters without a ladder does not mean you can intimidate me." Kim flips her hair.
"I guess we are at ends then because I think I can," Kat laughs.
"Let me tell you something Australia girl; you have Cinderella right," Kim questions.
Kat nods her head. "I have seen the movie."
"Well let me refresh your memory; the evil stepsister loses in the end." Kim rolls her necks and snaps her fingers before she walks out the room.
"This is not over," Kat yells to Kim's back.
Kim just continues to walk away. I am going to have get my mother to see what bad people these Hilliard's are and take back my life.
Kat stomps over to Kim. "You know you heard me."
"Yeah, I did but I chose to ignore the little mosquito buzzing in my ear." Kim rolls her eyes. "Kat, face it I always win." "You are a mosquito that I will squash."
"If I am a mosquito then you are a little bee that has to go from flower to flower to feel good about herself," Kat sneers.
"You do know that bees have stingers that can kill a person or sting them until they cry." Kim laughs at Kat expression. "Do not worry; I won't murder you unless you stay away from what is mine." Kim turns and begins to walk away but stops abruptly and turns back around. "If I were you I would make my dad see that staying here is not wise and go back to Australia."
"I thought about that when you got the room but that was only one battle you won in this war." "I like it here and I intend to stay," Kat grins at Kim.
"Oh it is so on," Kim smiles back at Kat. "I always come out on top." "Just be prepared to look like a fool and go crying back to your real home with your tail between your legs."