A Little Husband

By Monkan

Pairings: Thor/Loki, implied Sif/Thor

Warnings: Slash, slight Shota, kidnapping

Rating: T/M

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story. The characters belong to Marvel and the Norse Mythology, nor any other names or products that may be mentioned.

A/N: There won't be any heavy shota stuff but there's still a warning for the cuteness. Update rate will depend on interest rate. If you like it? Let me know! Right now I have so many stories running that unless you give me reason some of them will take longer to update. Enjoy!

Summary: Peace has finally fallen between Asgard and Alfheim, to bond this the heir of Asgard is betrothed to a prince of Alfheim. The only problem is that while Thor is an adult his fiance is a child of ten years.

~ Prologue ~

It had been a long time. The war between Asgard and Alfheim. More than war, it had been a conflict that had caused more victims than war ever could. In the end, Odin had seen the miserable state he had cornered Alfheim into, a fate much worse than the war with Jotunheim, and knew in his heart that as King and a father, he couldn't let the children carry hatred in their hearts.

So together with the ruler of Alfheim, they had agreed on peace, and what better way to seal it than their children join hands in marriage. It would be the beginning of something new.

Odin thought that his son couldn't find a better consort than one from Alfheim. They were a beautiful people who loved and cared for the world and each other. Why they had become enemies was something that all had forgotten. New hatred had spawned new anger and new conflicts. It was an never ending cycle.

The ruler of Alfheim had promised the hand of his eldest son because they couldn't spare any of their daughters. As cruel as it might seem to others, they needed all their females to rebuild their people. Even one could make the difference between life and death for their specie. But a son, even an heir, wasn't as needed. Therefore, this way.

To Thor who had been in a relationship with one of the female warriors had broken up with her as soon as he learned about his fiance. As much as he hated his father for doing this to them, he knew he had to do it. For his people, and those of Alfheim.

It was his duty as heir to put his own feelings aside.

Thor sat on top of his steed who neighed brightly as his party of warriors made it back home to Asgard. He was about to meet his fiance for the first time.

The roads of Asgard was clean and people parted as the heir came ridding. They waved after him for it was considered a gesture of good luck to greet returning warriors.

It didn't take them long before they reached the stables. Thor jumped of and handed his horse to the nearest stable boy.

"Take care of the rest." he called over his shoulder before he walked away. The long halls had always seemed like they mocked him with their length, but now he was happy for it because he didn't want to face his future fiance just yet.

Taking a detour he walked at the outer halls that lead by his mothers gardens. As a child he had adored them, still do, but as heir he needed to learn about his kingdom and how to be King. A King didn't need to put his hands in muck and dirt.

To his surprise he saw a small shape standing under a large tree. He stopped and looked.

It was a child. A small child in a dark cloak who stood staring at the flower dressed branches. The pink little flowers would turn into apples in another month or two. Not thinking much about it, Thor walked closer to the child.

"Do you need help?" Thor asked as gently as he could.

When the little face turned around he was greeted by brilliant green eyes and a mop of black hair. For a moment he couldn't help but wonder if this could have been his and Sif's child if they had married and started a family. Her dark hair would have looked just as beautiful.

The child looked back up at the flowers. "I thought they looked beautiful so I wanted to look closer." his little voice was frail and soft as the wind.

Thor couldn't help the smile from tugging his lips. Just the qualities he wanted in his own children. He reached up easily and broke off a thin twig that held two small clusters of flowers. The pink pedals threatened to break loose as he presented it to the child who first looked questioningly at him before his face broke out in a big grin.

"Thank you." he said happily, accepting the flowers. His eyes sparkled as he looked at the flowers, letting out a sound of wonder.

"Are you here alone?" Thor asked, knowing he should get the child back to his mother.

"No." the child said. "Alfred is with me." Thor had heard that name before, but where? "What's your name?"

Thor smiled at the child. "My name is Thor."

As if a magic spell had been cast, all life and happiness left the child's eyes and all that was left was an angry glare. Thor had no idea why.

"So you're the one who killed Mirith." the child growled. The flowers fell to the ground and a blade flashed through the air.

Thor jumped away as it hit the ground and a shadowy figure jumped out of the bushes. The green clothes and pointy ears was all Thor needed to know this was an elf.

"Stand down, Eone." the child yelled and the elf stopped where she was. A new blade ready for use in her other hand and she would no doubt have gone for his neck. The woman stood up straight and watched Thor carefully, just like he did her.

"Who are you?" Thor asked finally because he didn't like how this was playing out.

The child didn't smile anymore as he gave Thor a respectful bow, hand over his heart. "It's good to met you, Thor Odinson. My name is Loki Alfredsson. I'm your fiance."