Hi! I'm back with the next chapter.

Strawberry Promise Ch2

Ichigo POV

" Oh thanks. " Ichigo replied. "I'm Amano Ichigo. " she said reaching out her hand for the red rose. " By the way. Are these candy roses?"

"Yes. You are really cute, too." Hanabusa answered. I blushed a faint red.

" Hey you. You're blocking my way. " a loud voice boomed behind me. Somehow it sounded familiar. "I said move. "

"Oh. Sorry. " I uttered and moved aside and glanced at the sculpture the boy was holding. "Wow. That looks really amazing!"

Then I did a double glance. A blond-haired boy holding an amazing chocolate sculpture stood in front of her. Is that Mako-kun? He is still very short. " Mako-kun?" I whispered and quickly turned red.

"Don't worry Ichigo. He'll notice soon. " Vanilla whispered next to me. I sighed and smiled, but inside my head I was thinking ; What happened to him? When did he get so short-tempered? Was it because of me? He was so nice and loving when we were small. Was it because of me?

"Oh. And this is Kashino Makoto and Andou Sennosuke. Say hello to them. " Hanabusa replied and waved. " Come on Ichigo. Let's go to the classroom. "

I looked hopefully at Kashino but he didn't even look at me.
I followed them to the classrooms. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "This is a big classroom."

Kashino POV

Did I just hear her call me Mako-kun? Only Andou-kun knows that. How come she looks so familiar? Why is she looking hopefully at me? Is she waiting for me to say something?

I snapped back from my thoughts when Chocolat yelled,"Get it together Kashino. You're at the classroom now!"

I stood at the doorway and shook my head. I put the chocolate sculpture on the teacher's desk and then walked to my seat.

"Darrrrlinnng!"I smiled and turned around. Standing before me was my one and only love.

"Hi Miya-chan. Where were you today? I was looking for you. " I told her giving her a big smile. I saw Amano look a bit sad and disappointed. Well. Never mind her.

Ichigo POV

Why? Why? Why did Mako-kun look at her that way? Did he forget about me? Who I am even?

I shook my head and blinked away tears. It's nothing. They just respect each other. That's all. She is our senpai after all.

"Fight Ichigo. Fight!" Vanilla whispered into my ear. "I bet he will still remember you once he remembers."

Once he REMEMBERS...

I was placed in the A Group with Hanabusa-kun, Andou-kun, and Kashino (Mako-kun). Everyone was staring at me and I felt my face go blazing red.

I did everything wrong even though i knew how to make it. In the end, I was criticized by Mako-kun. The one I admired. The one I thought was the greatest.

I cried infront of the class and ran. For three hours straight I cried. Thank sweets that cooking class was the last class of the day or I would be missing tons of classes.

I ran away. To a secret garden that I found. There was tiny barely, surviving strawberries growing on the rims of the benches along with little wild, but pretty, plants and flowers.

That was when Vanilla, finally, appeared next to me. Vanilla was a cute sweets spirit from the Sweets Kingdom. She was here to help me fulfill my dream. My dream is to become a patissiere. She was by my side since I was 5. Once, I begged Vanilla to use her magic to let Mako-kun see her, but she said no.

It was Vanilla who encouraged me to go to Academy, but now seeing that Kashino liked another girl and completely forgot about me, I have completely lost my faith, confidence, and determination.

"Cheer up Ichigo! He'll remember you sooner or later and dump that annoying girl. " Vanilla exclaimed loudly.

I will he remember? When?!