Talos, Maxios, Pyre, Elios, Kai, and Crux belong to Dragon. Of. Chaos97.

Skyler went to the waterfall in the Valley of Avalar and dive-bombed the water. Water, he always was a good swimmer and it was another thing that calmed his nerves. He surfaced and walked onto the beach nearby and shook his fur free of water which puffed up then went back to normal. His tail's fur then bristled and he saw Shock flying towards the Burned Lands and Skyler arced back to WarFang.

Upon reappearing at WarFang he went to the Guardians' Chambers and burst into the room.

"I found where Shock's heading." said Skyler evenly.

"Where?" asked Terrador getting up.

"The Burned Lands."


The entire WarFang army was assembled along with Skyler leading. Soon they arrived at the Burned Lands and saw thousands of Bio-mechs waiting. Harbison walked towards Skyler and unslung his Pulse Rifle and pumped the loading mechanism as a large shadow appeared above them and Skabb came walking out, minus the pink parrot.

"I come to help bagpipe playing friend." said Skabb putting a hand on Harbison's shoulder.

"How'd you know its me?" asked Harbison looking at Skabb.

"I may be dim-witted, but I can recognize you anywhere."

"So how big of an army did you bring?" asked Skyler looking at the half metal dog pirate.

"All of 'em!"

As if that was signal, dozens of Skavenger warships appeared from the clouds, along with smaller boats dropping off platoons of pirates, who started cheering and roaring.

Skyler then went bipedal and cracked his neck and let a poof of smoke escape his maw.

"Let's Rock!"

Suddenly an orange portal appeared and a black tank-car came flying out and did a skid turn in front of Skyler. The driver's window rolled down to reveal a Jak that matched Mar's Statue.

"Need a hand?" said Jak as he jumped out and Naruto took the wheel of the Griever.

"The more, the merrier." said Skyler smirking as Jak pulled out the Peace Maker.

Another portal opened and out stepped Kratos.

"Ready?" asked Skyler looking at the Ghost of Sparta with a hint of evilness to his eyes.

"More than you know." replied Kratos pulling out his Swords of Exile.

Both armies then charged, the Griever mowing down enemies with its Mini-gun piloted by Daxter, larger dragons and Skavenger Warships providing air support. Bio-mechs fell left and right as the onslaught of elemental attacks and bullets ripped thru their ranks. Soon they reached the Stronghold of Shock, the stairs littered with the dead bodies of Bio-mechs, dragons, moles, and cheetahs. Kratos was at the top of the stairs as the others fought their way up. A Bio-mech with a sword charged the fallen god of war. Kratos grabbed the mech's hand as it came down, twisted it and rammed his sword thru the mech's chest three times, then threw him into the lava river below as the others arrived and Kratos left thru another portal.

The doors to the fortress were locked tight and no matter what they did they couldn't get thru until Jak called Jynx.

"Keep yer shirt on goldilocks, I'll take care o' this." said Jynx walking forward and putting a 50 kilo explosive on the door.

"Keep yer head down! This is gonna be big!" said Jynx finding cover as did everybody else.

The explosion ripped the doors off their hinges as well as half the wall and Jynx went back to the Griever, followed by Jak and Daxter and then the Griever with the heroes from Jak's world left thru the same portal, leaving just the dragons to deal with Shock. When they came to another locked door, Skyler charged it and sent it flying into the room. The dragons came face-to-face with the Bio-mech General, who strangely resembled Radec.

"{You won't get past me! Die!}"

The Radec Bio-mech opened fired on the dragons who dove for cover, except Skyler who just took the bullets like nothing as the spikes he had on him began to longer and more noticable.

"Did I forget to mention I can make my scales harder for more protection?" said Skyler giving an evil grin at the Bio-mech.

The Bio-mech kept firing until Skyler had him by the throat, Skyler ripped the Bio-mech's head off and slammed it into the ground. The group then came to the main chamber and Shock was waiting for them.

[Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon Bonus Material Music]

Shock charged the dragons scattering them around the room.

"[Indian War-cry] Cantcatchme! Cantcatchme! Cantcatchme!" said Riptor going in an arc and hitting Shock across the face with each pass.

"Quit it, you annoying freak!" yelled Shock trying to swat Riptor with his paw.

"Iamnotafreak! Weprefer'dragonrelatives'." said Riptor stopping and closing his eyes yet Shock couldn't hit him anyway.

Suddenly Shock felt his hind legs get frozen in place and another raptor jumped on his head.

"Hello. Remember me?" said Raptor as he back-flipped off Shock's head delivered a slash to Shock's face leaving a good gash across the eyes.

"AHH! You'' pay for that!" yelled Shock clutching his face as his blood slowly spilled out of the wound.

Harbison inhaled and spit an Acid Ball at Shock's wings, striking them and slowly melting the membranes, scales, and bone.

"AAAAHHH!" screamed Shock in pain not only from the acid but a malestrom of bullets from Harbison's Pulse Rifle.

Talos charged and teleported away from a swing from Shock and cut into Shock's back with his claws and blades at which the corrupted electric dragon screamed in more pain.

Cynder let out a screech that hit Shock full in the face with Fear. The electric dragon froze in place as his vision twisted the enemy into monsters. Spyro, Flame, and Maxios charged forward with Comet Dashes sending the electric dragon flying and into a wall where he slumped to the floor. Cynder walked over and felt for a pulse on Shock and found none, shaking her head she turned around and began to walk away.

+Flash; Skyler+

Shock gets up and slits Cynder's throat


"Cynder! Watch out!" yelled Skyler summoning a Smart Disc and throwing it behind Cynder severing one of Shock's fore legs off, but it didn't stop him from grabbing Cynder and putting his good paw against her throat with a claw dangerously close.

"Take another step and she dies!" yells Shock.

"If you so much as hurt her, YOU'RE DEAD!" barked Spyro anger clear in his voice.

Suddenly a shadowy figure grabbed Shock and pulled his claw away from Cynder's neck only nicking it by a milimeter causing no injury. The shadow formed into an exact copy of Skyler.

"Boss, I got him!" said the shadow as he struggled with Shock.

Skyler stepped forward, went bipedal and pulled out the Spear of Destiny. Rearing the spear back, he slammed it thru Shock's chest and fired a ton of purple crystals into the electric dragon killing him instantly. Dark then emerged from Shock.

"Curse you Skyler! I will destroy you someday!" said Dark trying to retreat, but got got grabbed by a Light engulfed hand.

"You're not going anywhere." said Skyler putting a Light imbued fist thru the darkness being's chest which destroyed Dark as soon as it entered.

The dragons then left the room and the image of Cynder dying faded from Skyler's mind and he smirked at how well things turned out. The death toll had been high for the WarFangians over 8000 dragons had perished, 900 cheetahs, and 650 moles. Skabb and his forces were so numerous that it didn't seem to bother them. Before the dog pirate left, Harbison went with him. After this Skabb only plundered the Ape forces and gave some supply shipments to WarFang every now and then. The others went back to WarFang.



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