"Where are you going?" King Candy called after the girl. She was already to the tram that led into Sugar Rush.

"Where does it look like? I'm in the mood for watching some racing. Plus, this game comes with free concessions."

King Candy ran the remaining distance to the tram. "I'm coming with you. I don't trust you not to mess with my game."

"Your game, huh? Oh, that's not pretentious. That's not pretentious at all." Nevertheless, she opened the door to the car for King Candy. He hopped up next to her, and then scooted as far away as possible.

So much for my day off. Now I have to spend it babysitting this belligerent interloper.

The tram started down the sparking wire transit. King Candy narrowed his eyes at the girl. The girl returned his gaze, unblinking. Her eyes, he noticed, had no pupils. Perhaps she was from an older game that didn't have enough graphical power to detail something so intricate. But if that was true… how was the tattoo pattern so clean? How was her mask so well made? She also had hair, which was nigh impossible with the 8-bit generation of games.

"So… who are you?" King Candy finally asked, his voice cutting over the machine sounds the tram was making.

"Are you asking for my name?" The girl replied.

"… Yes… What else could I be asking for?" King Candy rolled his eyes.

"I don't have a name." The girl looked away from King Candy, finally breaking his unyielding gaze.

"Oh." Such a shocking answer had prompted such a simple response.

… That can't be true. All game characters have names. Even if their playable identities don't, they should know the developer's name for themselves.

"Why are you following me?" The girl was looking ahead of the tram now. They were approaching Sugar Rush.

"Well, you are a guest in my game. It's protocol." A pause. "Also, I don't trust you."

The girl gave a short laugh in response. "That's probably wise."

Despite the foul demeanor of King Candy, he laughed a little at her joke.

The tram halted abruptly. The girl vaulted over the side of the shuttle, foregoing the door entirely. King Candy exited the car as per the norm, not taking his eyes off of the nameless character.

"So..." he mused, as he followed her onto the rainbow bridge.

"Want to watch the races?"

The masked girl turned and started running toward the main track. She stopped and faced the bewildered king, and beckoned.

Wow. Maybe she's not that bad after all.

King Candy smiled a little bit to himself, then jogged down the ramp after her.