YOSH! This is Squalo King with a new chapter of True Timid Love.

"I do not own Bleach in any way shape or form."

Sweet Memories and Bitter Truths

Rukia was on her way to the cell that Hanatarou, as she did she wondered what she was going to say to him, what would he respond her with and how long before he would get his memories back. However Hanatarou's situation didn't just effect him, there was talk of fear out of others sharing the same fate as Hanatarou, becoming an arrancar sleeper agents, having information robed from them and becoming arrancars as well. It was due to this than extra steps were taken to ensure the safety of the Gotie 13 and the people of the Soul Society, Captain Unohana and the entirety of Squad 4 have been giving a numerous amount of check ups to find anything suspicious and possibly similar to what Hanatarou's affliction is, even Captain of squad 12 Mayrui is inspecting many of the shinigami to ensure of this but so far they had found nothing.

As far as Rukia knew what happened to Hanatarou may have been planned by Aizen or the Arrancars, like Menoly or this Loly that he mentioned, she and the other captains' didn't know that what happened to Hanatarou was a freak accident and not for any evil purposes.

"I wonder how he feels, being locked up like this, like how I was." said Rukia

Memories of her being locked away paralleled to what was happening now, Hanatarou was being accused of being a traitor by most of the Gotie 13 and she was one of the few people that believed in him, she was one of those people and just like how he was for her she had to do something for him.

"I have to help him." she said with determination.

Rukia had lucked out when her captain let her go to see him, but she had to treat this as a mission as well, as much as she was worried about Hanatarou she was worried about Renji and the others as well, something bad may happen to everyone and Hanatarou was standing in the middle of it so she had to find out what and maybe she would be able to turn him back. However, just as she continued to head toward the prison that Hanatarou was being held but out of nowhere her elder brother, Byakuya appear in front of her due to his shunpo, startled Rukia stops in her tracks.

"Nee-san, what are you doing here?" asked Rukia. Byakuya looked directly at Rukia and shook his head.

"I doesn't matter, where are you going?" asked Byakuya. Rukia questioned this greatly but she answered.

"I'm off to see Hanatarou, captain Ukitake is allowing me to question him." said Rukia without loosing a beat.

"Question, are you really going to question him now?" asked Byakuya. Rukia nodded.

"Yes, I wish to know what happened to him." said Rukia holding back her blush. Byakuya felt a great unease about all of this, he didn't want Rukia to go but she was being allowed to go as per her captain's wish, but he didn't care.

"Wait an hour." said Byakuya. Rukia nearly jumped hearing that, mostly our of shock of her brother telling her not to go.

"D-Don't go, why not?" asked Rukia concerned.

"He's dangerous to be near him." said Byakuya. Rukia shook his head.

"He's not, he hadn't killed any of the shinigami and he's probably confused." said Rukia.

"He tried to kill you." said Byakuya. Rukia then got annoyed and mad hearing that.

"Its not his fault, he lost his memory so he didn't betray us." said Rukia. Byakuya felt frustrated hearing this and merely sighed.

"You don't know what happened to him, he may not be in his right mind but you don't know what he'll try to do." said Byakua. Rukia put her hand on her zanpakuto.

"I can protect myself, and if I explain who he is then he won't want to attack me." said Rukia.

"And what is he?" though Byakuya to himself.

"One of my Squad subbordanites is talking to him right now, he's his friend, he's probably assisting in his recovervy.

"You sent him there?" asked Rukia. Byakuya shook his head.

"No, Rikichi snuck over there on his own, if he sees more than one person trying to question him he may get suspicious and believe that something has gone wrong." said Byakuya. Rukia thought this over, she wanted to see Hanatarou but she couldn't risk something bad happening either, especially if this hindered helping Hanatarou deal with whatever is happening to him, she abstained.

"Okay, I'lll wait an hour, then I'll go see him." said Rukia. Byakuya nodded.

"Good, I promise for now that he's safe." said Byakuya. Rukia nodded and went on her way, when she did Byakuya sighed greatly.

"Rikichi, if you break Hanatarou's mind, I can't protect you from my sister." said Byakuya.

Hanatarou's cell

"So whats the last thing that you remember?" asked Rikichi. Hanatarou tilted his head and was filled with nothing but confusion.

"Wait, I-I just found out my real name and you asked me something like that out of the blue?!" asked Hanatarou.. Rikichi shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I figured that it was alright because you remembered Rukia's name." said Rikichi. Hanatarou then felt akward.

'I-I still don't know who that is, kind of, or even why I am the way I am if I wasn't always like this." said Hanatarou.

"Well I can't answer the second one, but Rukia is a Lieutenant, a high ranking shinigami, the fact you attacked her is why your in this cell." said Rikichi.

"I guess they aren't my enemies, if she didn't kill me outright." said Hanatarou.

"No duh, but your literally the talk of the town now." said Rikichi. Hanatarou's eyes widened.

"I-I am?" he asked. Rikichi nodded and tapped on the bars of the cell.

"Of course, you attacked Rukia of the 13 squad, your an arrancar who was a seated member of a squad, most of everyone wants you dead!" said Rikichi. Hanatarou then got a sick feeling in his stomach and looked down.

"Oh, man your kidding me," he then looked up with a shocked face," w-wait I was a shinigami!?" asked Hanatarou. Rikichi nodded.

"Yep, not a powerful one , but a true one non the less." said Rikichi. Hanatarou put his hand on his head.

"Now I'm really confused, I can't even remember how I ended up like this, I just was." said Hanatarou. Rikichi then decided to press for answers.

"Kind of why I asked you; whats the last thing you remember?" asked Rikichi. Hanatarou thought about it, he remembered that it was the first time he met Loly, he then remembered that Rikichi called her a "liar", but as of this moment he could correctly ascertain the truth so he didn't know what to think, but as of this moment he was on Rikichi's side.

"Well I was in this weird place, Loly was there and she looked surprised." said Hanatarou. Rikichi then titled his head.

"That girl Loly, whatever her name is, did this to you, wait a minute did you blow up your house!?" asked Rikichi. Hanatarou then scratched his cheek.

"Well I remember a big explosion so, I-I think I did, I didn;t know I had a house." said Hanatarou. Rikichi shook his head.

"Not anymore you don't." said Rikichi awkwardly. Hanatarou then widened his eyes remembering what he did.

"T-That's right, I blew it up." said Hanatarou. He then lays on his back in despair and confusion at what was happening to him at the moment.

"I don't know whats happened to me." said Hanatarou. Rikichi rubbed the back of his head, feeling bad for his friend and having the only solution to help him being asking him questions.

"Well, I'm sure they can turn you back, I mean they took your sword to take a look at it." said Rikichi. Hanatarou then looked around and realized that his blade was gone.

"They did, wait was my sword changed to, because it has some stuff on it like me?" asked Hanatarou. Rikichi nodded.

"Probably yeah, captain Mayuri has it too, that guy is crazy." said Rikichi. Hanatarou then shivered a bit.

"Not very comforting if he's crazy." said Hanatarou. Rikichi shook his head.

"Its fine, he won't tear you apart but I'm positive that he might try and experiment on you." said Rikichi. Hanatarou then sighed.

"Now I want to stay behind bars." said Hanatarou. Rikichi nodded.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I doubt anyone will get to you while your in here." said Rikichi.

Outside of the gate into Seireitei the lone guard to the entrance, looking on at this unsuspecting guard was Ulquiorra and Kukkapuro watching him for a way to get in. As much as Ulquiorra would have preferred to use his Garrantar to sneak in but he knew better than that, he was aware that he would be detected immediately so going in through the normal method would have to work.

"There's only one guard, anything besides that is just the barrier, I'll have to find a way through." he said. Kukkapuro then whimpered and Ulquiorra looked at him and shook his head.

"No you wait out here." said Ulquiorra

As Ulquiorra looks he sees several Shinigami exiting the gate heading toward the wild, due to this Ulquiorra concocts a plan to get inside.

"Come with me." said Ulquiorra, He then went after them through another route and Kukkapuro follows.

Well Thats All I Wrote

Please Review

"This is Squalo King signing off"