Happy Sunday! Here is the next story, now, if you are just coming across this story, GO READ BASEBALL LOVERS. This is a squeal to Baseball Lovers and this would not make a whole lot of sense to you if you haven't read Baseball Lovers, so please, go read it first. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Royals, Yankees, or any of their players. NYU and Arizona are not my schools, I am going to use there names but they are not mine. I do not own any of them. Just to let everybody know.
Chapter 1 – Home
Six Months Later
Gabi's POV
"Have a good holiday break!" my teachers dismissed us as the room began to shuffle around and people began to get up and put coats on. New York did get cold in the winter, no doubt about that one. I shrugged on my coat as I then wrapped a scarf around my neck, slipped my gloves onto my hands and my beanie over my head as I piled my books into my backpack.
I had a ten-minute walk back to my dorm and the winds were chilly today. I walked out of my classroom as I let out a sigh; I had one more final to take before I would board a plane home for the first time in five months. After I broke things off from Troy, I stayed in Kansas City until I knew he was at Spring Training.
Once I knew, I went home, packed and was on the flight to New York and then I moved in with my dad for the summer. I was alone a lot as I wanted to be, the summer had been hard on me and I knew Troy struggled for a bit to as Cody gave me updates on him. Troy and I have not talked since that day. He tried to call me a few times but I didn't want to suddenly change my mind.
I knew there was a chance I would see him at home. There was a chance he would show up at my door but since he didn't show up at all after instructs then I am assuming he is done with me. He had a great first season, already pitching at Class A the rookie league. He moved through the extended spring training easily and the guys according to Cody accepted him quickly of course. Emily had texted me a few times and was sad Troy and I weren't dating anymore.
As I trucked across the wide campus, I thought about hauling a cab as I took in a deep breath. The release was an icy breath of fog as I groaned slightly, I moved across the campus as my name was being called. I turned around to see my new friend, Mallory, running towards me. I gave her a smile as I waited for her to catch up.
She was one of my two roommates I lived with. My other roommate, Ellie, was amazing. We all bonded quickly and we did everything together. "Hey there," she said catching up to me, her striking blonde hair and her thin body attracted guys for miles. She had a boyfriend, at the moment, her fiery personality didn't sit with guys well sometimes but the relationship she was in now seemed to be going great.
"How was your math exam?" she asked, we hooved it inside our dorm as I groaned. "Horrible, I felt like I failed." I got my student i.d. out as I waved it in front of the guard's desk to let me in. Mallory did the same thing as I sighed we walked to the elevator. "How was your physics?"
"Okay, I felt like I studied enough."
I gave her a smile as we walked to our room; Ellie was already packing to go home. "Are you ready to go home?" she asked, "I don't know, I haven't been there since I packed and left."
"Oh right," I was still madly in love with Troy, the six months apart didn't change anything. It did hurt less and less every day though. It had gotten easier after a while and when I met Ellie and Mallory, things turned up. They were easier to talk to and we all bonded quickly. After knowing them less than a month I let them on in what happened that fateful day in June.
"What are you talking about?" Ellie asked as she peaked from behind the fridge. "Going home where Troy might be," Mallory said sending me a smirk, "And?" Ellie questioned, "I'm not sure if I am ready." I admitted, "I might just stay here," I confessed.
"Gabi, honey, you need to go home."
"Did Brad already leave?" Ellie asked me, I nodded, "This morning,"
"Lucky him," Mallory said collapsing onto the couch. Ellie was a native New Yorker, living in Syracuse where Dylan was attending school. He came down every weekend and I made the visit the other weekend. Our friendship had become closer and he was there when Troy and I broke up. He also kept me updated on Troy and I was pretty sure both men did the same thing for him.
Ellie had a strawberry colored hair, her tan features puzzled guys with the strawberry hair. Unless you knew Ellie, you didn't know she died her brunette hair every other week. Her features were slim and cute she had curves unlike Mallory. We were all happy with each other and the first semester had been a blast. We went to parties together, studied, and made a circle of friends.
"You already told you parents you wanted to come home."
"I do but we can just have Christmas at my Aunt and Uncles," I pointed out as I spun in a chair. "Honey, your parents will kill you." My mom had not been happy when I stayed in New York all summer and then refused to go home for Thanksgiving, so we just had it at Aunt Macy's house.
"Remember those cute siblings you have?" Mallory reminded me, I sighed and nodded, "I guess I should pack. I am leaving after my next exam,"
"Oh we will help!" Ellie said as she stormed into my room. Mallory was from Maine, the place of lighthouses. She enjoyed going home every month, as I was one not to leave campus or the New York area unless I was going up into the state to see Dylan.
Kat had gone to Iowa and came up once to visit during her Halloween break. Sharpay was at Julliard just down the street from me so I saw her often too when she wasn't busy planning a play and then Taylor was at Stanford, living her dream. The only person I hadn't kept in touch with was Troy and everybody wanted me too, I just couldn't do it.
Nobody understood my reason to end it but Troy I think. He seemed to accept it in the end but he was heartbroken and I was too. It was the hardest thing I had ever done and it broke my heart. I wasn't ready to move on yet and I just, I loved Troy. I still had a picture of us on Prom hung up in my dorm room. I had all of our stuff still.
I sighed as I sat down on my bed, my mind began to wonder to all the good times we had. I had these moments, where I broke down and just couldn't stop I loved him so much. "Gabi," Mallory turned to look at me as she sighed, "Oh honey," she scooped me up into her arms as she held onto me. Ellie patted my back as we all sat there together.
"I wish I had to have made a choice like that," Ellie dreamed, her love life wasn't a good one. "I mean I have understood why you would do such a thing."
"I have explained it a thousand times." I explained softly, "I know, your dad had already done this and you aren't sure," I nodded my head, "And what's not to get?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes, "Honey, what's not to get is that this boy loved you. He cherished every minute with you and then you go and break his heart."
"It's not like it was easy for me," I spat, Ellie sighed as she lay back onto my bed. "I want to meet him."
"I doubt that will ever happen."
"Oh come on! You have to at least stay friends with him!" Mallory said as she shot up, "Mal," I sighed as I zipped my suitcase shut as I walked into our shared bathroom grabbing my things. "I wish we could be friends but our feelings for each other are just a little too strong right now, maybe in the future."
Mallory and Ellie both shook their heads as I finished packing and realized my last exam was in twenty minutes. "I have to go." I told them, "I will see you guys later."
"I am leaving for the airport in an hour," Mallory said, I smiled softly as our group formed into a big hug. "I'll miss you guys."
"I think we should come back here for New Years," Ellie said, "You live here El, I should probably stay home." I told them, "No," Ellie said, "I can not go four weeks without my girls! We are going to get together."
I rolled my eyes at Ellie's persistence, "Maybe, I'll talk to my parents and we will see." Ellie gave me a big smile as we all embraced in our hugs once more. "Okay, I gotta get down to my class." I said scooping my backpack and my cell phone. I kissed each of them on the cheek and bid farewell to Mallory as Ellie had one more exam like me.
"Bye!" I waved as I walked out of the apartment, I ran across the campus as I entered the classroom right before it was going to being.
Troy's POV
Pop! My swing lolly gagged as I threw the bat in frustration, "Oh buddy," I spun around on my heels to see Cody standing behind me, a lazy grin on his face as he sported his Arizona Sun-Devils shirt. "Cody," I said with a grin, I opened up the gate as we embraced each other into a hug. "How is college?" I asked him as I pulled back leaning against the gate.
"Good, Becca and I are better," he stopped short as he gave me a small smile as if apologizing, "Forget it," he said waving his hands, "How was the first season?" he asked, I nodded, "it went well, nothing we haven't talked before though."
"Then what was that?" he asked, I glanced at my bat that was thrown halfway across the batting cages. "Months of not batting," I said with a laugh. Cody nodded as he then walked into the cage, "Living with your parents still?" he asked, I nodded stiffly, "Yea,"
"Oh," he turned on the machine, "I figured with the 7 million you would be living big."
"That's all going to my minor league life," I said with a chuckle, "Unless I want to eat a lot of the same thing and not have any clothes, I better save that big money."
"Smart," he took a few swings and hit the ball better than I did, one of his balls landing right by my bat. "Have you talked to her?" I asked as I unclasped my batting glove as I looked down at the ground, "Who?" he asked, I groaned, "You know who," I motioned with my hands as he sighed, the balls stopped. "That who…"
"Yea, that who."
Cody nodded as he sat the bat down and he then looked over at the wall, "At least twice a week," he told me, I felt my body grow tense as I nodded, "That's cool, how is she doing?"
"Do you really want to talk about this?" he asked me, I sighed as I looked up from the ground. "No, I just need to know how she is."
"She is okay."
"She didn't come home for Thanksgiving, kind of like you," I said with a pointed smile, "She went to Rhode Island," he said with a hand gesture. "Is she coming home for Christmas?"
Cody shrugged, "I don't know, the last time I talked to her she was undecided."
"Because of me?" I questioned, "Probably. She still loves you."
"If she loved me then why did she end it?"
The question hung in the air as we both knew the answer to that question. I knew that answer and I respected why and I forgive like I said I would I just wish she didn't. I shook my head, "Enough of her, I think we should go back to my house and play some COD," I told him with a smile, Cody nodded, "Let's go."
"Make any new friends to replace me?" Cody asked with a smirk, "No," I said with a grin, "I did make a few friends though, Josh Miller and Zack Edgner." I said, "One is a pitcher the other is a outfield."
"That's the picture you put on Facebook right?" I nodded, "That would be the ones."
"I'd like to meet them."
"They are coming down for New Years," I mentioned, "You should hang out with us."
"Sounds awesome. Becca will be here."
"I expected that."
We both got into our separate cars as we were going to meet back at my house. I sighed softly as I reached forward and opened the glove department as I thumbed through before spotting her picture. I took it out as I looked at it for a moment, her beautiful curls, her bright smile, and her eyes piecing.
Cody started his car as I slid the picture back in and I started my car with a kick. It may have been six months since I had talked to her but that didn't mean my feeling had been any different since that day in June when she told me it was over. She couldn't handle the separation.
Many people had been upset about our breakup. My parents, Emily, Luke were all devastated. It took me almost two weeks to tell even my dad what had happened, as I didn't know what to say to them. I felt bad and I just didn't know. I held onto the steering wheel as the past few months had been great. Playing ball at the level and the training we had was unreal.
I adjusted my blue Royal's shorts as I stopped at the stoplight. My light grey shirt had Royal's spilled across the back. The Royal's had hooked me up with about five boxes of clothes some the same but many others different. I had four to five jerseys and we had personalized cleats. My glove was still my glove and went everywhere with me.
Passing Gabi's house, her car sitting in the driveway like it had since this past summer when I learned that she had escaped to New York for the entire summer and hadn't been home since. The car hadn't moved an inch since I had last been here. I sometimes thought she was home when I saw her car parked there as I did when we were in high school.
I had talked to her dad a few times since the breakup and her mom also. They were also sad but I shrugged and let it go. The first month away from home was hard and I wished I had had Gabi with me. I called her a few times but for the first week after we had broken up, all of my calls went straight to voicemail and after that I almost didn't try.
She really didn't want to talk to me; I think it was more because if she talked to me she might change her mind. She made her decision that I did respect. I knew it was becoming a little much for her and I know it was hard to watch me do this but I thought everything was going to be okay, and then it all came crashing down around me.
Pulling into my driveway, I shut my car off as Cody parked on the curb before doing the same.
"Ready for me to kick your ass again like I did all the time?" I shook my head as we walked in; Cody and my dad were frequent visitors in the summer during extended Spring Training. They got me into tiptop shape, taught me new things and added MPH's onto my fastball and curveball. It was crazy about how much they could teach you there.
The knowledge all of them had was just minded blowing. Luke came running down the stairs, his four-year-old legs carrying him farther than he could go. When he came to one of the Spring Training days, he was amazed at how many baseball fields there was. He was amazed at everything anymore.
Once he saw Cody he screeched and ran into his arms. Cody laughed, "Hey squirt," Luke giggled and then he pulled on Cody to show him his room. He had a big new bed and he got to pick the color of paint. He chose blue and put up Royals stuff.
Emily had even been impressed as she hugged me as we walked in. "My house looks so familiar." My mom said with a grin, I smiled back as I then thought of how Gabi was missing from the picture. Luke was about as crazy about her as he was about Cody. They were his buds.
I ruffled Luke's hair as we went to my room, one picture of Gabi sitting on my nightstand that I put face down.
Gabi's POV
As my flight touched the ground, I sighed as I turned off my iPad. I stretched my limbs out and I stood up as the seatbelt sign clicked off. I turned my cell phone on as my daddy was picking me up. It had only been three weeks since I had seen him but that was three weeks long enough. We usually Face timed once or twice a week.
I grabbed my carry on as I slung it around my back and exited the plane. I walked down the tunnel as emerged. I had to walk past all of the good smelling food and right past security. It was almost ten thirty at night as I glanced around the busy airport. I walked around and towards baggage claim as I then saw my dad, looking around himself.
A smile drifted onto my lips as I leaped forward as I wrapped my arms around my dad's back. "Hey there!" he said as he wrapped his arms around me, "How was your last three weeks?"
"Okay, I am glad I am home though." He arched his eyebrow as I gave him a smile. We waited for my bags to spin around as they did; he picked one up as I picked the other one up. "How is everybody?" I asked I knew most of the answers. "Good," he put his arm around my waist as we walked through the airport. "How are you?" he asked, I was nervous about being home and seeing Troy but I was going to avoid him at all cost.
We all knew we were going to have to talk to each other at some point. I just wasn't ready yet; the feelings for him were still too strong. The ride home was silent as I yawned for most of it, my body tired from the night of flying. "How is Ellie and Mallory?" my dad asked me, "Good, good," I said with a smile, "Ellie and Mallory."
"Are you girls going to last almost four weeks away?" he asked me, I wasn't quiet used to the long breaks we got away from college and school. "I think we are talking about getting together for the New Year."
"When can you check back into your dorm?" he asked me, "January 5th." I said as I tapped at my phone, I was texting Mallory as she was complaining about her sixteen-year-old brother. We were all roughly the same age, I was still the youngest, Ellie had a birthday in November and Mallory was January. A smile crossed my lips as I texted her back.
"Home sweet home," my stomach jumped as I looked at the house that was so familiar. My car still sat in the same place and I suddenly only to be at one place. "Hey, I am going to go run somewhere." I said, "Are you going to go see Troy?" he asked me. "No," I told him. "I am going to go see Cody."
"Aren't they going to be together?" my dad asked, I shrugged and I closed my eyes. "I will be home in an hour okay?" I leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Shouldn't you go say hi to your mom and the twins?"
"Are the twins still awake?" I asked, my dad checked his watch and then shook his head. "Eh, probably." I pushed open my door, "I have to go in and grab my keys anyway." I told him as we all walked out the door. My dad and I entered as my mom came crashing over to me. She hugged me, "Welcome home!"
"Thanks mom. I have to run somewhere," I told her, "Are you already going to see Troy?" she asked me, I groaned frustrated, "No, I am not going to see Troy. I am not going to talk to Troy. I don't even want to see Troy." I yelled my face turned red as I snatched my keys from the key ring and headed out to my car. Tears began to leak from my eyes as I went driving down the street.
I drove around as I pushed back Troy's house slowly to see Cody's car in the driveway. I sighed as I then zoomed past, that was the closest to Troy I had been in a long time. Chills ran down my arm as I drove around the mountain and up a hill as I pulled my car up to the spot. I shut my car off as I sat there, my eyes looking over the spot as I remember out last night here.
Laying in each other's arm, having sex, and graduation night. It almost seemed like a cliché graduation night, my phone buzzed as I looked down to see Ellie calling me. I answered the phone as I unbuckled my seatbelt. "Hey," I said quietly, "Hey there, how is home?" she asked, I heard one of her sisters running around in the background.
"Okay." I said quietly, "Did you see him?" she asked me, "How did you pick up on my tone?"
"So you did?" she asked, a laugh crossing her voice, "No! I have not seen him, I am just," I looked out at the stars as I opened my door. "I am at our spot that we met at and did stuff together." I whispered, "I am just, I miss him." I told her honestly, "Six months of not talking," I whispered quietly. I sat on the roof of my car as I looked out.
"Why don't you talk to him?"
"Because then that will break my heart in fifty million pieces. I didn't breakup with him because I wasn't in love with him anymore, I broke up with him because I couldn't take the separation anymore."
"You should have given it a chance." She told me, "Maybe it would have worked out."
"Do you know how many times I have thought that?" I asked her, "Probably a ton, after you broke up with him."
"Ellie," I rumbled, "I don't want to talk about this anymore okay? How is your family?"
"They are great."
"That's good." I said with a nod, the stars twinkled over my head as I ran my hand down my legs. "Ellie," I whispered, "What if it was a mistake?"
"If he felt the same way then maybe he will take you back."
"He has to hate me by now," I told her with a shrug, "You should have seen his face that day."
"I imagine it had a big smile and,"
"After he signed the papers and when we were in the room." Ellie exhaled, "Well that's not something I think we should think about. Have you seen his best friend yet?"
"No." I grumbled, "He is at Troy's house."
"How do you know?"
"I drove past his house when I was coming here,"
"I have to drive past his house to get anywhere,"
"You do?"
"He lives right by the high school, so to go that direction, I do indeed have to pass his house."
"Oh well that sucks. Does he know you were coming home?"
"No, I told Cody I was still undecided, which I was until this morning."
She laughed as she sighed, "I gotta get into the shower and then get ready for bed. We are going to go get a Christmas tree tomorrow morning." She said, "That's nice, tomorrow we can all face time one another okay?"
"Sounds like a plan," I smiled as we hung up, confessing our love and then saying goodnight. I sat on the car roof as I held my phone between my legs. The stars seemed dull and the trees around me, shaking. I sighed softly as I scooted off my hood and I walked around to the car as I got in, giving it one more look before I escaped the spot that held so many memories.
Troy's POV
"Let's go get ice cream!" Emily yelled, my parents had gone to a dinner party as Cody and I glanced at each other. "Sounds good to us."
"We can take my car," I offered as I scrambled Luke into my arms as I picked up my keys, Luke giggled as Emily was talking to Cody. I buckled Luke in and he pushed my face. "Hey," I said laughing; I doubled check to make sure I had my mom's money she gave us. "How about pizza and then some ice cream?" I said as I had enough money from my mom for both.
"The pizza place!"
My face was set as it wasn't my favorite place to go, as I had to pass Gabi's house. "Okay," I said as I tucked into the car, Cody watched me for a moment as he then shoved my shoulder. "Come on, I can still get us a discount."
"Fair enough," I grumbled as I started the car. I fasted my seatbelt and I started the car. We drove down our street as I flickered my blinker on. I glanced around before I pulled into traffic and I drove the steady pace, as we were getting ready to pass Gabi's house. I took one look, as I looked normal as ever, her car…I slammed on the breaks as everybody braced themselves as I recovered and revved the engine. "Sorry, squirrel," I said, my cheeks turning red.
Her car had disappeared from the spot, it wasn't there and her parents both had there own cars. I thought about it until I pulled into the pizza place. It was late but who didn't love some late pizza. None of us had dinner, just snaking so it would be perfect.
We walked in and were seated quickly as Luke and Emily went to play games. "Dude, you about killed all of us." I bowed my head, "Her car wasn't there!"
"Dude, would you relax, that doesn't mean anything."
"It means she is probably home."
"That could be true," he told me, "Why are you so freaked?"
"We haven't seen each other in over six months!" I said as I rubbed my forehead, "It's not like we have the biggest town in the world."
"Well no but," I glared at him as he threw his hands up, "Fair enough, if you see her and don't want to talk to her, ignore her."
"It can't be that simple."
"But it is."
My heart hammered in my chest as I leaned forward, "How does one ignore the one who that one is in love with?" I asked him, Cody seemed to be digging around for an answer as my baseball pizza and the rest came out. Emily and Luke came running back as they hopped in the chair. I gave Luke a piece as Cody snapped his fingers.
"Talk to her."
I frowned, "Did you not just say ignore her?"
"Her who?" Emily asked as she ate a piece, "None of your business Emily," I said as I picked at my pizza for a moment as I learned my stomach wasn't going to settle. "I don't think I can eat right now," I said as I gripped my fingers around my phone. "Well then don't eat it," Cody explained, I shrugged, "Okay, fair enough."
"Your brother is an idiot," Cody whispered to Luke, which caused him to giggle. I shook my head as we finished eating and we got our ice cream from the place next door. "How about I drive this time," Cody said plucking the keys from my hand. "Whatever," I told him as I got Luke back in and we drove home. As we drove past, her car was sitting right there in the driveway like it never moved…except her right front tire was turned the opposite way.
I shook my head, as I knew that thought sounded like a creeper, of course it was just from seeing it in the same spot every single time. Once we got home, my parents there, I helped put the two kids to bed as I glanced at Cody.
"I am going to run somewhere," I said as I took my keys from him. "Are you going to see her?"
Gabi's POV
A knock came at the door as I glanced at my phone and then my dad. I got up as I walked over to the door as I unlocked it and slid it open. The yellow t-shirt caught my eye and then the letters spelling out Arizona. I screeched as I jumped into his arms. "Hey there," he said with a laugh as he hugged me back. I let go as I took a step back and looked at Cody.
"Wow," I said, as I smiled, "Weren't you just at Troy's?" I asked him, "How did you know?"
"I drove past his house," I explained, "Oh well he about wrecked his car right in front of your house." I looked at him as I turned my head, "He drove past and your car was gone and I kind of thought he came here after he left his house."
"Oh well, how is school?" I asked as I dragged him into the living room. He greeted my dad and then he shrugged, "It's school, its way better than high school though."
My dad laughed, "I always wondered what college is like,"
"Well let my put it like this," Cody said as he sat down on the couch, "More alcohol, more people, freedom, no parents, and well just to keep it honest, a hell of a lot more sex." My dad almost choked but he nodded, "Thanks for keeping it true," he said nodding his head, Cody smiled and nodded, "Of course."
I rolled my eyes, "Well lets just say only a few of those are what happens in New York, the last not being one." My dad closed his eyes, "I don't want to hear this, la la la la," Cody and I laughed together, "Don't worry, I have faith in Gabi," Cody said as he sputtered out in laughter again.
My dad tossed my the remote, "I'm off to bed." He said as he stretched his limbs out as he stood. His t-shirt riding up and his sweats dropping down a little. If any other girl was in here and that wasn't my dad they would faint at the shape of his body. I sighed as my dad exited the room, "So are you dating anybody?" Cody asked. "Wouldn't I have told you?"
"Well if you didn't want Troy to know,"
"Well I guess I still shouldn't answer that question." I told him with a smirk. "You are aren't you?"
"I am not answering that question."
"Fine, be that way."
I leaned back into the couch as I thought about his question, even if I wanted to date somebody, there is no way I could.
Troy's POV
My truck pulled up to the spot as I sat there. The stars duller than usually, this wasn't my first time here in the past six months. I came here after we broke up; I came here when I got back into town. A few times after that but that was about it.
I pushed open my car door as I got down and I looked around. The dirt was kicked up and the camping place had shut down three months ago. I sighed, as it was official that she was home. Nobody knew about this spot but us, I guess somebody else could but her car was gone and there is fresh soil kicked on top.
My feet dragged over to the tree as I looked at it, up and to the left was our marking. Troy loves Gabi," I sighed as I reached up and I let my fingers trace it, as I knew every little curve. The night air was cold as I released a breath; my air was shown, as it didn't go far. I wish I could tell her how much I loved her still but it seemed near impossible.
I walked slowly back to my truck as I thought over the last six months without her. They were okay but not as much fun or laughter as there was when she was here, by my side. The people I met were amazing and the journey was good, I just wished that she were by my side.
I kicked some of the dirt around as I wondered if Cody had gone to see her or if she wasn't really home and I was just making up stuff. In two months, I had to report to Spring Training, in Arizona.
She didn't want to get back in a relationship with me and I felt like I was the only one that understood her thought. I knew her so well that it was like that I had to forgive her when she asked me too even though I was pissed. I had to carry on my day as if nothing happened; I went like that until I was about to leave and confessed to my dad.
I broke down for a moment after holding it together for so long but I knew Gabi had left and I didn't know when I would see her again. I sort of hoped that she would come to Spring Training and apologize and say she wants me back but she never showed. Not once did I know, I wondered if I should have gone after her. I had hooked up with a few girls since then, one night stands and never saw them again.
They usually showed up at a game, after I had advanced to rookie league, they would flirt over a beer somebody had bought me and we would end up back at my room that I shared with Zack. We had our codes of when to room somewhere else. He did it to me as much as I did it too him. There were no feelings in the sex that was had, just sex.
It was nothing like what Gabi and I had, nothing like yelling I love you, nothing like the sneaking around, a smile lifted to my lips as I threw a rock that was in my hand before I got into my car and drove away as I only wanted to end this night on happy thoughts.
Alright friends! Here is your story! I hope you all enjoy it and this is going to be a fast pace story. I am not going to write week at a time, more like months. There may be times were there are back to back weeks or something but its going to just move, except for the first few chapters. So its back to weekly updates on Sundays! Hope you all have a great week! Love you all!