The Repercussions of Lies


Returning to work at Torchwood Cardiff was hard but made easier with the assistance of Tosh and Jack helping him to adjust to life at Torchwood.

Ianto enjoyed putting in the hours tidying up after his work colleagues, making coffee to everyone's satisfaction, helping to concoct viable stories for people caught in the cross fire of aliens thrown in unsuspectedly by the rift, and sometimes having to give them retcon, filing documents, writing up reports, keeping the tourist office up to date and neat, greeting the occasional visitor to the tourist shop, at times going on field visits, going weevil hunting in the real sense and on occasions in the dubious sense for a bit of fun with Jack.

He also caught up with Alys regularly, to keep a semblance of normal life from the craziness of Torchwood's secret work. Alys was happily seeing a guy who was Welsh, of course, and who didn't keep any secrets from her, Ianto actually checked him out, just in case, Ianto felt protective of her like a little sister.

Ianto even started seeing his family again, mending broken emotional fences, being re-introduced to his niece and nephew.

Jack opened himself up to Ianto, not wanting to keep things from him, telling him about Flat Holm Island where rift victims were kept as they were too shattered to resume their normal lives. This helped Ianto even more, his empathic side wanting to help these poor hapless refugees of the nasty side of the rift. Jack marvelled at Ianto's caring side, he knew that Ianto was very receptive to others sufferings and by giving back in those in need aided Ianto to feel that he was able to give back in a less than a destructive way.

His relationship with Jack got stronger each and every day, with occasional spat, but that only made their love making all the more intense. Ianto spoke to Jack about his nightmares that he experienced on occasions, and Jack even spoke about some of his nightmares, at all of them, some were even too harsh even for Ianto who had seen

some awful things. Jack always told him of humorous stories to lighten the stories of nightmares that had Ianto laughing in disbelief in some of Jack's antics.

Ianto's intelligence and photographic memory proved very valuable indeed as he set up, with the help of Tosh, some better systems in the Hub. And Ianto even showed Tosh how he escaped the CCTV cameras, Tosh marvelling at the ingenuity of the young man she had grown to love and admire.

Ianto also renamed some of their devices with ambiguous and cryptic names that always put a smile on Jack's face which Ianto enjoyed seeing; he never tired of Jack's smile.


One night, months later, Tosh reported that there is a rift alert in an old abandoned warehouse and the locals were concerned by the sounds emanating from the warehouse. Jack and Ianto decide that they would go out to investigate as Owen, Suzie and Tosh had been out all day chasing and rounding up a bus load of alien tourists and telling them that Earth was off limits for sightseeing.

As Jack and Ianto got to the warehouse, the noise that the locals complained about, was quite obvious the closer they got to the warehouse in question. Jack and Ianto entered the warehouse only to be beaten back outside as a pteranodon flew at them as they opened the door. Scooting outside quickly to reassess what they could do, Ianto breathed in Jack's scent, always marvelling at his natural fragrance, 51st pheromones he said that they were. Whatever they were, Ianto was always turned on by the aroma, but now was not the time, they had a flying dinosaur to capture and secure.

Jack grabbed a large sedative in a heavy duty syringe and Ianto locate a large block of dark chocolate that he had in his bag, that he was going to give it to Tosh as he liked to buy her little gifts and she loved dark chocolate. Ianto had read somewhere that the chocolate was good for the serotonin levels in prehistoric animals, he was well read and his mind was like a sponge. Taking a deep breath they opened the door once again and went in with their ammunition to capture the pteranodon.

Whilst Ianto tried to urge the pteranodon to eat more of the chocolate, the pteranodon turned as he noticed Jack creeping up to him. The pteranodon took to the air only to have Jack cling onto its leg. Jack is able to administer the sedative, only to realise that giving a sedative to a flying pteranodon is not a good idea, as the only way is down, down really fast.

Ianto holds out his hands to catch Jack, knowing that Jack can't die but wanting to save him from dying tonight or at least soften his fall. As the pteranodon is about to fall on top of them, Jack and Ianto roll away into safety, allowing he pteranodon to drop to the floor of the warehouse, besides them.

Jack and Ianto see the hilarity of the situation and start to laugh uproariously. Gazing into each other's eyes, they kiss with passion, enjoying the moments that they share. Hands start to roam, moans are emitted, necks are offered for more attention, they are getting lost in their lust when they hear the pteranodon stirring.

"Umm Jack, I think we better get the pteranodon to the Hub before the sedative wears off completely" Ianto says not really wanting to stop but realising that it would be easier to bring the pteranodon in now and their love making could wait.

Jack not wanting to let go of Ianto, agrees reluctantly, "And what then?"

"We could keep it, it would be great as a guard dog" Ianto said pouting and not wanting to get rid of this beautiful creature.

Jack not being able to resist Ianto's pouts agrees, smiling at the elation from Ianto.

"So what are you going to call her?" Jack asks as they load her into the SUV.

"Myfanwy" Ianto says, "it means 'my fine one', just like you, you are 'the one' and you are juuust 'fine'"

"I love you Ianto Jones" Jack says smiling, absent-mindedly rubbing Ianto's arm where the tracer implant was, hoping that Ianto never discovers it.


A/N 1: Well, it's been quite a jorney. I hope that you liked/loved this story as much as I enjoyed writing it, well maybe not the dark parts. I would like to send a virtual comforting hug to PCJanto and jekyllh7 who reviewed every chapter and Cora-Stacy who lifted my spirits by telling me not to be dissuaded when reviewers are upset with me with my dark story twist and encouraged me to carry on.

A/N 2: A big hug to all of you who fav. this story, the most I have received since I began to write for FF. If you have fav. it but haven't left a review please leave a review for this last chapter, so I know what you thought, it only takes a minute or two. Even if you read this story much later please still review, a review months after it's fully posted is always a nice unexpected jolt. I would love to hear what you thought. Reviews always make me feel good, and we all like to feel good.

A/N 3: I've started to re-write one of my first fics for FF 'Time Intertwined', this story being my first multi-chapter story, I felt (after re-reading it and some family members and reviewers saying that it ended quite abruptly) that I should re-do this story, yes I rushed it as I was excited to get it posted. So if you're interested I will be posting soon, but not too soon, as I want to get it right this time as well as spelling the title correctly, oops.