Sorry I'm starting another story without finishing my old ones, but this is a new miniseries I came up with.

So basically what's happened is, Danny is now 16 and has taken a job 'helping' out Clockwork because recently a second, more evil time controlling ghost has come into play, and Danny's job is to go back or forward in time to fix the things that this second ghost has caused. It will consist of crossovers with heaps of stories starting with 'How to Train your Dragon'. I hope you enjoy!

BY THE WAY, Phantom Planet never occurred so Maddie and Jack are still clueless to Danny's powers.



"Whatcha doing?" Danny Fenton asked his parents, as he strolled casually down the stairs, hands in pockets, into his parent's lab. Normally he didn't really care what crazy invention his parents were making, but recently he was needing to check more and more often because it seemed that more and more of their 'ghost hunting equipment' was coming after him and he needed it disabled before his own parents tried killing him with it.

His mother turned to him, "Well Danny, your father and I have-"

"The Fenton Ghost tracker camera and concealer is complete!" Interrupted Jack, holding a small green and silver object up in the air. Maddie gave her husband a disapproving look before lowering his arm and placing the 'invention' back down on the lab table.

"The Fenton Ghost camera what what?" Danny asked, walking over to his parents.

"The FGTCC," Maddie replied.

"Which is short for 'Fenton Ghost tracker camera and concealer'," Jack added. Maddie sighed.

"And… what does it do exactually?" Danny asked.

"Well Danny, we place it on the ghost and it tracks them down, but it also films where they go so we can see we're they've been terrorizing and if they've been making any human contact," Maddie replied. "And so it's un-noticeable, it sinks into the ghost outer layer of scum." Danny shivered. If his parents managed to get that tracker onto him, then they'd find out that 'Phantom' likes to hang out with Danny's friends, go to Danny's school etc. etc.

"What about the 'concealer' part of the name," Danny asked.

"We use that when we feel the time is right," Maddie explained. Beside her, Jack picked up a remote with a big red button on it.

"With a push of a button, the ghost is sucked into the tracker!" He declared proudly. Danny gulped.

"What? Sucked into something that small?"

"Yes," Maddie replied.

"So it's sort of like, an extremely small 'Fenton Thermos'?"

"Yes, but it can hold a lot more ghosts in a much smaller area because it breaks down and shrinks the molecules-"

"Wow, very cool mom," Danny interrupted before she could go any further. "Oh wow, look at the time," he continued, looking down at his wrist to see no watch there, before turning his head to the clock on the wall. "I best be off to bed," he continued, jogging off towards the stairs.

"Goodnight Danny!" His parents called after him as he scurried out, to rushed to even notice the small item hit him in the cheek and melt into his skin.

Line Break

Danny slipped into his room and hurriedly got changed into his pajamas. He would work out some way to destroy the 'FGTCC' tomorrow, but for now, he needed to get into bed and have a good night sleep, seening as he rarely got one because of ghost attacks every night.

Danny pulled back the blankets and was about to climb into bed, when he noticed something.

"There goes my good night sleep," he moaned, noticing the golden amulet lying in his bed with the very recognizable 'CW' logo carved into it. Picking it up, a voice rang through his ears.

"The past has been changed, enjoy your time repairing it," Clockwork's voice said simply.

"Thanks Clocky," he mumbled sarcastically, taking a deep breath and pulling the amulet over his head.

He fell into darkness.

Just a nice short chapter 1 to start things off. Chapter 2, I swear will be up veeeeeeery soon. Maybe…. Hopefully…. Perhaps….. I'LL TRY OKAY! Haha.

Review please guys, and If your confused of what just happened, you probably missed my first Author's note so PLEASE! Scroll up and read through it.

Thanks readers and please REVIEW!