The girls proved to be quite annoying.
We had only gotten to the Safeway about two blocks from Abby's house when it began to rain. There were three umbrellas, so naturally Abby and Shannon shared one, Katie and Isabelle shared one, Megan got her own, and I was getting soaked.
"Sorry Nico, I only had three," Abby said when the rain finally stopped. We were in DC again.
"Megan could have shared!" I yelled at the blue-eyed girl.
"Megan hates sharing!" Megan shouted back.
"I'm hungry," Shannon said.
"Abby's got granola bars," I muttered, ringing out my sweatshirt sleeve.
"Actually, Nico," Abby said, "while we're in the city we should take advantage of it and get McDonald's."
I secretly groaned. I hated McDonald's, 'cause when I ate it it reminded me of when I used their happy meals to feed the dead.
Though these girls were on the verge of killing me...
So now we sit in two of those high tables with the extra-tall chairs, me, Abby, and Shannon in one and Megan, Katie, and Isabelle in the other. I was eating chicken nuggets.
"I like McDonald's," Shannon stated.
"Okay," I muttered.
"Be nicer, Nico," Abby hissed. "Shannon's seriously messed up, so we think she might have brain damage. Show some respect!"
"Oh, Abby, I don't have brain damage," Shannon said like it was the craziest idea in the world. "i'm just insane!"
"Like your fiancé?" Megan piped up from the other table, and the girls started laughing again.
"The squirrel," Abby explained.
"The murderer?"
"Yep!" Shannon said with a grin.
The man wiping the counter raised an eyebrow but continued with his job.
"Oh gods."
"Oh, Nico," Shannon said suddenly. "How does that work, with the gods and demigods and other crappy crap?"
"Well, basically either your mom or your dad is a mortal and the other one's not your real parent. Your other parent is a Greek or Roman God or Goddess."
"We know that," Isabelle scoffed. "I think Shannon means what's camp like?"
Shannon nodded around a sip of her soda.
I sighed. Camp.
"I- well, there are... lots of kids and teens," I mumbled. "And... we fight... monsters."
"Mmm," Katie said with sarcastic enthusiasm. "Fun. Well, actually, the monster-fighting part actually does sound fun!" She grinned and popped a French fry in her mouth.
What has my life been reduced to that I've been forced to sit here at McDonald's with five mentally insane girls?
*- My new linebreaker, Starfy!
When we finished, we started off again. Katie (who decided she wanted to go by 'Kat') and Isabelle started skipping and humming a Taylor Swift song. Megan was giggling about someone named 'Antonio' (Gods, these girls and their 'inside jokes'!), Shannon was doodling in a notebook and humming, and Abby was walking next to me, listening to music. At least she was quiet.
Of course, good things never last.
"So Nico," Abby began, pausing her music. "What's it like, being able to raise dead people?" If anything, she seemed a little too excited at the mention of dead people
"Uh... well, kind of scary sometimes," I admitted. "Dead people aren't all that pretty."
She nodded, like this made sense, and slipped her earbuds back in.
We walked for about an hour, until night fell. The girls convinced me to stop at a Hampton Inn instead of camping, due to us not having 'blankets and crap', as Megan so bluntly put it.
I watched as Abby slipped her bag under her pillow.
"That can't be comfortable," I remarked.
She glared at me. "Shut it, DiAngelo. I always do this, just in case a murderer comes at night. Then I break the window with this" she gestured to the alarm clock on the bedside table "and jump through. The bag is under my pillow so I won't have to search for it and die."
I open my mouth to object, then quickly closed it. "There really is no way to argue with you, is there?"
Abby grinned. "That's what I love about me!"
Sorry that this chapter's so short, but the real Abby and Isabelle were going to kill me if I didn't get it up today. So review, oh, pretty pretty please!
LOL CAMPAIGN RULES: If you review 'LOL', and I get 100 LOLs, I'll post 2 chappies in a row! In a freaking ROW!