"Mom I cannot believe you married again." Kim shakes her head at the phone.
"Aw Kimmie, do not sound so upset about it." Kim's mother tries to calm her down.
"Who moves to a different country then marries a few months later?" Kim tightens her grip on the phone. "Huh mother tell me who?"
"I did and I thought you would be happy for me." Kim's mother sighs, "When you return you will have your old room and a new stepfather and sister."
"Aren't I the lucky one," Kim sarcastically mutters. "Mom I am happy for you really I am it's just that you barely have been divorced from dad for five months." I thought you and dad would remarry and we would be the happy family that we once were.
"Oh honey, the relationship between your father and I was over since last year." "We tried to make it work for your benefit." "I assure you that you will love your new family and you finally have someone to shop with and gossip with during family trips." "No more being the only child."
"Ha to my father I am." Kim rolls her eyes. "Besides I have Aisha and Trini to gossip with."
"I bet you will enjoy having a sibling your own age." Kim's mother smiles hopefully. "I have to go and prepare dinner." "See you in a bit sweetie pie."
Kim hangs up the payphone and stares at it for a second. Why is she not meeting me at the airport? These people are taking my mother from me already. Kim grumpily heads to the front doors of the airport and hails a cab. I need a little Tommy time. He will definitely make me feel better and some. Kim rings the doorbell with her luggage.
Mrs. Oliver opens the door. "Hello Kimberly it is nice to see you." She glances at Kim's luggage. "Did you take an early flight?"
"Yes, I wanted to see Tommy; is he here or with the gang?" Kim smiles at Mrs. Oliver.
Mrs. Oliver frowns, "Oh he went to help a girl with her car." "He told my husband who is completely forgetful and forgot her name."
Now it is Kim's turn to frown. "I really wanted to see him before I went home and saw my new "family"." Kim puts emphasis on the word family.
"Oh I heard about that; you must be so excited to meet your new family."
"Yeah totally," Kim tries to hide the sarcasm from her voice. "Do you know when he will be back because I can wait?"
"No dear, I do not have any idea." "I will let him know as soon as he comes in that you are home." Mrs. Oliver leans in and gives Kim a hug. "I am glad you are back sweetie."
"Thank you Mrs. Oliver; I guess I should be heading home now." Kim smiles at Mrs. Oliver before she asks to call for a cab. Once Kim is standing at her front door, she was even more upset that she had to knock on the door since she did not have a key. Since her parents' divorce, they decided to sell the home and moved to different locations yet Kim's mother liked the house so much she decided to move back there when she remarried.
Kim's mother opens the door. "My baby is home early; I am so happy." She wraps her arms around Kim. "You must have called me from the Angel Grove airport; if I had known you plan to take an earlier flight than I would have come and picked you up."
Kim shrugs her shoulders and grabs her luggage handle. "It felt weird knocking on the door to the only home I have ever known."
"Aw sweetie, your key is in the kitchen." Kim's mother looks a little worried for a second.
"What is it mom?" Kim asks.
"Uh just come inside dear." Kim's mother steps aside and let's Kim enter the house.
"I cannot wait to see my room; I missed that room." Kim begins to head for the stairs.
"About that how about you put your luggage down in the living room and come eat dinner with us." "We are waiting for your new sister to come home."
"She is not my new sister and where is she?" Kim demanded. She does not know anyone here besides she is new to this country.
Kim's mother looked a little worried again. "She met a friend and should be home shortly." She puts her arm around her daughter's shoulder. "Let's go sit and wait with your stepfather.
"Why can't I go to my room," Kim stands her ground.
Before Kim's mother could answer, in walks Kim's new sister. "Sorry I was late mom, after we finished working on the car we decided to hang out for a while.
Kim looks at the girl. Mom? Who does this girl think she is and did she just say working on a car? Kim gives the girl the once over.
"Oh Kat you are just in time." Mrs. Hilliard gestures at Kim. "Kim decided to surprise us all and took an earlier flight; isn't that wonderful."
Kat glances at Kim before she smiles at her. "Why yes it is." "I am so happy to have my new sister here finally." "Although I bet nothing beats competing in the games." Kat gives Kim a hug before she gives her stepmother one.
Kim rolls her eyes. "Mother can you please tell me why I cannot go up to my room now?" "Did you begin redecorate it and think that I will not like it?"
"No dear it is just that well now you have a sibling and you both want the room."
"My room; she wants my room!" "The room that I have been in since I was a baby; the room I played in, slept in, and did my homework in." The room Tommy and I made out in multiple times in. Kim looks angry.
"What is all the commotion about?" Mr. Hilliard walks into the living room.
Kim gives him the evil eye. He is not my father; why both these people are strangers to me.
"Oh nothing dear, Kim just learned about the room debacle." Mrs. Hilliard gives a nervous laugh.
"Why would she even want my room; the room I have had since well forever." Kim is becoming annoyed with everyone.
"It is a nice room and it has a walk in closet," Kat adds.
"Yes that my father built for me when he realized I was like my mother and loved to shop," Kim tells her snootily.
"I know honey yet it is only fair to discuss who will receive the room," Mr. Hilliard tells Kim.
Kim looks her mother in the eye. Honey; I am not his honey nor will I ever be. If it were not for Tommy and the others, I would go live with my father in Reefside. "I am tired and I just want to go to my room and unpack."
"We have decided that until a solution has been made that neither one of you girls receives the room and that you both should choose other rooms for now." "Who knows you girls might both decide to stay in the rooms you two are already in." Mrs. Hilliard adds hopefully.
"Now that things are settled for now let's go eat dinner." Mr. Hilliard leads the way to the kitchen. She is a fireball.
Kim watches them walk towards the kitchen and sizes her new "sister" up. She is pretty I will give her that but she does not look better than I do and who cares that she has a few inches of height on me. I can take her down any day. Kim reluctantly follows them into the kitchen.
Kat sits down and sneaks a glance at Kim. She is gorgeous I will give her that but she is barely average height. The room will be mine. I am in a new country and new home.
As the new family begins to eat, Mr. Hart asks Kat about the car. "Did you two find out what was wrong with the car?"
"Yes daddy, he is very good at what he does." "He fixed the car in no time." Kat bites into a roll.
"Well what took you so long to come back home than?" Mr. Hilliard whose name is Karl eats a piece of chuck roast.
"Tommy asked me did I want a smoothie and we went to the Juice Bar," Kat tells him.
Kim nearly chocks on her mashed potatoes. "Tommy as in Tommy Oliver!"
"Yes honey; how do you know Tommy?" Karl asks.
Kat looks at Kim. I know he is your boyfriend and I think that sucks.
"He is my boyfriend and we have been going out for almost three years." Kim looks at her mother. Why did she not tell him or Tommy tell him for that matter?
"Oh right I forgot to mention it; sorry sweetie, it slipped my mind." "With the move and and all I forgot about it." Mrs. Hilliard whose name is Caroline sips her wine.
Uh oh; another thing for my daughters to argue about. "Good then you three won't mind hanging out together." "No one is left out."
Oh she will be. Kim sneaks a peek a Kat. That wannabe boyfriend stealer. "Whatever you say."
"So Kimberly how was the games?" Mr. Hilliard asks her.
"A lot of hard work and preparation." Kim says as she eats her chuck roast.
"Sounds like it was a blast," Kat looks at Kim.
Is this girl for real? "A blast it was not Coach worked us like slaves with little down time." Kim stares at Kat before she sips her soda.
"Kat was trying for the games before she had an accident," Mr. Hilliard tells Kim.
"She is a gymnast like me?" No one is stealing my thunder.
"No honey she is a diver but she had a terrible accident," Mrs. Hilliard tells her daughter. "She does not have to discuss it now if she does not want to." Caroline smiles at her new daughter making Kim roll her eyes.
Kat looks down at her food sadly. "I was competing in an event that would qualify me for the games." "When it was my turn to dive everything was going okay besides my nerves." When I did a flip off the diving board I hit my head on the board and the rest is still fuzzy after that."
Kim smiles at Kat. "I think that you should jump back on the board and give it another go." "When I fell off the balance beam my father told me to not give up and here I am in the games."
"Oh I am not sure I will ever dive again." Kat stares at the wall.
"Kim I think we should drop the subject for now," Mrs. Hilliard smiles. "Who is ready for dessert?" "I made apple pie."
Before anyone could answer, the doorbell rang.
"I will get it," Kim gets up from the table.
"Okay sweetie; I will have your piece of pie wanting for you," Mrs. Hilliard smiles at her daughter. She will come around.
Kim walks to the front door and peeks out the peephole. Tommy; oh he had better be here to apologize and give me a big passionate kiss. Kim opens the door.
Tommy was getting something out his backpack and did not see who opened the door. "Kat you left your…" "Kim; Beautiful I missed you." Tommy tries to give Kim a hug.
"Oh you missed me huh than why did you not come by sooner and why are you hanging out with her?" Kim puts emphasis on the word her.
"I uh she is your sister and I was practicing karate and lost track of the time." Tommy gives Kim a winning smile.
"I stopped by your house and she is not my sister!" Kim looks ready to smack Tommy.
Tommy stares at Kim for a second. "Okay alright I will not press the issue and I have yet to go home." "Mom is going to get me and wish I was Rocky again."
"Ha someone who knows when it is time to eat and comes home to actually eat." Kim scrunches up her face. "I bet he would not forget the fact that he has a girlfriend."
Tommy looks pissed off for a second. "I bet he cannot please you like I can besides you know he is a bit of a player." "I have only been hanging around Kat because she is your new sister."
"Oh so you were doing me a favor?" Kim laughs. "Forget your pointless argument and just kiss me already." Kim pouts.
Tommy rushes into Km's arms and kisses her. "Beautiful I have missed you and no one can ever take your place." Tommy kisses her again.
Kat watches from the shadows. I want a relationship like that. Maybe Tommy will be mine one day. Kat steps out of the shadows. "Hey mate, I was just going to tell Kim that her pi was getting cold when I heard your voice." Kat gives Tommy a winning smile.
Oh no she didn't. Kim is about ready to punch Kat.
Tommy can sense Kim's irritation and decides to defuse it. "I could go for some pie." "Come on Kim." He grabs Kim's hand and leads her towards the kitchen. He whispers to Kim. "Your pie is the best though." Tommy rubs her butt.
Kim giggles as she playfully pushes him. "Handsome; my mother is in the next room."
Kat sighs. Oh, some girls have all the luck.