After my long stroll around the city to clear my head, I found myself needing a place to go for the night. I needed to hide out. There were too many police around the city right now. I couldn't go back to Izaya-san's house (for obvious reasons.) I couldn't count on Shizuo-kun, and I didn't want to get Mikado-kun involved after what I had said to him. I couldn't go to Shinra-sensei's; Shizuo-kun gets into a lot of trouble and I might see him there. I could only go to Russia Sushi and hope that Simon has a place for me. Even if he did come though, I'd be in the back so he wouldn't see me.

That's how I found myself ending my walk (which only managed to jumble my thoughts even more.) As I walked through the clear glass door, Simon spotted me.

"Oh, Masaomi. What bring sad boy here?" Simon greeted me.

"Hey Simon. Nice to see you too. I need a place to hide out for a while." With out another word, he was dragging me by my collar to the back room.

"I not ask what happened with Izaya." he said. "But still, got to keep young boy from trouble." I nodded. He opened the door to the dark storage room and I walked in, sitting on an upturned crate.

"Thanks, Simon."

With that, he left and I was alone with the darkness


I don't know when I drifted off, but I woke up with a sore back, neck, and legs. The crate had been digging into the back of my legs all night long and when I pulled them off, there were red, angry lines where the box had been. I took a moment to stretch and survey my surroundings. I was still in the back of the restaurant, but there was a little light filtering through a window I hadn't' noticed in the darkness the night before. It was very small and had wooden shutters, so there wasn't much light. Judging by the temperature and the color of the light coming in, I judged it was about 5:30, which was an odd time for me to wake up, especially as exhausted as I was. These observations took all of three minutes. I was still tired and found myself contemplating whether or not to go back to sleep on the uncomfortable box.

I was arguing with myself whether to sit on the crate or lie on the floor when I heard the noise that must've woken me up. It sounded something like wood splintering. Concentrating more, I could hear voices underneath the occasional bang. They sounded angry but hushed, like they were threatening someone but didn't want the person standing next to them to hear.

I was on the alert as soon as I heard footsteps heading towards my room. They gradually got louder until they were right outside the door. I quickly hid behind a shelf that held bags of rice. The person opened the door and walked in nonchalantly. He examined different products lining the shelves. When he stepped around a corner, I could see him clearly.

I nearly fell over.

What shocked me wasn't his appearance. His hair and face couldn't be any less relevant. What shocked me was the yellow bandana that was hanging around his neck.

I felt myself grow pale with fear. If they were here... I must not be in charge any more. Well it figures. They haven't seen me for a while. Some one must've taken over. But that means they won't do what I tell them to do. I have no authority in the group anymore.

The guy was about to come around to my side of the shelf when a voice called him from the front. He quickly left the room and I was safe.

Where was Simon? He wouldn't let this happen! Then again, they've probably been here about ten minutes. Simon might now know yet. Which means I have to do something.

I stood up slowly and determinedly. I have to admit, my legs shook a little bit as I pulled a bloody yellow bandana from my jacket pocket and tied it around my neck. I walked through the sliding door and down the hallway, the voices growing louder as I got closer.

"Hurry up and ransack the place!" A voice commanded. Others voiced doubts about the plan which arose sounds of slaps. I also heard spray paint cans being shaken.

I stopped at the corner and peered around it. There were about six to ten guys standing in the main lobby. There was nobody else there except for members of the yellow scarves. The chef had either fled or hadn't come in for work yet. I took a deep breath and stepped around the corner to face them.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked. "This establishment is protected by the Yellow Scarves."

They turned to face me and took in who I was.

"Ah. Kida Masaomi." One of them stepped forward. He looked to be the leader of this particular group. "We've missed you. Well, it can't be helped that this establishment belongs to the Dollars. Certain members need to be silenced."

"Your fight is not with these people. There are no members of the Dollars here. I've checked. They've all aided the Yellow Scarves in the past." That wasn't entirely true. I don't think Simon had ever helped me in the name of the Yellow Scarves before and he certainly was more associated with the Blue Squares back in the day. I just needed them to leave.

In between responses, I surveyed the state of the room. The front door's glass had been smashed, probably so they could get in, various tables and chairs had been destroyed and the beginnings of a warning message had been sprayed on the wall in yellow. I probably got out right in time, before they did any real damage that couldn't be repaired.

The leader smirked. "We don't take orders from you any more anyways." He turned to his cronies. "Keep going. We need to get out of here soon."

I charged forward and punched him in the face, grabbing his bat as he fell backwards. I placed my foot on his chest. "I told you to stop." I looked at the others. They were poised in a position with their spray cans raised, waiting to see what'd I'd do. They took one look at their leader and fled, dropping the paint cans in the process. I walked towards the wall and touched my fingers to the paint. It hadn't dried yet. If I could find the right materials, I could clean it up before it dried. Hopefully there wouldn't be any permanent damage to the place. I picked up the paint can. "Come on. At least tell me if it's water based or oil based."

I saw the leader open one eye and cautiously look around. "It's okay. I'm not going to beat you up. All of your friends have fled." He slowly stood up, observing the room, double-checking that what I said was true.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm cleaning up your mess before someone sees it." I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye.

"It's a little too late for that." He pointed toward the door. I followed his finger with my eyes.


"M-Mikado... What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied.

"Is it time for us to talk?"

He nodded and started to walk away. I hurried to follow him.

* *

We eventually found ourselves at the same park bench we were at last night, holding another set of pizza buns.

"Tell me the truth this time. We can pretend that last night didn't happen."

I sighed. "Listen, Mikado. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get all caught up in this. I was in a gang-"

"Not just in a gang. You're the leader of one." He included.

"The point is that I'm not in it any more."

"What was that this morning, then?"

"I was hiding. I spent the night in the restaurant and woke to them there. I was trying to protect the place." I scoffed. "Simon will be so disappointed when he finds out what a lousy guard dog I've been."

I could tell that Mikado didn't believe me but I could also tell he wasn't going to say anything. I could also tell he was hurt. I'd never seen Mikado like this before, so accusing.

"Is there anything else that you want me to explain?"

He nodded. "Why were you fighting Shizuo-san?"

"I... It's difficult to explain. It goes back into a whole mess of things. Basically, I was trying to keep up appearances and it's harder in this town than you'd expect. Also, it involved his brain being a little addled at the time."

"Addled?" Mikado asked.

"Yeah. He was hit by a semi-truck. Got a concussion." The look on Mikado's face told me that this was all a bit much for him. "Why don't you think over what I've said so far and I'll tell you more later." He nodded. "Also, I need a place to stay for a while. I don't think that Simon will let me stay there any longer."

Mikado nodded his head in understanding. "All right, but I still need to go to school. Before you had said all of this, I was thinking I'd have to force you to go as well, but I don't think that's such a good idea anymore..."

I nodded and stood up. "Let's go. I need to get inside someplace." I was looking around anxiously again. I examined every person I saw. Every one of them had the ability to jeopardize my well-being.

We hurried along the sidewalk to Mikado's place. I finally breathed a sigh of relief when we walked into his little apartment. I walked akwardly into the room, eager to be out of the public eye but aware I was intruding. "Mikado.." I turned slowly around. "Than-"

Mikado attacked me. His fist flew into my face, knocking me backwards onto the floor. My hand immediately went to my cheek. Mikado stood over me, glaring down at me with a little mixture of disappointment, hatred, and sadness.

"Don't you ever lie to me again, Masaomi. I don't care if it's for my protection. Don't you ever lie to me again."

I looked at him with shock for a moment before my mouth broke into a smile. "What's this all of a sudden? I've never seen you so serious before. No. Actually, I don't think you've ever been relaxed around me before. I'm happy you finally feel comfortable enough to do something like that. I guess I do kind of deserve it." I relaxed to a cross-legged position. "Thanks, Mikado."

Mikado looked down at me for a moment before he cracked a smile as well. He laughed as well. "You're such an idiot, Masaomi." He headed towards the door. "Stay here. I have to go to school but I'll be back soon." With one foot out the door, he turned to look at me. "No more secrets." With that, he left.

Right before the door closed all the way, I mumbled "Everyone has secrets. You're no exception." The door hesitantly closed the rest of the way.

* *
"Hey, Masaomi."

My eyes reluctantly opened. A blurry Mikado was leaning over me. "Huh? Mikado? What time is it?"

"It's only about 3:30."

I sat up. "What are you doing home so early?"

"I couldn't exactly just leave you in my room all day long. What if you go into some kind of trouble? It seems to be following you around lately."

I laughed. "I'm not a child, but I see what you mean."

"I brought some food with me."

"Did you buy stuff just because I'm here? You didn't need to do that."

"Well, you do need to eat. Besides, I usually pick up dinner on my way home. I also got some things for breakfast. I need to start paying off all of the pizza buns you've been buying me."

"Oh. Okay." He handed me a bowl of dried ramen.

"Here's dinner."

I smiled. "When was the last time we just sat around together and had instant noodles?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'm happy we get to do it again." He began heating up water. A moment later, we were sitting with our noodles at his table. "Are you ready for me to explain more?"

"Yeah. Go on."

"Mikado, I apologize. I tried to protect from the city by giving you the gift of ignorance, but I think it's safer if you know what's going on in the city."

He laughed. "I think so too. Also, I know a little more than what you think I know."

"What do you know?" I asked.

"Well, I've personally talked to the headless rider."

I stood up. "You've talked to them? What'd they say."

"I talked to her. Celty. I think I know more about her than you do."

I sat back down. "I guess so. You even know her name. Is she dangerous?"

"No. She's actually quite friendly. She's just a little bit... lost..."

"Aren't we all? Who else do you know about?"

"I've talked a little bit with Shizuo-san and Izaya-san."

"Mikado. I was serious when I told you to stay away from them. Especially Izaya. He's becoming more trouble lately. Shizuo-kun is a little better but his temper is uncontrollable. Make sure you don't piss either of them off. Yous shouldn't get close enough to them to be able to piss them off."

"Actually, I've found Shizuo-san to be quite friendly. Izaya-san gives me the chills, though. I don't like to be around him."

"Good. That's how you should feel. That's your instincts kicking in." Of course I hadn't forgotten about Izaya-san yet. He still posed a threat to me. I needed to make my move and I needed to make it quickly. I wondered about how I would be able to get to him.

"What went on between you guys?" Mikado asked.

"It's a little complicated and brings back bad memories. All you need to know is that he's manipulative. He turns your life into a game. That's why you should stay as far away from him as possible." I said.

"You haven't been giving me a lot of direct answers."

"You don't need them. Everyone needs their own memories. They're just a bunch of painful stories. They're not that relevant."

Mikado nodded understandingly. "Okay. You can keep your memories to yourself."

"Well then, if that's the case, I think we should probably go to bed." I looked at the time. "It's getting late, especially for someone who has to go to school tomorrow."

Mikado nodded tiredly. "Let's go."

And with that, I shall go to bed. It's getting late for me xD Not that I have school tomorrow. I'm just getting kind of tired. Now that I've finished my Vampire Knight fanfic, I'm going to work on this one so this should be getting updated more often. I hope this is a long enough update. I've spent a few days typing it out. Thanks for reading!