Short little one-shot.

First Fic!

Let me Know what you think! Please Review!

Enjoy the fic!

1842, six months before winter, a little house in the suburbs burned down. Inside the house, lived a mother, a father, a boy, and the boys best friend: a stuffed tiger. The fire burned everything, all except for the little boy, even the little stuffed tiger.

And that boys name is Calvin. Well, it was. He was so devastated by the events, that he could not bare to be called Calvin. It was always Calvin and Hobbes, so he could by bare to hear the name alone. And so he made them change his name to Walter.
They sent him to England, to live in an orphanage. No one that knew him, even his family, would not take him in.

"His imagination is crazy. Time traveling, cloning, moving snowmen, and not to mention his attitude!" they would all say, "We simply can not take him in." Even his only real friend, Susie, could not convince her parents to take him in.

And so off Calvin went, with his imagination and his loneliness, to England. Calvin avoided the other children, afraid to get close to someone, just for them to slip away. And with time, he let his imagination go too. It was, after all, the reason that no one wanted him, maybe his own parents were glad that the did not have to deal with him anymore... Perhaps Hobbes was too.

And now it was winter time, it had been 6 months since the fire, and little Walter was still alone. The snow had recently fallen and some of the children were playing in the snow. Walter was alone, building a snowman. He did not put a face on it though, he had gotten rid of his imagination, so how was he supposed to be creative. Faces were flesh and bone, not ice crystals and a carrot.

One of the adults came over to Walter and asked him to play with the children. But he did not want to, they were silly. And once the adult had left he told his snowman just that.

"I don't want to talk with them. They're silly." Walter confessed.

"They're silly." agrees a voice. Walter spins around, but there is no face to the voice.

"Don't talk to them. They're silly." The voice repeats. And Walter realizes, its the snowman. The snowman with no mouth it talking to him.

And that's how it all began.