A/N: I'm actually the worst in the world, for so many reasons. And so much to say but I dont think you understand how tired I am. So. kfjnk. But.

this chapter is... idek what it is and my biggest apology is this: I have only skimmed over this once. So I know im going to wake up tomorrow and read the most horrendous spelling and grammar mistakes of my life but.. sleep :(

ok ok i love you xo





Chapter 8 - Sick Of The Same Song and Dance

Life was sort of a blur for Kendall. Well, at the moment anyway. He felt as if one minute he was moving to Califronia, the next he was getting fucked on a school desk by two guys and then? Then he turned into a fucking toy. Back and forth back and forth he was pulled, his arms ripping at the seams as the two children fought over their prize. Why can't kids just ever learn to share?

And the biggest problem? They fight and pull and break and scream until the toy is torn in two; it's only once the toy is broken they realise what they've done and start to cry.

Kendall didn't even know how to define their... Would you call it a relationship? Because that's certainly not what it was. This fucked up thing could in no way be described as... Fuck, Kendall didn't even know. And he didn't even know how to feel about it either, because on the one hand; he sort of hated them in their own special ways, and on the other... He sort of loved them in their own special ways. And he knew that this couldn't last forever, that he couldn't just let himself be treated and used like this, but... Could he even attempt to make a decision... Could he choose one of them?

Ugh. Too many questions. Too much to think about in that pretty blonde head of his. Well, that's what James would often say if Kendall was thinking, or even talking, too much.

"So, you're coming tonight" Logan says to Kendall's right at the lunch table, pulling him out of his mind fuck and staring at the fries on his plate.

"I'm what?" Kendall mumbles, turning his head sideways to watch the way Logan's lips wrap around the head of his water bottle, the cool liquid running down his throat and making the pale skin covering his Adam apple bob.


"Party. Tonight. Jett's house. You're coming"

"Yes sir" Kendall replies with a roll of his eyes, causing Logan to chuckle.

"Aww Kendall you know I love it when you're all submissive for me, but seriously, I expect you to be there"

"Fine" Kendall sighs, giving Logan a soft smile, "just for you"

Logan reaches out in front of him, making what seems to be a move for some of Kendall's fries but instead he lets his chin rest on the blondes shoulder, fingers digging into the material of Kendall's jeans as he whispers, "thank you baby" before brushing his lips over cold pale skin.

"Oh come on dude, seriously?" Comes a voice from in front of them, making Kendall's eyes snap open when he didn't even realise they'd been closed.

James is looking at them, no correction; James is glaring at them from across the table, and Kendall can almost see the vein in his neck throbbing angrily. So much to Kendall's dismay, he shoves Logan off, the brunette sitting back with a smirk and a squeeze of Kendall's thigh.

"You guys realise we're in a public place right?" James spits, long fingers curling around the plastic bottle in front of him.

"Yeah yeah Diamond, chill" Logan mutters, shooting Kendall a quick grin.

"You know Logan, you're the one with the girlfriend, so you're the one who's going to be screwed if you keep this shit up"

"Aww James" Logan smiles, laughter mocking, "are you ashamed of our Kenny bear?"
Logan runs his fingers through soft blonde locks, making Kendall laugh as he pulls him in for a headlock to ruffle his hair.

To an onlooker, it would simply look like two friends mucking around, but to those at the table it was Logan's lips pressed discreetly to Kendall's forehead, with fingers gentle and almost intimate as they marvelled at just how soft the blonde hair was.

"Alright alright enough" Kendall says finally, pressing his palms to Logan's chest to push him back, and maybe sort of totally letting his fingernails linger and drag down the material clad chest.

"You know, you may as well just fuck him on the table Logan" James mutters angrily with a roll of his eyes, "because you obviously don't care anymore what people think"

Logan shrugs, "so? What if I don't? What if I stood up right now on this table and told the whole school that I was gay and that I was in love with this idiot next to me?"

Kendall chokes on his can of coke.

In love?

Logan places a hand on his back, giving him a few pats as his breathing tries to return to normal.

"Oh come on Mitchell, we both know you don't have the balls"

"Firstly, my balls are huge. Secondly, you're just scared that I'd bring you into it and everyone will know your big gay secret"

"And who said I was gay?"

Logan snorts. "Whatever helps you sleep at night bro"

"Hey, fuck you, I'm not the one who -"

"Ugh can you stop!?" Kendall cuts in, looking back and forth between the two boys who look ready to rip one another's throats out. "Logan's not going to be standing up on the table shouting out lies and he's not going to be spilling anyone's "secret" and we're all going to that party tonight and its going to be fun and you're going to stop fighting because I feel like if it wasnt for me you'd still be the best of friends and -"

"We're not fighting over you Kendall" Logan smiles softly, even James' eyes softening as his lips curve into a fond smile of his own.

"Nah, Logan's just pissing me off, nothing out of the ordinary" James grins, ducking when Logan pegs a chicken nugget at him. And just like that, they're laughing and joking round and making Kendall want to rip his hair out.

Why are they so fucking confusing? God damn.

"Hey" James says after kicking Logan's shin under the table, "invite the Garcia kid tonight"

"Carlos?" Kendall asks with a mouthful of food, "really?"

"Yeah totally" James grins, "he looks like... fun"

"I swear to god" Kendall groans, "if you touch him you can hold me personally responsible for your death"

"Ooohhhh" James coos, clutching at his chest, "I'm so scared!"

"Why do I feel like we're two girls getting taken on a date?" Carlos mutters to Kendall as they sit in the back seat of James' car, James and Logan in the front arguing over which radio station to play.

Kendall chuckles, "except the difference being, they're both my dates... sort of"

"Yeah" Carlos says slowly, turning to look out the window as the rolling black of the city flashes part his eyes.

Carlos had gotten used to most of this, had sort of wrapped his head around the whole thing. But... Well, Carlos cared for Kendall, like he cared for all his friends. He only wanted what was best, and as long as the tall boy was happy then that would make him happy... But James and Logan treated Kendall like fucking crap. Not that everyone knew the sexual layering of the "relationship", but just in general, no one could understand why two of the most popular guys in school had taken some blonde nobody under their wing. And why were they so fucking enamoured with him?
But the question on Carlos' mind; why was he so fucking enamoured with them? They were jerks, Carlos hated how they treated Kendall, and yet... Kendall looked at them like they hung the moon and the stars just for him.

And why had they Carlos to this party anyway? They'd barely spoken 5 words to him in his life.

"So Carlos" comes James' voice over the radio, hazel eyes flickering in the rear view mirror and making the short boy tense in his seat. "I have to say thank you"

"Oh" Carlos says in a small voice, "um, why?"

"For keeping our secret, and being... cool, about this whole thing"

All Carlos can do is nod, feeling three sets of eyes on him as he stares at his hands. What the hell is he supposed the say?

Two hours later and Kendall finds himself on a couch, he swears he was dancing two seconds ago but now he's here and wait, didn't he have a drink in his hand?

He lost James and Logan pretty much in the first 5 minutes, the two being enveloped into bro hugs and pulled into the centre of popularity. He thinks he lost Carlos about an hour ago, some girl with cherry red lips, a chest popping out of her too low dress and blonde hair giggling into his ear and pulling him off into the corner of the room to "talk". Good for him.

And now Kendall Well that's where Kendall finds himself on a couch, some fancy leather thing that's big and comfy and right now sort of seems like a good time for a nap because he has no idea what was in that punch but he's had 5 cups of it and mmm Kendall sleepy.

"Hey what are you doing down here?"

Kendall shoots up into a sitting position, way too fast for his head to even comprehend and unable to focus on the face in front of him.

"Woah easy there"

Kendall feels the couch dip and an arm slip around his waist to keep him steady, and when he falls into the strangers chest he knows that's just what they are, a stranger. Because call him crazy, but there's only two chests he would like to be laying against right now.

"Mmmwhoareyou?" Kendall mumbles all in one word, opening his eyes and trying to adjust to his surroundings. Jett's house was huge, rooms here and rooms there, it was like walking through a maze, and Kendall's realising now he should have laid out bread crumbs to remember the way home.

"It's Jett" the voice smiles into his hair, and oh, ok yeah no wonder he knew where to find Kendall.

"Oh hi" Kendall slurs, "sorry for, whatever it is I've done, good party"

Jett laughs, the sound light and melodic. "You haven't done anything. I just saw you wander off and I didn't want you getting lost or breaking something"

"Ha. Thanks"

"You're welcome. Now, I have a question"

No, no questions. Kendall's mind is way too fuzzy for such silly things as questions.

"Why are James and Logan so in love with you?"

Kendall laughs into the hollow of Jett's throat, eyes closed and breath deep. "They're not in love with me silly billy"

"I find that hard to believe. I've been friends with those guys for forever, and I've tried to get them to like me for forever but they don't even blink, and then you come along from fucking nowhere, and suddenly they're like young dumb and in love teenagers!"

"Smitten kittens!" Kendall giggles, "meow!"

"Ugh Knight, shut up" Jett growls, digging his fingernails into Kendall's side almost painfully rough, even in the blondes drunken haze.

"Ow" Kendall sighs, trying to wiggle his way out of Jett's grasp but finding it impossible.

"I know you're a slut for them" Jett whispers into Kendall's ear, hot and dry. "I like that"

Kendall frowns, because, that was rude.

"Hey, woah, no, I'm not a -"

"Oh come on" Jett groans, and Kendall can almost hear his eye roll, "it's not going to help if you lie"

Kendall lets out a large puff off air, pressing his palms to Jett's chest to push himself off because he is sort of hating this conversation and now he just wants to find Logan and James and go home. But almost the second he is up, he is down again, with Jett's fingers curled painfully tight around his biceps and shoving him back into the couch with way too much force for Kendall's comfort.

Jett shoves his knee between Kendall's legs, forcing them to part before he presses their bodies together hot and tight, his breath ghosting over Kendall's jaw and a smirk on his lips.

"Jett" Kendall groans, twisting his head to the side to avoid being so close. Too close. "S-stop"

"Is that what you tell them?" Jett whispers dangerously, his breath almost seeping through Kendall's skin. "You tell them to stop? You scream and cry and beg, but beneath it all you're smiling... It's all part of the game isn't it?"

"No no, it's not, no, please" Kendall stutters out, trying desperately hard to squirm out of Jett's hold, but damn the boy is strong. You wouldn't be able to tell though from looking at him, not from his lean limbs and pouty lips.

"I promise you'll enjoy this" Jett grins, holding Kendall down harshly by his shoulder as he moves to rip open the buttons of Kendall's shirt. "I'll be much better than those assholes ever were"

Kendall wants to spit out "you're the asshole" or "fuck you Jett" or just anything, but all he can do is feel the tears spring to the corner of his eyes and his voice die in his throat as Jett sinks his teeth into his neck. He doesn't want this, he doesn't want this at all.

It's moments like that make Kendall wish he was stronger, or that maybe he shouldn't drink so much. Like, ever again.

"Please Jett" Kendall almost cries, squeezing his eyes shut when the buttons of his jeans are ripped open. "Please stop"

Kendall feels a tear fall down his cheek when Jett smashes their lips together. It's hard, rough and it tastes like beer and the faint linger of cigarettes and Kendall goes rigid, he lets it happen because there's nothing he can do.

He's never felt so helpless.


Kendall's eyes fly open, but he doesn't see much except for Jett's face inches from his own.

"Get the fuck off him!"

Jett's there, and then he's not, for he is being grabbed by the back of his shirt and ripped off Kendall with so much force he goes flying halfway across the room and smashing into the far wall.

Kendall lets out a whimper of relief when his eyes finally focus on James, his strong hand wrapped around Jett's neck and pushing him with so much strength into the wall, the foundations start to creak.

Kendall almost falls off the couch when he feels a hand on his arm, his head snapping to the side in fear, but his body instantly relaxing when he see's Logan kneeling next to him with worry and anger and concern and 100 different emotions that Kendall couldn't even begin to pinpoint running across his face like wildfire.

"Kendall" Logan whispers breathlessly, throwing his arms around the blonde and pulling him into a hug of bone crushing proportions.

When Logan pulls him in, Kendall breaks, wrapping his arms desperately around the shorter boys shoulders and beginning to sob into his neck.

"Shh shh it's ok" Logan murmurs into his hair, not moving his arms from Kendall as he moves to sit up on the couch.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Kendall hears James practically scream from across the room, slamming Jett back into the wall for emphasis.

"Oh come on James!" Jett tries to chuckle, James' grip on his neck making even breathing difficult. "Don't try and tell me he doesn't like being fucked by anyone and everyone!"

James' fist comes in hard contact with Jett's face, the crack of broken bones snapping through the room. Jett falls to the ground, hands moving to clutch his face as he screams, "you broke my fucking nose! You fuck!"

James reaches down to grab Jett by his hair, pulling him up hard enough and close enough so their faces are mere inches apart as he growls, "you're lucking I'm not fucking killing you Stetson"

"Fuck you" Jett spits out, the blood positively running down his face and dripping onto the previously crisp white shirt. "You're so fucking dead Diamond. I'm going to tell everyone that -"

"That what?" James grunts, pulling Jett to his feet to pin him up against the wall once more. "That you just tried to rape someone? Yeah, I'm sure everyone will love to hear that"

"Rape? Are you fucking kidding me? He wanted it! He told me that I was going to be a better fuck than either of you two -"

James doesn't give Jett a chance to continue, instead finding his fist on the blondes jaw and punching so hard the blood from his mouth comes flying onto the front of James' shirt.

"Fucking get out of here Jett" James snarls, teeth baring as he resists the urge to beat the shit out of him.

"This is my house! You can't -"

"Get. Out."

And Jett might be an asshole but he knows when he doesn't want to die, because the fire in those hazel eyes is sort of threatening to break more than noses.

"Whatever" Jett grunts, stumbling over to the door whilst he clutches at his face, "slut's not worth it"

James is about to kill Jett where he stands, Kendall can tell, that's why he reaches out a hand to grab James' wrist, forcing the tall boy to stop and let his eyes snap angrily to Kendall's face. But the second emerald collides with hazel, Jett is (somewhat) forgotten.

"Oh Kendall" James says gently, sitting down on the couch opposite Logan and not hesitating to pull the blonde in when Kendall's arms wrap around his torso.

"I'm so sorry" Kendall sobs into James' chest. "I didn't mean to - I didn't - I didn't want it I swear! I didn't say to him he was going to be b-better or - I'm so sorry"

"Oh Kendall no shh" James whispers, kissing the blondes forehead, "it's ok, it's not your fault, we know you didn't say that, it's ok"

"We're the ones who should be sorry" Logan says softly into Kendall's neck, wrapping his arms around the boys waist. "We're the ones who is - was - friends with Jett and we shouldn't have just left you when we got here"

"Ugh but that's the point" Kendall groans, sitting up from James' chest as he wipes his eyes, leaning back into the couch before taking each of their hands in his and resting them on his knees. "You shouldn't have to fucking babysit me. I'm not your responsibility or -"

"Hey" Logan interrupts, squeezing Kendall's fingers and forcing those emerald eyes to look into his own. "You're ours. You're not Jett's or anyone else's. You don't have to worry about anyone or anything as long as we have you alright? Because no one fucking touches what is ours"

"Logan, I -" Kendall doesn't say another word, instead leaning forward to press his lips against Logan's as if this time could be their last. And it's for that reason that Kendall pulls Logan in, kissing him deeper, harder, rougher, trying to let him know that yes, yes he is their's.

Forever and always.

"Kendall" Logan tries to breathe against the blondes lips. "Don't - ngh - don't you want us to take you home?"

Kendall shakes his head, pulling James into him so he can kiss every inch of the tall boys face he can see.

"I need" Kendall whispers, teeth on James's jaw. "I need you. Both of you. Please"

James glances at Logan quickly, the two sharing a look before they both almost lunge at the blonde. James' lips go straight for Kendall's, kissing the boy with need and want and something else as he pushes the already open shirt off Kendall's shoulders and to the floor. Logan pulls his shirt off over his head, taking a second or two to watch Kendall's fingers grip at James' hair, to watch their lips mould together like the perfect puzzle, to watch...

Logan doesn't want to watch anymore.

Kendall gasps into James' mouth and feels the other man smile in return as Logan's hand brushes over his nipple. Losing his initial inhibitions, he let his own eager hands move to James' chest, grasping the soft material of the t-shirt in his fists before tugging it up. The taller pulls away, breathing heavily and helps Kendall pull the shirt over his head. Kendall's eyes drink in the sight of that muscled expanse of flesh that he'd come to love and he couldn't help it - his hand flattened and splayed against the other boys' hard chest, stroking down to his stomach. Heat crawled up his arm and he could feel tremors shaking him.

James grabs his wrist and smiles. "We've got all night, Kendall" he said softly, knowing the boy was almost eager to the point of desperation. "Just take it easy."

Kendall nodded then caught movement out of the corner of his eye; Logan had stood up and was kicking off his jeans before settling in behind him. Kendall jumped a little when he felt a kiss being pressed to his shoulder then closed his eyes when James' lips came down on his again. All Kendall could feel was lips on his face, his neck, his back, his arms, and hands moving all over him, making him feel loved and safe, more than he ever had before. He didn't think to give back, to touch back; he was unable to think or do anything but feel. The sensations of those hands - some a little rough, the others quite soft - made his breathing ragged and, when he was gently pushed back down onto the couch, he let out a moan.

James followed him down and their lips met again and he felt the other boys' moan reverberate against his lips. Then the soft flesh was gone, moving down his throat. A kiss was feathered over his fingers and his eyes opened to see Logan leaning over James, kissing down his spine as James peppered kisses all over Kendall's chest. Logan looked up, seeing Kendall watching him and grinned, shifting to press into him as much as the couch would allow. But Kendall did have to grant Jett one thing, the couch was big enough to be a fucking bed.

Logan leaned in close, one hand threading into James' hair as he claimed Kendall's lips, kissing him more urgently than he had earlier. Kendall's hands clutched at the dark locks as he responded, tasting scotch as his tongue explored the recesses of his lover's mouth.

He needed them, and he needed them now.

"Do you trust us?" Logan murmurs against the blonde's pulse point.

And no, Kendall doesn't trust them at all except...

"Yes" Kendall breathes in response, because yes yes yes, of course he does. He would follow these two boys to the ends of the earth, just as long as they were all together.

Without another word, James moves so that he is leaning up against the arm of couch, quickly pulling his jeans and boxers off down his legs and to the corner of the room before he is wrapping his arms around Kendall's waist and pulling the boy up into him to lie back against his chest between his propped legs. One hand runs over Kendall's chest, the other carding through matted blonde locks as lips press to the boys temple, making Kendall sigh and melt into James' touch more than he thought was even physically possible.

Kendall's drawn back to earth when Logan's fingers loop through the band of his jeans, pulling them down in one swift movement and leaving him bare, exposed, their's for the taking.

"Hey Kendall" Logan almost whispers, sliding up the blonde's body and wrapping a hand around the boys already leaking cock.

"Y-yeah?" Kendall breathes, framing Logan's face in his hands and drinking in every inch of skin he can see.

"I lo -"

Kendall smashes their lips together before Logan can say another word, because he doesn't know if he can take that right now. He refuses to accept that right now.

When Logan leans back, breathless, he stares at Kendall momentarily, searching those emerald eyes for answers but it's apparent he's getting none. But he pushes that out, they both do, for now is not the time for startling revelations of the heart... later.

Definitely later.

For now, Logan finds his tongue drawing the line down Kendall's chest and stomach, making the blonde grip at James' knees and try not to lose it so early. Not stilling the pump of his had, Logan nips his teeth down the seam of Kendall's thigh until he finds the destination to make the tall boy lose it.

"Fuck, Logan, please" Kendall gasps, moving up further into James' hold to give Logan better access at his exposed entrance.

With a grip of Kendall's thigh and a smirk on his lips, Logan leans forward, pressing his tongue flat to Kendall's entrance and making the boy jerk his hips up off the couch. Kendall's moaning and gasping by this point, because Logan... Logan and his fucking tongue is enough to make anyone moan and gasp in two seconds flat. And just when Kendall's about to moan out for more, Logan reads his mind, thrusting his tongue deeper and deeper and deeper until his face is pressed up against Kendall's ass and positively fucking him with his tongue.

"Shitshitshit" Kendall breathes into James' neck, the taller brunette grinning and biting down on Kendall's shoulder before he whispers, "he's so good with his tongue, Kendall. He can make you cum without even fucking touching you..."

"Please, please, oh - shit - please" Kendall babbles incoherently, unaware of the way he is rutting back into James' painfully hard dick, enough to cause the brunette to start grunting into his ear.

"Shit, no, Logan, no don't stop" Kendall whines, looking down at Logan between his legs and the grin splayed across his lips as his hand moves lazily up and down Kendall's cock.

"Oh baby" Logan almost laughs, "this will be much more fun, I promise"

And Kendall's not really sure about that, because that was pretty fun and -


Kendall throws his head back into the crook of James' neck, his eyes squeezing shut and his heart practically crashing through its cage as Logan thrust three fingers inside of him without absolutely no warning. But Kendall's going to be a liar if he say's he's not fucking losing his mind.

"More more" Kendall pants, James chuckling as he presses his lips to every inch of Kendall's sweat dripping face he can reach.

More? Kendall wants more? Well fuck, Logan is going to give him more. Show him who he fucking belongs to.

Four fingers is more than Kendall's ever taken, and he's thrusting down on them like even then they're not enough. And when Logan looks up at his face, he curses under his breath, because fuck... Kendall is the most fucking beautiful thing he's ever seen. His hair his matted against his forehead, tufts of blonde sticking out in God knows what direction. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth and he's making these delicious sounds that are caught halfway between moans and soft breaths. And his eyes... shit, his eyes; looking down on Logan like he is God's fucking gift to man kind, as if Logan is everything good and amazing and wonderful and Logan's hoping his eyes are saying the same thing about the blonde. Its about time he knew it.

"Kendall" Logan breathes out, "tell me you're mine"

"I'm yours" Kendall replies without hesitation, grunting out an almost animalistic moan as Logan curls his fingers to this perfect angle that has stars filtering his vision. "All fucking yours, forever - shit - forever"

"Fuck I lo - fuck" Logan bites his tongue, shaking his head and focusing on the task at hand:

Make Kendall lose his fucking mind.

Logan stills his fingers, ignoring Kendall's whines of protest as all he can do is give the blonde a quick grin before he is tucking in his thumb to his palm, taking one of Kendall's hands in his and locking their fingers tightly before he pushes his hand in slowly, slow enough to make even him fucking lose his mind.

Kendall bites back a scream, starting at Logan with wide eyes and squeezing their now joined hands together so tight he's probably cutting off circulation but whatever because fuck, Logan has his whole fucking fist inside of him, and quite frankly... Kendall feels like he's going to pass out.

In a good way.

Kendall's not even sure what he's saying anymore. It could be swearing or shouting or Logan's name or James' name or a big mixture of everything because he has completely mentally checked out. Word, nor thought, is even a thing he understand any more, all there is is every bone and every muscle and every fibre in his whole body feeling like it's being held to an open flame. Burning him, searing him, setting him on fire and refusing to be put out, because this must be some for of... Ok no, Heaven is not an appropriate analogy.

I think Kendall gave up that ticket a long time ago.

"Let go Kendall" James's breath ghosts over his skin, teeth nipping at his earlobe as he too feels like he's going to pass out from the way Kendall is grinding back into him, and not even on fucking purpose. "Do it"

And when Logan leans forward to wrap his lips around the head of Kendall's cock, he does.

With a shout and a moan and a scream and every other fucking sound in the book, James' arms tighten around Kendall's chest to keep him steady as his body quakes and he is coming hot and hard into Logan's eagerly awaiting mouth.

Logan begins to still the movements of his hand, still buried in Kendall to the wrist and hoping the blonde doesn't wince too much when he starts to pull out. But Kendall's too far gone to notice anything at this point. He's completely collapsed into James' chest, not even caring (or noticing) James' cum that sticks on his back. His hand loosens it's grip on Logan's, his eyes fluttering shut and the darkness beginning to ooze black into the corner of his mind as it all becomes a little less clear.

Logan kisses up his still shaking body, taking Kendall's face in his hands and forcing the blonde to open his eyes so he can grin at him before leaning in for a kiss. Kendall smiles, at first, ready for the press of lips to be soft and slow and loving, but letting out a squeak when he feels his own cum on his tongue. Logan keeps their mouth pressed tightly together, trying not to laugh against the other's lips as he tilts his head upwards, making Kendall take all of the cum from his mouth and forcing the blonde to swallow.

"Logan" Kendall groans when the brunette finally moves away, unable to stop himself from laughing at the utter look of disgust on Kendall's face. "That was my cum. Fuck you"

"You're cute" Logan smiles, leaning forward to capture Kendall's lips in the kiss he had first hoped for.

Soft, sweet, gentle, so strangely Logan.

"All ours" James murmurs into his ear, placing a light kiss to Kendall's pulse point.

Kendall smiles, leaning back to look at each boy before he presses a soft kiss to each one of their lips before he whispers, "All yours"