Tooth flew in through the window of the workshop that North had been so kind as to leave open, awaiting her visit. The New Years party tradition had started quite some years ago, when Manny had first assembled them as part of a real team. It had been something North thought of- to bring about a real sense of friendship. Needless to say, after alternating between the Warren, the Palace, and North's Workshop, the extra help of the Yeti's was much appreciated and ended up becoming their 'official' meeting place over the years.
"Tooth! You come late!" North boomed, spreading his arms wide as she hovered an inch or so above the floor. Smoothing the feathers that had been slightly mussed up during the flight through the cold winter winds that surrounded the North Pole.
She didn't have much time to do so however, as strong arms wrapped around her tiny frame and lifted her farther off the ground in a hug. Toothiana couldn't help but laugh, the air being squeezed out of her lungs. Her head bobbing against his shoulder as he laughed heartily along with her
"Oi, mate, give the sheila a break." Bunnymund raised an eyebrow, tapping North on the back with his paw. North chuckled, setting down the fairy who gasped for air, her vision going in and out from the lack of oxygen.
"Lots of teeth tonight, boys!" Toothiana squeaked after a few moments of recovery, smiling at her fellow guardians. Glancing over her shoulder, she returned the smile that Jack sent her way, as he leaned against one of the many wooden supporting pillars in the workshop.
"Now, party can start!" North bellowed, walking over the the small bar that had been set up near the globe with the help of the yetis, who had gone off to do yeti activities near the workshop- like snowball fights in the blizzard- with forts that rivaled medieval castles.
Reaching under the bar, he groped around for a bit before holding a bottle of tequila a loft and letting out a cheer. Setting it down on the table, he pointed at each of the guardians. "I challenge you! I can do more shots." North grinned, as the others glanced at each other before walking over to the bar- each taking a shot that was slid across to them.
Bunny grinned, winking at Tooth and Jack- the two younger guardians who both looked at their drinks warily. Tooth had never been fond of the drinking bit, the taste not appealing to her. As for Jack... Lets just say the blizzard of '68 wasn't exactly one of his best moments.
The Pooka took the shot, downing it just as quickly as North had. Tooth hesitantly took the shot, cringing as it went down her throat. Eyeing his own glass, Jack shrugged and took it, sipping on it instead of the reckless drinking of the others.
Apparently that was good enough for the others. Except for Sandy, who merely sat upon Jack's staff, balancing carefully and not paying much attention to the others antics.
"Yeah! One more!" North bellowed, downing his next shot followed by Bunnymund who thumped Jack on the back. The winter spirit almost dropped his glass, his eyes widening as he caught it. Sipping it down again, he glared at Aster, moving a few steps away from his furry reach.
Even one shot was enough to loosen up Tooth up though, and as she took her second, a combination of a giggle-snort escaped her lips. Turning to stare at her, North and Bunny immediately burst out laughing, both of them taking the bottle now with no regards for the small cups.
Jack was too occupied making sure Bunny didn't hug him, the Pooka feeling very emotional as he laughed in between sobs. Something about Easter and frost... Whatever it was, when he turned to check on Toothiana, her face was right there.
He was too surprised to move, simply blinking. Her face was flushed, her eyes seeming to stare at with something he didn't recognize. And then she giggled.
"Jaaack~" Tooth cooed, causing him to cringe. He could smell the alcohol on her breath, and it was mildly disgusting. Jack never thought he'd see Tooth tipsy, much less drunk.
But as she reached forward, twisting his hair in her fingers, that's exactly what she was.
"A-ah, um, Tooth?" He said, as she came closer, her eyes half closed and her hand still in his hair. Jack had seen this scenario a lot with other young men and woman, but all of them seemed to have a much different relationship then the one he shared with her as it was.
"You have such pretty teeth, Jack... Oh, and your eyes..." She smiled at him, her finger tips tracing his lips, agape now as he watched her. Taking her hand in his, he spun her around, pointing her towards the guest bedrooms that North always had ready.
"I think you should lay down, Tooth. You're, um, drunk." Jack had never seen her like this before, and it was oddly disconcerting for her to leave him and start spinning around. Although, her tail feathers seemed to splay out like a skirt and it was oddly beautiful. Dancing on her toes back over to Jack, she took his hand in hers, and as she leaned in it was as if they were the only two there. If you ignored the sand heart that had appeared over their heads thanks to Sandy who was observing from a far.
"You shouldn't be worried, Jack, I'm having a good time~!" Toothiana giggled, holding his hand to the spot where her heart was. Leaning forward, she touched her nose to his and smiled brightly before pulling away- swaying now.
"I'm no-" He stopped himself, realizing she wasn't actually listening to him as she danced away. Jack stared once more, not sure how to react. Was he supposed to take care of her, and put her to bed? Or let her dance around?
"Uh, Tooth?" Jack ventured, as she came dangerously close to dancing into a pillar- although seemingly oblivious to the fact. "Tooth!" His voice had raised to a shout as she did end up running into a pillar, falling to the ground. Running over to her, he bent next to her, his eyes searching her for any signs that she hurt herself. "Are you okay?" He asked, his face showing obvious worry.
"Oooh, Teeth!" She giggled in response, reaching up to touch his face. Jack sighed, taking her hand from his face and pulling her up so that she was once again standing. He didn't let her hand go though, although she pulled to go dance again, instead keeping hold of her and heading to the bedrooms.
Jack definitely wasn't going to just leave her in this state where she was prone to hurt herself within a few minutes. What kind of person just leaves a friend like that?
"Jack, where are we going?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck. He felt his face go hot as a blush spread across his cheeks. He didn't answer her, wrapping an arm around her waist as he led them away from the hearty laughs of North and sobs of Aster.
They were silent for the rest of the walk, Tooth simply nuzzling against his neck. Jack tried to ignore the warmth on his cheeks as she sang a song he didn't recognize, although it was slightly off pitch it didn't bother him. As they entered the bedroom, even she had the decency to blush.
"O-oh-" Tooth was silenced by a finger on his lips as he left the door open, leading her over to the bed. Pulling back the covers, Jack gestured to the bed as he tilted his head to the right ever so slightly.
"Well, c'mon. You don't want to wake up with a hangover and miss work tomorrow, Tooth." He offered a smile as she unwrapped herself from him after a few moments, climbing into the bed like a child.
"Thank you, Jack." She said quietly, snuggling with the pillow as he pulled the covers up around her. He didn't know exactly how to tuck someone in, but what he had done looked decent enough. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead like he had seen so many others do over the years. It seemed almost like a universal thing to do when you put someone to sleep. Turning to leave, he was stopped abruptly when he felt her small hand wrap around his wrist.
Turning his head to look back at Tooth, and although her eyes were half closed and she looked as if she was about to pass out, she had a sense of urgency about her. "Please... Stay." Her voice was almost too quite to hear, but he nodded without a second thought. She smiled, seemingly content with his answer as she moved over so there was room for him.
Sighing to himself, the blush which had gone away was soon back as he crawled on top of the covers, laying beside her. His next actions seemed natural, moving his arm around her waist and bringing her close, although she was still under the covers. Tooth's familiar floral scent was hardly tainted by the alcohol as he rested his head on the back of her neck.
"Good night, Tooth."
Sandy peeked in the room, putting hand to his mouth as he chuckled silently. Dream sand flowed through his hands to its target above their heads. The sand formed into two figures dancing.
(Just a little something for the Frostbite/Rainbow Snowcone shippers. I'll probably write a sequel a bit later. Hope you enjoyed!)